
  1. 金融信息交换协议FIX是适用于实时证券、金融电子交易的数据通信标准。

    FIX protocol is applicable for real-time securities , finance , electronic transactions , and data communications standards .

  2. BACnet作为一种开放的国际化楼宇数据通信标准,提供了系统和设备间的互操作机制。

    As an open internationalization building data communication standards , BACnet has provided interoperability mechanism between the system and equipments .

  3. 分析了GPS输出数据的通信标准及其数据帧的接收和参数提取的方法;

    Then it analyzes the communication protocol of GPS 's output data , and works out a solution to receive data frame and retrieve navigation information from GPS .

  4. 协作过程中的数据通信采用KQML标准设计,并增加消息等级,以提高通信和系统的效率。

    Data communication during the cooperation process is designed according to KQML standard . Message degree is increased to improve the efficiency of communication and system .

  5. 铁路分组交换数据通信网编号标准有关问题的说明

    A Note on the Problem on Numbering Standard for Railway Packet Switching Data Communication Network

  6. 另一方面,空间数据通信协议的标准也不是一成不变的。

    On the other hand , the standard of data communication protocol of the space is not unalterable .

  7. 蓝牙技术是最近几年新发展起来的一种通用短距离无线数据/话音通信标准(或称作连接协议)。

    Bluetooth technology is a new general - purpose , short-range radio data / voice communication standard ( or a connection protocol ) in recent years .

  8. 全球范围内正在兴起的对建设“智能电网”的关注。要求接受专门针对低功率、低传输速率数据网络的通信标准。

    The increasing interest around the world in development of " smart grids " requires the acceptance of communications standards that are designed specifically for low power , low data rate networks .

  9. JDBC:Java数据库连接接口提供了与诸如关系数据库的数据源进行通信的标准化方式。

    JDBC : The Java DataBase Connectivity interface provides a standardized way to communicate with data sources such as relational databases .

  10. 在仔细研究上述通信过程的基础上,本设计有针对性的制定了各种不同的数据通信协议,接口标准以及通信处理过程以满足整个平台对仿真的要求。

    After carefully study of the communication process , a series of special data communication protocols , interface standards and communication process are designed to meet the requirements of simulation platform .