
  • 网络optical filter
  1. 具有分形特征的多通道薄膜光学滤波器

    Multichannel Thin-Film Optical Filters With Fractal Characteristic

  2. 综述了目前已普遍应用以及尚处研究开发阶段,但具有潜在应用前景的各种光学滤波器,以及介绍它们的结构和基本原理及其性能。

    The optical filters which have been widely used or being developed are summarized with focus on the structures , working principles and some characteristics .

  3. 报道了利用增益开关分布反馈半导体激光器、F-P光学滤波器及掺饵光纤放大器研制成光孤子源的研究工作。

    The studies on an optical soliton source which is prepared using a gain - switched DFB laser , a F-P optical filter and an Er-doped fiber amplifier are reported .

  4. 本论文利用SOI硅片制备了新型的压电驱动F-P腔体可调光学滤波器并进行了初步的光学测试。

    A novel F-P tunable filter driven by using piezoelectrics was fabricated with the SOI material .

  5. 光通信系统的不断发展推动了WDM技术的不断进步,因而也极大推动了包括光学滤波器在内的光学器件的发展。

    Optical communication system has promoted the continuous development of WDM technology , which also promoted development of optical devices including optical filters .

  6. 532nm法拉第光学滤波器传输特性

    Transmission Properties of Faraday Anomalous Dispersion Optical Filter at 532 nm

  7. F-P型可调谐液晶光学滤波器是一种小体积窄带宽低压调谐滤波器。

    The F-P type tunable liquid crystal ( LC ) optical filter is a kind of compact tunable filter with narrow bandwidth and low tuning voltage .

  8. 利用光学滤波器将宽带光源的光谱进行分割,并将分割后的窄带光谱调制,从而用来传输数据的光谱分割技术对于波分复用(WDM)系统是一种低成本的解决方案。

    The technique of spectrum slicing is a low cost approach to wavelength division multiplexing system in which narrow bands are filtered from broadband source by optical filters and amplitude modulated to transmit data .

  9. DWDM光网络的每个节点又包含着大量的光电子器件和各种功能模块,光学滤波器是DWDM光网中一类重要的光子器件。

    In Each main node in the DWDM network involves a lot of optoelectronic components and various function modules . Optical filter represents a big class of key photonic components .

  10. 随着密集波分复用(DWDM)系统光信道数量的增加,与DWDM技术有关的各种光学滤波器技术成为当前光纤通信领域的研究热点。

    With the increasing of optical channels in dense wavelength division multiplex ( DWDM ) systems , various optical filters related to DWDM applications become a hot research area in optical fiber communication .

  11. 对几种光纤光学滤波器进行了理论分析,特别是均匀周期光纤光栅滤波器、光纤光栅F-P滤波器、M-Z环形震荡滤波器,为之后的应用提供了理论基础。

    Analyses several types of fiber optic filters in theory , particularly uniform period fiber Bragg grating filter , fiber Bragg grating F-P filter and M-Z ring resonator filter and provides basic theory for the application in future .

  12. 基于细菌视紫红质膜的用于滤除亮背景光学滤波器的特性分析

    Characters for optical filter of removing bright-background based on bacteriorhodopsin film

  13. 温度补偿型电调谐液晶光学滤波器的设计

    Design of Electrically Tunable Liquid Crystal Optical Filter of Temperature Compensation

  14. 液晶损耗对可调谐液晶光学滤波器性能的影响

    Effect of liquid crystal loss on tunable liquid crystal optical filter

  15. 基于采样光纤光栅的多通道光学滤波器滤光器-光栅红外光谱仪

    Multi-Channel Spectral Filters Based on Sampled Fiber Bragg Gratings

  16. 薄膜光学滤波器的特性分析与设计技术研究

    Characteristic Analysis and Design of Optical Film Filters

  17. 钠色散光学滤波器的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Sodium Dispersion Optical Filter

  18. 电子可调谐光学滤波器

    Electronically tunable optical filter

  19. 双频光栅傅里叶变换轮廓术频谱混叠研究基于采样光纤光栅的多通道光学滤波器

    Overlapping Caused by Fourier Transformation Profilometry Based on Tow-frequency Grating Multi-Channel Spectral Filters Based on Sampled Fiber Bragg Gratings

  20. 光学滤波器是光通信系统中极其重要的器件,尤其是适于集成化的亚波长器件。

    Optical filter plays a very important role in optical communication systems device , especially sub-wavelength devices for integrating .

  21. 为了简化窄带光学滤波器的结构,需要寻求更高折射率的膜层材料。

    To reduce the construction size of narrow band pass filter , it is needed to look for the coating materials with high refractive index .

  22. 计算得到一、二、三级石英晶体旋光光学滤波器在不同透射主峰的特征参量,并对其进行了实验验证。

    The filter characteristics of the one - , two - , and three-stage quartz optical filter at different main transmission peaks were calculated and proved by experiment .

  23. 将成熟的电子学里的格型数字滤波器的概念和设计算法移植到光学滤波器,给出了根据目标滤波传递函数求解光格型阵列具体参数的算法。

    The conception and algorithm simulation of lattice digital filter in electronics are transplanted into optical filter , with a novice algorithm to resolve optical lattice array concrete parameter .

  24. 针对倍频激光中存在基频光的实际情况,依据石英晶体的旋光特性,利用石英晶体和起偏棱镜的组合,设计了一种用于去除倍频激光中基频光的光学滤波器。

    Based on the optical rotatory dispersion effect , an optical filter for selecting the second harmonic of a frequency-doubled laser is constructed from quartz in combination with polarizers .

  25. 热电堆红外传感器的输出受温度、遮光频率、入射角度和光学滤波器的透光度的影响,因此,具有多输入单输出特性。

    Thermopile infrared sensors , the output of which are effected by temperature , chopper frequency , incidence angle and transmission of optical filter , has multiple-input and single-output characteristic .

  26. 一种简单的干涉光路偏振干涉光滤波器是光学滤波器的一个重要分支,广泛用于光纤通信、光学信息处理等领域。

    A simple interference optical path Polarization interference optical filter proves to be an efficient kind of optical filters and has numerous applications in optical communication , optical information processing .

  27. 为了研究带宽可调型光学滤波器,采用对手性液晶膜施加电压的方法,对手性液晶布喇格反射带宽随外加电场的变化规律进行了分析和测量。

    In order to study adjustable-bandwidth optical filters , the variation of Bragg reflection bandwidth induced by electric field in cholesteric liquid crystal ( CLC ) was measured and analyzed .

  28. 光学滤波器是现代光学器件的核心部件之一,被广泛应用于各种光学器件和光学系统,尤其是光通讯和光谱仪。

    Tunable optical filter are one of the key components in modern optical applications and have been widely used in various optical devices and systems , especially in optical communications and spectrometers .

  29. 利用细菌视紫红质膜的互补抑制调制透射特性建立了新型光学滤波器,可用于光学图像非相干亮背景的处理。

    Special property of complementary suppression modulated transmission ( CSMT ) of bacteriorhodopsin ( bR ) film was used to establish a new kind of optical filter , which can be used to remove incoherent bright-background in optical image .

  30. 基于晶体双折射的光学FIR滤波器设计

    Optical finite impulse response filter design based on crystal birefringence