
  • 网络light falloff;optic attenuator;attenuation;Light attenuation
  1. 改进的LambertBeer定律可较好地描述细胞浓度及光程对光衰减的综合影响;

    Lambert Beer law was used to relate the cell concentration and optical length with the light attenuation by appropriate adjustment .

  2. 本文按照文献[1]所提供的理论模型,计算了各类光纤(塑料、石英、玻璃光纤)的弯曲半径R,光纤半径a对光纤传感器的光衰减率γ或光相对传输率T的影响。

    According to the theoretical model given in reference 1 , the radii of curvature R , and effect of the radii of various optical fibers on the optical attenuation ratio were calculated and the relative transmission T were deduced .

  3. P型(掺硼)晶硅太阳电池的光衰减机制和技术改进措施

    Light degradation of B-doped p-type c-Si solar cells and solutions

  4. 在弧前走过的光衰减为黑色。

    The light traveled in an arc before fading to black .

  5. 光衰减粒度简化计算法

    A simplified method of calculating particle size by optical attenuation

  6. 紫球藻培养液光衰减规律的研究

    Study on the Light Decline Model of Porphyridium cruentum Culture

  7. 该结论可为高精度激光参数测量装置光衰减系统的研制提供理论依据。

    This conclusion is a guidance significant for developing laser beam parameters measurement system .

  8. 海中不同波长光衰减特性的研究

    A study of the attenuation properties of the light with various wavelength in the sea

  9. 考察了紫外光固化光纤油墨及其组分对着色光纤光衰减的影响。

    The influence of UV-curable ink on attenuation of colored optical fiber has been examined .

  10. 介绍了一种新的建立在相干检测原理上的光衰减标准。

    A new optical attenuation standard device developing based on coherent detection principle is presented .

  11. 作为本文的主要内容,对影响太阳电池光衰减的主要因素&硼、氧进行了研究。

    Finally , the effect of boron and interstitial oxygen on the light degradation are studied .

  12. 无损光学法测量人胃粘膜/粘膜下层组织的光衰减特性

    Noninvasive Measurements for Optical Attenuation Characteristics of Human Stomach Mucosa / Submucosa Tissues Using Optical Methods

  13. 热凝固致人肝组织光衰减和光穿透深度的变化

    Comparison of Light Attenuation Characteristics and Optical Penetration Depths between Native and Coagulated Human Liver Tissues

  14. 人结肠及结肠腺癌组织的光学穿透深度和光衰减特性

    Optical Penetration Depths and Light Attenuation Characteristics of Normal and Adenomatous Human Colon Tissue in Vitro

  15. 结果表明,在油墨的组分中,树脂对着色光纤的光衰减有重大影响,活性稀释剂次之,颜料几乎无影响。

    The components in the ink affected the attenuation of colored optical fiber in the order of resin > active diluent > dye .

  16. 提出了具有可变光衰减的串联量子阱半导体光放大器的数字模型并与实验数据相匹配。

    A model for the number of QW SOAs in series with variable optical attenuation is developed and matched to the experimental data .

  17. 重点研究蒸镀的轰击电压、烘烤电压、旋转电压等工艺参数对光衰减片组织结构及性能的影响。

    Organization structure and property of optical attenuation slice were researched mainly by the influence of bombardment voltage , bake voltage and rotational voltage .

  18. 光衰减技术是一种重要的光学技术,它在许多领域有重要的应用。在量子密钥分配中采用光衰减技术可获得单光子序列,这是量子保密通信的基础。

    Optical attenuation , widely applied in many fields , can be adopted to acquire single-photon sequence that is foundational in quantum key distribution .

  19. 本文报道了塑料闪烁体的技术光衰减长度的测量原理、方法和测量装置,并对影响此参数的因素进行了讨论;

    This paper describes the principle , method and apparatus for measurement of technical light attenuation length of plastic scintillators . The factors that influences this parameter are discussed .

  20. 最大光合作用速率一般出现在光衰减为10%~30%,频率分布因子为70%~80%。

    The maximum photosyn-thetic rate generally occurred in the depth of 10 % ~ 30 % of light declination , and the fre-quency distribution factors were 70 % ~ 80 % .

  21. 最后对雾的红外衰减和可见光衰减进行了比较,结果表明浓平流雾对106μm红外辐射的雾衰减大于可见光的雾衰减。

    Finally , the fog attenuation between 10.6 μ m and visible wavelength was compared , and the results show that the attenuation at 10.6 μ m is greater than that at visible wavelength for dense advection fog .

  22. 用激光进行深空探测科学数据回传,上行信标光衰减严重,不能提供足够高的跟踪速率,因此常采用自然天体图像作为信标。

    With laser to return the scientific data of deep space exploration to earth , the up beacon cannot provide enough tracking rate for its serious optical attenuation , so the image of a natural object is usually used as the beacon .

  23. 醋酸钠-醋酸体系DNA、组蛋白复合产生共振光散射衰减测定铝

    The determination of aluminum based on light-scattering decreased in sodium acetate-acetate buffer solution , DNA and histone system

  24. H在a-SiNx:H光电导衰减中的作用

    The Effect of H on the Photoconductivity Degradation of a-SiN_x : H

  25. 采用偏振片进行光强度衰减,可以针对不同产品的激光功率密度进行连续调节,保证CCD既有较高的输出又不至于饱和。

    Using polarizer for light intensity attenuation , continuous adjustment laser power density according to the different product , to ensure CCD output both higher and not saturated .

  26. FY-1C可见光通道衰减分析及订正试验

    FY-1C visible channels ' albedo attenuation analysis and correction experiment

  27. 通过解析光的衰减全反射原理,推导出Kretschmann模型的SPR传感器的反射率公式。

    Based on the theory of attenuated total reflection of light , the reflectance equation of Kretschmann SPR sensor was derivated .

  28. 减小集成光路衰减的探索

    A search for the Method of Decreasing Attenuation in Integrated Optical Channel

  29. 方法:共振光散射衰减法。

    Method s : The light - scattering decreased method .

  30. 因此大气对于光的衰减特性就变得极为重要。

    So it is becoming more important that study on the atmospheric attenuation .