
pài xìng
  • factionalism;tribalism;cliquism;ripper
派性 [pài xìng]
  • (1) [tribalism;factionalism]∶把本派别的利益看得高于一切的立场、见解或习气

  • 闹派性

  • (2) [cliquism]∶拉帮结派的倾向

派性[pài xìng]
  1. 现在闹派性已经严重地妨害我们的大局。

    Factionalism now seriously jeopardizes our overall interest .

  2. 第二,必须坚决同派性作斗争。

    Second , it is imperative to struggle against factionalism .

  3. 宗教崇拜和僧侣界天然就有派性

    Religious cults and priesthoods are sectarian by nature .

  4. 闹派性的人大部分是可以教育过来的。

    The majority of people engaging in factional activities can be educated .

  5. 闹派性的头头不服从调动怎么办?

    What if a factional ringleader refuses to be transferred ?

  6. 大会星期一的日程中几乎取消了所有具有派性色彩的重要讲话。

    Monday , the convention was stripped of all major partisan speeches .

  7. 对于派性,领导上要有个明确的态度,就是要坚决反对。

    The leadership must be clear-cut and firm in its opposition to factionalism .

  8. 对闹派性的人要再教育,要反对闹派性的头头。

    Persons engaging in factional activities should be re-educated and their leaders opposed .

  9. 要把闹派性的人从原单位调开。

    Active factionalists must be transferred to other posts .

  10. 提倡群方堂,反对一言堂我们提倡党性,反对派性。

    We advocate Party spirit and oppose factionalism .

  11. 绝大多数人,包括被派性迷了心窍的人,都可以挽救过来。

    The overwhelming majority , including those who were obsessed by factionalism , were redeemable .

  12. 你的行业是闹派性,何必到我们这里来拿工资?

    Since his trade is factionalism , why should we keep him on our payroll ?

  13. 其中,有的是敌人,他们利用派性来闹事;

    Among them , some are true enemies who capitalize on factionalism to cause serious disruption ;

  14. 有的是打了几年派仗,被派性迷住了心窍。

    Still others are obsessed by factionalism after having gone through several years of such strife .

  15. 对于派性,还要号召群众、发动群众起来共同反对。

    Moreover , we should call on the masses to join in the effort against factionalism .

  16. 有的党员就是不讲党性,坚持搞派性。

    Some party members don 't act in accordance with Party spirit but persist in factionalism .

  17. 比方说我是在德克萨斯的,一个非常宗派性的原教旨主义教会长大的。

    For example , I grew up in a very , very sectarian fundamentalist church in Texas .

  18. 你要斗派性,没有敢字当头的领导班子就根本不可能;

    It is utterly impossible to combat factionalism without a leadership which " puts daring first " .

  19. 要安定团结,就必须消除派性,增强党性。

    In order to achieve stability and unity , we must eliminate factionalism and enhance Party spirit .

  20. 为了努力吸引他们的注意力,新闻出版商正变得更具派性、也更为尖锐。

    In an effort to catch their attention , news publishers are becoming more partisan and more strident .

  21. 政府报告严厉强调教师在上历史课时不能采取党派性的立场。

    The government report stresses very firmly that teachers must not take a partisan line in history lessons .

  22. 在这一系列党的原则中,反对宗派主义,也就是反对派性,增强党性,是很重要的一条。

    Among them , combating sectarianism that is , combating factionalism and enhancing Party spirit is very important .

  23. 铁路系统里闹派性的人同地方上闹派性的人是有联系的,反对派性,要把他们之间的联系切断。

    Factionalists in the railway departments have ties with those in the localities . We must cut these ties .

  24. 最近这个时期,又钻出了一个派性,这一点我们一定要注意。

    Recently , factionalism has been reasserting itself ; this is something to which we must certainly pay attention .

  25. 所以,军队的整顿,一个是要提高党性,消除派性;一个是要加强纪律性。

    So to consolidate the army we must both enhance Party spirit and eliminate factionalism , and strengthen discipline .

  26. 宗教由恐惧开始,经历爱与崇拜,最终发展到与神合一。宗教崇拜和僧侣界天然就有派性。

    Religion starts with fear , passes through love and adoration and culminates in the union with the Lord .

  27. 他说,参议院共和与民主两党议员通过的关于追溯豁免权的议案,提供的这种保护不是一个党派性的问题。

    He says that protection is not a partisan issue as Republicans and Democrats in the Senate approved retroactive immunity .

  28. 比如派性,还有一些“左”的东西,相当大的成分是从那里来的。

    Among other things , they were responsible for much of the factionalism and some " Left " notions and practices .

  29. 铁路上的派性问题,地方解决不了的,由铁道部解决。

    Factional problems in the railways that the local governments are unable to handle will be dealt with by the ministry .

  30. 现在解决各地区、各部门的问题,都要从反对派性、增强党性入手。

    The present attempts to solve problems in different regions and units should all begin with combating factionalism and enhancing Party spirit .