
  • 网络optical imaging system;photon imager
  1. 光学成像系统方面:对空间光调制器和CMOS摄像机的成像匹配进行了研究;

    For Optical imaging system : Imaging matching of SLM and CMOS camera is examined .

  2. 用于DVD光学成像系统的非球面透镜设计

    Design of Aspherical Lens for Optical Imaging System of DVD

  3. 调制传递函数(ModulationTransferFunction,简称MTF),是光学成像系统成像质量的重要评价指标。

    MTF ( Modulation Transfer Function ) is a key indicator of digital imaging system .

  4. 根据仿真结果,给出光学成像系统与CCD阵列探测器的宏观匹配特性与最佳匹配条件。

    According to simulation results , the general matching features and ideal matching condition between optical imaging system and CCD detector array are obtained .

  5. 通过实现光学成像系统与CCD探测系统的匹配设计,减小了欠采样噪声,改善了成像质量。

    The confusion in images is reduced and the quality of image is improved by matching an optical imagery system with a CCD detection system .

  6. 镜头光阑是非接触式光学成像系统中的一个重要部件,并对CCD相机上采集到的图像具有重大影响。

    The camera lens diaphragm is an important component in a noncontact optical imaging system and has a crucial influence on the images registered on the CCD camera .

  7. 这两种技术都是建立在4f光学成像系统基础之上的。

    Both of the methods are based on the 4f optical imaging system .

  8. 提出了直接积分法(DIM)研究动态电子光学成像系统时间像差的理论。

    A new theory for studying temporal aberrations of dynamic electron optical imaging systems by the direct integral method ( DIM ) is put forward .

  9. 针对光刻模型的光学成像系统,本文介绍了基本的基于Hopkins公式的曝光系统模型以及Hopkins的近似算法,即所谓的基于特征函数的SOCS算法。

    An optical model with Hopkins and an approximate algorithm , so-called SOCS algorithm , are presented as well .

  10. 于注射后6h腹腔注射荧光素酶底物,并通过活体动物体内光学成像系统检测基因表达的初始水平。

    Six hours after the injection the luciferase substrate was intraperitoneal injected into mice and the initial level of gene expression was detected through in vivo imaging system .

  11. MATLAB提供了丰富的图像处理函数,它们能实现4f光学成像系统的变换功能。

    This article proposes a novel method to simulate the optical correlator in image recognition by using the image processing functions provided by MATLAB , which can realize the transformation function of the 4f optical imaging system .

  12. CCD光靶的原理是利用两个线阵CCD相机作为探测器组成光学成像系统,其主光轴在铅垂面内交汇构成虚拟靶面,该光靶的核心部分是CCD数据采集系统。

    The principle of CCD optical target is that 2 linear-array CCD cameras are used as detecting devices to compose optical imaging system and its main light-axis is crossing in vertical-side to compose virtual target screen , whose core part is CCD data acquiring system .

  13. 结果表明,整体光学成像系统可实时非侵入监测皮下肿瘤生长过程,腹腔肿瘤生长和扩散过程;通过胸腔皮瓣窗(chest-wallskin-flapwindow)可低侵入检测肺转移;

    The results showed that growth of subcutaneous tumor and metastasis of intraperitoneal tumor were visualized clearly with this system , while lung metastases were imaged via a chest-wall skin-flap window .

  14. 目的:采用电压敏感染料和多位点光学成像系统研究前庭神经节细胞(vestibularganglioncells,VGCs)电生理特性。

    Aim : To investigate membrane electro physiological features in vestibular ganglion neuronal population using a voltage sensitive dye and optical recording technique .

  15. 分析了4f相干光学成像系统的工作原理,并以此建立了空间滤波仿真算法,实现了低通、高通、带通和方向滤波仿真实验。

    The 4f imaging system theory has been discussed in this paper , based on which we establish a spatial filtering simulation algorithm and achieve the low pass , high pass , band-pass filter simulation .

  16. FRFT散焦成像模型完全不同于传统的点传播模型PSF,它揭示了光学成像系统中散焦图像的模糊本质是在于连续FRFT过程导致图像的幅度、相位发生改变。

    The defocused imaging model is greatly different from the traditional PSF model , which enables to uncover the blur nature of non-focus image : the continuous FRFT process lead to redistributions of magnitude and phase of image .

  17. 方法:自新生小鼠内耳分离并培养的VGCs,用吸光性电压敏感染料RH155染色后,多个或成群VGCs被同时成像于16×16记录单元Photodiodearrays(PDA)光学成像系统。

    Methods : Dissociated and cultured mouse vestibular ganglion neurons were stained with an absorption voltage sensitive dye , RH 155 , and were imaged in 16 × 16 elements Photodiode arrays ( PDA ) optical recording system .

  18. 与传统的图像复原方法不同的是,建立了基于FrFT的模糊散焦成像模型,揭示出光学成像系统中图像模糊是由于连续FrFT过程导致图像的强度、相位发生改变而引起的。

    A defocused blurred imaging model based on FrFT is established , which uncover the image blur due to the continuous FrFT process leading to redistribution of magnitude and phase of image . This is a great different from traditional image restoration method .

  19. 利用光学成像系统观察到了磁旋转弧等离子体实验中的电弧电压突变现象,电弧电压突变的范围约在40~100V之间。

    The phenomenon of the sudden change of arc voltage in the arc plasma rotated by a magnetic field is observed using an optical imaging system . The change in arc voltage of the phenomenon is roughly between 40 and 100 voltages .

  20. 光学成像系统空间移变降质的最小二乘约束复原

    Constrained Least-Square Restoration of Space-Variant Blurs Resulting from Optical Imaging Systems

  21. 光学成像系统中非线性畸变的数字校正方法

    A Digital Correction Method of Nonlinear Distortion for Optically Imaging System

  22. 相干光学成像系统反衬度反转的讨论

    The Discussion of Reversal of Contrast in Coherent Optical Image System

  23. 基于内源信号的脑光学成像系统的研制

    The establishment of optical imaging system based on intrinsic signals

  24. 用于活体人眼视网膜观察的自适应光学成像系统

    A Small Adaptive Optical Imaging System for Cells of Living Human Retina

  25. 振动对光学成像系统传递函数影响的分析

    Analysis of influence of vibration on transfer function in optics imaging system

  26. 畸变是评价光学成像系统像质的一个重要参数。

    Distortion is a important parameter in optic imaging system .

  27. 微位移视觉测量光学成像系统与放大率倍数研究

    Study on Optical Image System of Micro-displacement Measurement and Magnification

  28. 大视场主动光学成像系统的成像研究

    Imaging of active optical imaging system with a wide field of view

  29. 三维光学成像系统中配准算法的研究

    Research of Registration Algorithm in Three-Dimension Optical Imaging System

  30. 空间光学成像系统波像差的位相差异估计方法

    Estimation Method of Wave-front Error Using Phase Diversity for Space Optical Imaging System