
  1. Fibonacci数列通项公式的一个注及Fibonacci矩阵

    A Note of General Term Formula for Fibonacci Number Sequence and Fibonacci Matrix

  2. 给出r阶Fibonacci数列通项公式与性质和系数为r阶F数的级数和以及r阶F数在排列组合方面的应用。

    Study general term formulas of r order Fibonacci sequence and some properties and give the sum of series with coefficient is r order F-numbers and application for permutation is given .

  3. 有穷数列通项公式的三种通用求法

    Three Common Ways on the General Term of a Finite Sequence of Number

  4. 二阶线性循环数列通项公式的一种推导方法

    An Derivation Solution to the General Term Formula of Second-variation Linear Circulatory Sequence

  5. 应用线性代数理论建立数列通项公式的方法

    Methods to Build up General Formula of Sequence by Using Linear Algebraic Theory

  6. 本文讨论了矩阵的对角化在线性循环数列通项公式中的应用。

    This paper discusses applications of diagonalization of the matrix in the general formula of linear recurrent sequence .

  7. 利用求数列通项公式的不动点法,讨论了一类分式递归数列的周期性,并得到了关于一类分式递归的数列的周期性的一个结论,最后给出了这个结论的应用。

    By means of the method of stable points , the period of a class of fractional recurrent sequence is discussed , and the applications of the conclusion are given .

  8. K阶常系数线性递归数列的通项公式与通项的计算机算法

    The general term formula of order k constant cofficient linear recursive sequence of number and the computer algorithm of the general term

  9. 线性循环数列的通项公式

    The general term formula of linear recurrent sequence

  10. 应用行列式的有关性质,研究了一般形式的线性递归数列的通项公式。

    By applying the properties of determinant , the general formula of a usual type of linear recursive sequence is studied .

  11. 讨论了K-等比数列的通项公式、求和公式及K-等比级数的收敛性。

    In this paper , the author discussed the formula of general term and sum of the K-geometric sequence , and the convergence of the K-geometric series summed by a K-geometric sequence .

  12. 要求他们在教师指导或自学完成学习等差数列概念和通项公式。

    We asked them to learn the concept and the formula of general term of arithmetic progression under a teacher instruction or self-learning . After learning , they were asked to finish a test of far-transfer problems and near-transfer problems .

  13. 在数列教学中引入等差数列和等比数列的递归模式,可以为求数列的通项公式提供一些灵活多变的解题思路和简便快捷的解题途径。

    Introducing the recursive schema in equal difference and equal ratio progressions to teaching progression can provide some flexible and variable approaches and some simple and rapid ways to problem solving for seeking the general term equation of progressions .