
  • 网络Data Quality;data quality control
  1. GIS空间数据质量控制与模糊信息处理

    Spatial Data Quality Control of GIS and Fuzzy Information Processing

  2. GIS数据质量控制技术在地籍数据库建设中的应用

    Application of GIS Data Quality Control Technology to Cadastral Database

  3. 土地房产GIS基础数据质量控制与检查方法

    Quality Control and Inspection Method of Land-House GIS Basic Data

  4. 统计工序控制图在GIS数据质量控制中的应用

    Application of Control Chart to GIS Data Quality Control

  5. GPS数据质量控制中实时周跳探测研究

    Real-time Cycle-slip Detection for Quality Control of GPS Measurements

  6. GIS数据质量控制理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of GIS Data Quality Control

  7. GIS建库中对空间数据质量控制的一些方法与措施

    Some Method and Measure of the Quality Control of Spatial Data in Building Database of GIS

  8. 因此,研究GIS数据质量控制的理论与方法具有重要的现实意义。

    So it has important practical significance to study the theory and method of data quality control in GIS .

  9. 然后用面向对象语言C设计开发了陕西省自动气象站实时数据质量控制系统,实现了对陕西省所属的自动气象站实时观测数据的质量控制。

    We developed the real-time data quality control system of Shaanxi AWS by using C # object-oriented language , and realized the quality control of AWS real-time data .

  10. 根据目前GIS在我国洪水风险图编制方面的使用状况,我国在洪水风险编制时应加强基础数据质量控制、数据与成果共享、表现形式统一等方面的研究和工作。

    Considering GIS application in flood hazard mapping , it is suggested to strengthen studies on quality control of basic data , data sharing and unified presentation form .

  11. 针对现有GIS数据质量控制存在的问题,开展了一些工作,实现对农业地质调查数据加工质量的控制。

    According to existing problems of GIS data quality control , some works are carried out in order to control the quality of data processing of the agrogeology investigation .

  12. ARGO剖面浮标数据质量控制过程剖析

    Analysis of data Quality Control Process of the ARGO Profiling Buoy

  13. 分析了CALIS联合目录数据库的质量问题及其原因,并提出了加强书目数据质量控制的一些建议。

    Have analysed the quality problem and reason of CALIS online catalogue database , and proposes strengthening some suggestions of bibliographic data quality control .

  14. 要使GDP数据质量控制体系得以有效运行,需要抓紧数据管理人才培养、建立高效的国家统计信息网络体系、建立GDP数据质量组织保障体系。

    To make the quality control system for the GDP data run effectively , we need to seize the training for persons with the data management ability , construct the efficient national statistical information network system , and establish the GDP data quality organization system .

  15. 目前比较成熟的风廓线雷达数据质量控制方法主要有最优插值法、WW算法、NIMA算法、一致性平均法、中值滤波法和滑动平均滤波法等。

    The mature wind profile radar data quality control method mainly has optimal interpolation method , the WW algorithm , the NIMA algorithm , the consistency of average method , the median filtering method and the moving average filtering method .

  16. 扫描矢量化的数据质量控制与评价方法浅析&以《中国海岸带和海涂资源综合调查图集》为例

    On the Quality Control and Evaluation Method of Scanned Vector Data

  17. 网络环境下编目数据质量控制探讨

    Probe into Control of the Catalogue Data Quality in Network Environment

  18. 第二次土地调查(农村部分)数据质量控制技术与方法研究

    Research on Data Quality Control in the Second Rural Land Investigation

  19. 论书目数据质量控制

    RECORD OF SCULPTURE CONSIDERING On the Quality Control of Booklist Data

  20. 基于元模型的网管数据质量控制

    Research on Data Quality Control Based on Meta - model Technology

  21. 数据质量控制提供了数字地形图的质量保障。

    Data quality control provides quality of digital topographical map .

  22. 数据质量控制是良好的数字地形图质量的重要保证。

    Data quality controlling is a important index for topographic digital map .

  23. 非常态下图书馆编目数据质量控制问题初探

    On QUALITY CONTROL of Library Catalogue Data under Special Circumstances

  24. 盒须图和相关模型法数据质量控制

    Box-and-Whisker Plots and Correlation Model Method for Data Quality Control

  25. 普通图书编目数据质量控制之我见

    My Opinions on the Quality Control of Cataloging Data of Common Books

  26. 单源交通流数据质量控制算法设计与程序实现

    Single-source traffic flow data quality control algorithm and program design

  27. 数据质量控制在制丝生产线的应用

    The application of Digital Quality Control in primary processing line

  28. 城市道路交通流实时数据质量控制技术

    Real-time Data Quality Controlling Technology for Urban Road Traffic Flow

  29. 空间几何数据质量控制的理论与方法研究

    A Study of Theory and Methods on Quality Control for Geometric Data

  30. 国内外实时交通流数据质量控制比较与分析

    Comparative Analysis of Quality Controls of Real - Time Traffic Flow Data