
  1. 光栅是光学仪器与光电信息处理系统中的重要光学元件,光栅的衍射效率是评价光栅质量的重要参数之一。

    Grating is an important component in optical instruments and optoelectronics information processing systems , and the diffraction efficiency is one of the most important parameters in grating-evaluating .

  2. 光电信息计算机处理

    Computer Processing in Photoelectric Information

  3. 以某型号产品的弹载计算机为研究背景,按照实时性、小型化的要求,设计了以数字信号处理器(DSP)为核心的某光电跟踪产品信息处理平台的硬件系统。

    With the studying background of missile-borne computer , and according to the requests of real-time and miniaturization , the signal-processing system hardware of photoelectric tracking product whose core is DSP is designed .

  4. 光电跟踪系统信息处理技术研究

    Research on the Information Processing Techniques of the Photoelectric Tracking System

  5. 其次论述对光电跟踪系统信息处理单元的设计,重点阐述了激光测距仪信息处理机软、硬件设计及工作流程,论述其关键技术及实现途径;

    Secondly , it discusses the design of the information processing units , putting stress on the software and hardware of the laser information processor and the operating flowchart , the key techniques and the implementation .

  6. 采用光电转换与计算机信息处理技术,通过自动调整边界条件和三次样条拟合的方法建立了电子束轮廓自动测量系统。

    By using optical-to-electrical conversion and information processing technique by computer , an automatic measurement system for electron beam profile is constructed through automatically adjusting boundary conditions and spline fitting method for three times .

  7. 文中对光电信息的获得与处理,按宽度调制的断续调节系统,硅片高反差标记符号等方面进行了理论分析,指出了解决问题的途径。

    Theoretical analyses of the acquisition and processing of opto-electric information , the continuous regulating system on width modulation and the design of the high-contrast labels on silicon chip are made , and the ways of solving problems pointed out .

  8. 本光电智能门禁系统由个人信息存储与发送装置及光电信息处理与控制装置二部分组成。

    Photoelectric intelligence door-keeper system comprises private information storage , sending device and photoelectric information handling controlling device .