
  • 网络Optical Coherence Tomography;oct
  1. 用高渗制剂可提高光学相干层析成像(OCT)的探测深度。

    It is known that the detecting depth of optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) can be enhanced by hyper - osmotic agent .

  2. 基于单片机的光学相干层析成像系统

    An Optical Coherence Tomography System Based on a Single-Chip Microcomputer

  3. 光学相干层析成像(OCT)是一种高分辨率、无损的生物组织光学成像技术。

    Optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) is a noninvasive morphological method . It allows high-resolution imaging in vivo .

  4. 探测和成像技术的不断发展使得医学成像手段越来越丰富,光学相干层析成像(OpticalCoherencetomography,OCT)就是其中之一。

    The continuous development of detection and imaging technology produced more and more medical imaging methods , one of which is optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) .

  5. 论述了光学相干层析成像(OCT)眼检系统的要求及基本原理,并对OCT眼检关键技术进行了探讨。

    The requirements of optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) for ophthalmic imaging system and its basic principle were given .

  6. 光学相干层析成像(OpticalCoherencetomography,OCT)技术是一种新型的医学成像方法,其基于低相干干涉原理,可获得生物组织表层下高分辨率的截面图像。

    Optical Coherence Tomography which is based on the low coherence interference is a new medical imaging method . It can obtain the high resolution cross-section image of the interior biological tissue .

  7. 为了提高复杂多层样品层析图像的分辨率,构建了复谱频域光学相干层析成像(CSOCT)系统。

    In order to improve the tomographic image resolution of complex multi-layer objects , a complex spectral domain optical coherence tomography ( CSD-OCT ) system is established .

  8. 光学相干层析成像(OpticalCoherencetomography,OCT)是近年来快速发展的一种生物组织高分辨率实时成像技术。

    Optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) is a fast developing technology for medical diagnosis in vivo . The resolution of optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) depends on the spectral properties of the light sources used in OCT systems .

  9. 光学相干层析成像术(OCT)是一种无损伤、非侵入、高分辨率及实时在位生物组织微观医学成像技术,是当前成像技术的研究热点之一。

    The optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) is one of the novel tomography imaging technique , which possess the capability of non-invasion in vivo imaging the microstructure of biological tissue with high resolution .

  10. 综述了光学相干层析成像(OCT)技术的基本原理及其发展状况,以及OCT成像的机理分析,并讨论了散斑现象对OCT成像的影响和减弱方法。

    The principle and the development of Optical Coherence Tomography ( OCT ) are summarized in this paper . Also the imaging mechanism of OCT. the speckle which will affect the image of OCT and speckle-reduction methods are analysed .

  11. 光学相干层析成像技术(OpticalCoherencetomography,简称OCT)作为一种全新的光学断层成像技术,以其无辐射、非侵入、高分辨率及高探测灵敏度等特点,在临床医学领域具有巨大的发展潜力。

    Optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) is a novel optical tomography technique which has many advantages , such as non-contact and non-invasion detection , high resolution , high sensitivity for the imaging of living biological tissue . It has been possessed of great development potential application in clinical medicine .

  12. 光学相干层析成像信号探测和处理电路设计与制作

    Optical Coherence Tomography Signal Detection and Processing Circuit Design and Fabrication

  13. 光学相干层析成像技术用于裸鼠皮肤霉菌感染研究

    Study on Mildew Infecting Skin of Naked Mouse by Optical Coherence Tomography

  14. 眼检光学相干层析成像系统及实验研究

    Experimental study on optical coherence tomography system for ophthalmic imaging

  15. 基于米氏理论的蒙特卡洛光学相干层析成像系统模拟研究

    Optical coherence tomography simulation with Monte Carlo method based on Mie theory

  16. 三维谱域光学相干层析成像系统的研制

    Development of a Spectrum Domain 3D Optical Coherence Tomography System

  17. 旋转式扫描方法在光学相干层析成像系统的应用

    Rotary Scanning Method Applied to Optical Coherence Tomography System

  18. 光学相干层析成像系统中双通快速扫描光学延迟线的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Double Pass Rapid Scanning Optical Delay Line in Optical Coherence Tomography

  19. 用于眼检的光学相干层析成像技术研究

    Research on Optical Coherence Tomography for Eyes Detection

  20. 利用变迹术和相干门相结合实现光学相干层析成像术轴向超分辨

    Axial Superresolution in Optical Coherence Tomography Through the Combination of Apodization and Coherence Gating

  21. 一种高速的光学相干层析成像系统

    A High-speed Imaging System of Optical Coherence Tomography

  22. 光学相干层析成像系统的蒙特卡罗模拟

    Monte Carlo Simulation for Optical Coherence Tomography System

  23. 光学相干层析成像的图像重建

    The Reconstruction of Optical Coherence Tomography Image

  24. 鼠眼睛前段光学相干层析成像

    Imaging Mouse-eye-forepart by Optical Coherence Tomography

  25. 叙述了光学相干层析成像技术的基本原理,特别介绍了实现光学相干层析成像的两种方法。

    This paper introduces the basic principles of the technology of optical coherence tomography and its two implementation methods .

  26. 提出了一种将变迹术与光学相干层析成像术相干门有机结合的方法来提高其轴向分辨力。

    A method to increase the axial resolution in OCT by combining coherence gating with apodization through an appropriate pupil filter is introduced .

  27. 光学相干层析成像(光学相干层析成像术)的轴向分辨力由光源带宽和探测光束的聚焦条件共同决定。

    Axial resolution in optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) imaging is determined by the coherence length of light source and the beam-focusing condition .

  28. 对光学相干层析成像挂术的现状、存在的问题、新进展和临床医学上应用也进行了讨论。

    The following contents of the technology are also presented , including its present situation , existent problems , new programs and applications in clinical medicine .

  29. 可调谐宽带光源在光通讯、光动力学、光计算、环境监测、光学相干层析成像、激光遥感、激光雷达以及光谱学研究等许多重要领域都有着非常广泛的应用。

    Tunable broadband light source has been applied for kinds of important fields , such as optical communication , photodynamic , optical computing , environmental monitoring and surveillance , optical coherence tomography , laser remote sensing technique , laser radar and spectroscopy .

  30. 研制基于51单片机控制用于组织高分辨率成像的光学相干层析成像系统,详细阐述了该系统的工作原理,硬件组成和软件设计方案。

    I An Optical Coherence Tomography ( OCT ) for tissue imaging with high-resolution , based on 51 serial single chip microcomputer has been developed . The operating principle , hardware construction and soft design of this system are expounded in detail in this paper .