
  • 网络Digital Yellow River
  1. 3S技术在数字黄河中的应用

    The Applications of 3S in Digital Yellow River

  2. 就4S技术在数字黄河工程中的应用进行了论述,并对4S技术应用的关键问题作了探讨。

    The application of 4S technologies to Digital Yellow River Project ( DYRP ) is discussed , and its key problem is investigated .

  3. 随着数字化技术和Internet的迅速发展,以及传感器技术、图像获取技术的进步,数字黄河工程系统中三维图形的数据量越来越大,给图形的存储、传输和处理带来很大的负担。

    As the development of the digital technology and Internet , as well as the progress of the sensor and graph capturing , the big volume of 3D data is a core problem of graph storage and transfer .

  4. 黄河水环境地理信息系统(简称HPGIS)是数字黄河的一个组成部分。

    Yellow River Water Environment Geographic Information System ( HPGIS ) is the part of the Digital Yellow River .

  5. 数字黄河的基本框架和关键技术

    The Basic Frame of Digitalized Yellow river With Key Technique

  6. 数字黄河工程的建设框架及工程进展

    Building Scheme and Progress of Digital Huanghe Engineering

  7. 数字黄河工程建设的目标、任务及原则

    Objectives , Terms of Reference and Principle of " Digital Yellow River " Project

  8. 数字黄河工程建设推动黄河水利现代化进程

    Build-up a Digitalized Yellow River , Promote Water Management Modernization in the Yellow River

  9. 数字黄河水资源保护工程需求分析研究

    Analysis and Research on the Demand for Digitization Water Resources Protection Engineering of the Yellow River

  10. 试论数字黄河工程

    On Digital Yellow River Project

  11. 基于网格的“数字黄河”框架与平台技术研究

    Study on the Technology of Framework and Platform of " A Digital Yellow River " Established on Grid

  12. “数字黄河”作为科学工程,是数字地球的组成部分。

    The ' digital Yellow River ' , as scientific engineering , is one part of the digital earth .

  13. 进入21世纪,黄河水利委员会提出数字黄河的概念。

    In twenty-first Century , Yellow River Conservancy Commission put forward the concept of " Digital Yellow River " .

  14. 小花间暴雨洪水预警预报系统是“数字黄河”工程的首项工程。

    The rainstorm and flood warning and forecasting system of Xiaohua reach is the first project of " Digital Yellow River " .

  15. 建设“数字黄河”工程是我国水利信息化建设的要求。

    To build " Digital Yellow River " Project is the demand of the times on informationization in water sector in China .

  16. 同时,模型黄河还应成为数字黄河运行结果中试环节。

    Besides , they can not only offer information for numerical modeling of the river but also test the results given by the latter .

  17. 黄委会于2001年正式启动数字黄河工程,加快黄河信息化建设的步伐。

    The Yellow River Conservancy Commission started the project of ' digital Yellow-River ' in 2001 , quicken the information construction of the Yellow River .

  18. 指出数字黄河是数字地球的重要组成部分,数字黄河信息技术系统应包括黄河流域信息基础设施、黄河流域空间数据基础设施、黄河流域监测与数据采集体系等;

    It is highlighted that DYR IT system should include info infrastructure for YR Basin , spatial data infrastructure , data survey and collection system , etc.

  19. 2002年12月,水利部黄河水利委员会公布《数字黄河工程规划》报告,全面指导数字黄河工程建设。

    In December 2002 , Yellow River Committee announced " the Digital Yellow River Project Planning ", as a comprehensive guide of " Digital Yellow River " project .

  20. 要按照统一规划,分步实施的原则,在现状工程的基础上,进一步建设和完善数字黄河工程。

    According to " unified planning ," principle , on the basis of the current situation of engineering construction , further perfect " digital Yellow River " engineering .

  21. 因此,建设“数字黄河”工程是实现黄河治理开发与管理现代化的关键措施和必由之路,不仅十分必要,而且非常迫切。

    Therefore , building " Digital Yellow River " Project is the key measure and the only way for achieving the modernization on Yellow River development and management .

  22. 通过开展对网格技术的研究,实现“数字黄河”工程远期建设的应用需求:即海量信息的存储、管理与共享;

    It will meet the demands of forward building of " A Digital Yellow River " project , i.e.storage , management and share of a vast amount of information ;

  23. 该文介绍了企业信息门户的主要技术,针对数字黄河建设工程中面临的问题,提出了水利信息门户的概念,并用来设计和实现一个原型系统。

    This article introduces the main technology of EIP and presentes water resource information portal ( WIP ) to resolve the problems in the project of " digital yellow river " .

  24. 在“需求牵引,应用至上”的建设原则下,开展了“数字黄河”工程需求分析;

    It carries out the analysis on the demand of " Digital Yellow River " Project under the principle of " taking demand as traction and putting application above everything else " .

  25. 对数字黄河的定义、主要目标、框架体系、信息技术系统、信息应用服务技术体系以及数字黄河的关键技术支撑等问题进行了探讨。

    Expounded are definition of Digitalization of Yellow River ( DYR ), and latter 's main targets , IT system , framework system , IE system , Info Service system , the concerned key technologies , etc.

  26. 三维图形广泛应用于数字黄河工程的多个方面,数字黄河系统中,各应用部门或单位通过三维建模软件和三维扫描采集的三维图形信息,都需要存储且通过一定带宽的通信网进行传输。

    In " Digital Yellow River " system , all departments collect 3D graphic information by using 3D modeling software and 3D scanner , which needs to be stored and transferred via a certain bandwidth of the internet .

  27. 通过数字黄河与模型黄河的联合运用,确保各种治理开发方案在原型黄河上实现技术先进、经济合理、安全有效的目标。

    With the joint operation of the Digital Yellow River and the Model - based Yellow River , various development plans and schemes along the Yellow River will realize the objectives of advanced technology , economical expenses , safety and effectiveness .

  28. 规划成果包括“数字黄河”工程规划报告以及数字防汛、数字水资源管理与调度、公共基础信息采集、计算机网络、数据中心以及信息资源调查与整合等11个专题规划报告。

    It includes 11 special planning reports of " Digital Yellow River " project , digital flood prevention , digital water resources management and regulation , public basic information collection , computer network , data center and information resources investigation and integration .

  29. 随着黄委数字黄河工程建设的开展以及计算机广域网络的扩大、开发技术运行方式的变化和用户的迅速增长,原有系统已不能满足实际需求。

    As the implementation of the ' Digital Yellow River ' project , along with the expansion of the networks ( YRCC WAN ), the increasing of users and the changes of development techniques , the original systems can no longer meet the ever-increasing requirement .

  30. 论述了以网络技术为基础,以空间信息技术为核心的黄河信息系统体系的数字黄河的概念,给出了数字黄河工程的框架,简述了建设数字黄河的关键技术。

    In this paper , we propose a new concept of digitalized yellow river which formed on the basis of network and spatial information technique , give the frame of the " digitalized yellow river " project and put forward key technique needed in the project .