
  1. 中国思想学术史上的道统与派分

    Dao Tong and Different Schools in China 's Intellectual History

  2. 中国社会教育社与乡村教育派分的互动

    The Social Education League of China and the Interactions among Rural Education Sects

  3. 强尼把一块派分做两小块并把大的留给自己,小的给他妹妹。

    Johnny divided a piece of pie into two pieces , kept the bigger piece for himself and gave the smaller piece to his sister .

  4. 从国学研究会到国学院的短短历程和遭遇,集中地反映了20年代早期南北学术界在整理国故运动中的地缘与派分。

    The short and miserable history from " the Society of Sinology " to " the Academy of Sinology " reflects geographical divisions of southern and northern academia during the Chinese Antiquarian Movement in the early 1920s .

  5. 元代道派的分衍与创新,道教传播范围的拓展,道教史家素质的提高等因素,促使道教史籍在元代得到长足发展。

    The evolution and innovation , the wide spread of the Taoism , and the improvement of the Taoism historian quality urged the rapid improvement for the Taoism history books in Yuan Dynasty .

  6. 中华武术素有南北派武功之分。

    There is always a division of the southern-school and northern-school Wushu work in the Chinese Wushu .

  7. (七)给中间派以三分之一的位置,目的在于争取中等资产阶级和开明绅士。

    Our aim in allocating one-third of the places to the intermediate sections is to win over the middle bourgeoisie and the enlightened gentry .

  8. 我被派到纽约的分公司工作。

    I was ordered to work at the New York branch .