
  • 网络Fiber Numerical Aperture;N.A
  1. 利用M(416B)实现远场光斑法测量光纤数值孔径

    Measurement of Fiber N.A.by Far-Field Optical Spot Technique Using M_ ( 416B ) Analyzer

  2. 本文介绍了在M(416B)折射率分布测试仪上,附加一些光学元件,组成光斑法测光纤数值孔径的测试装置。

    This paper describes a setup for measuring fiber N. A. by optical spot technique using M_ ( 416B ) refractive index analyzer with some additional optical components .

  3. 光子晶体光纤数值孔径测试的一种新方法

    A new method for measurement of numerical aperture of photonic crystal fibers

  4. 弯曲对光纤数值孔径的影响

    Effects of Bending on Optical Fiber Numerical Aperture

  5. 光纤数值孔径的自动测量

    Automatic Measurement of Optical Fiber Numerical Aperture

  6. 多模光纤数值孔径测试

    Measuring Numerical Aperture of Multimode Fiber

  7. 将用航天器作近距探测的彗星。光纤数值孔径的测量方法有多种,但所需的实验装置都比较复杂。

    They are-comets . There are many measurement methods of the NA , but they require complicated devices .

  8. 该系统也可实现聚合物光纤数值孔径的测量和折射率分布的表征等。

    The system can also be applied to measurement of numerical aperture of polymer optic fiber and characterization of the refractory index distribution .

  9. 提高光纤面板数值孔径(NA)测试精度的措施

    Measures for Improving Test Accuracy of Numerical Aperture of Optic Fibre Plate

  10. 所拉制的光纤、数值孔径NA高达0.30。

    The NA of the fibers to be drawn can be up to 0 30 .

  11. 测量了拉制成的有孔光纤的数值孔径和归一化频率等传输参数,并基于有效折射率方法与理论值进行了比较。

    Transmission parameters such as numerical aperture and normalized frequency of the fabricated holey fibers have been measured and compared with theoretical values based on effective index method .

  12. 多模阶跃折射率塑料光纤带宽与数值孔径的分析

    Analysis of Bandwidth and Numerical Aperture of Multi-mode SI-POF

  13. 然后,采用数值仿真的方法系统地研究了多模光纤参数(包括光纤对轴间距、光纤芯径和光纤数值孔径)、反射面倾斜因子以及形状因子对RIM-FOS强度调制特性的影响规律。

    Then , the numerical simulation is fulfilled , along with a series of rules of the influence on intensity modulation property caused by multimode fiber parameters , the factors of reflector shape and inclination .

  14. 论文提出了光纤压力传感器的总体方案,建立了压力信号测试的数学模型,推导出了光在弯曲光纤中的数值孔径,分析了光电探测的几种方式。

    It produce general planning of fibre optic pressure sensor design , established pressure signal measuring mathematic model , deduce lights numerical aperture in bent optical fiber , analyses some kind of photoelectric detection mode .