
  • 网络Voltage Instability
  1. 可适用于任何电压不稳定的场所,确保你的用电设备正常运行。

    Voltage instability applied to any place , to ensure the normal operation of your electrical equipment .

  2. 近年来,电压不稳定已逐渐成为影响系统正常运行的威胁之一。

    In recent years , voltage instability has become a threat to normal operation of the power system .

  3. 根据温差发电模块输出电压不稳定的特点,设计了一个稳压电路。

    A regulated circuit was designed to stabilize the voltage .

  4. 电力系统的电压不稳定现象正受到越来越多的关注。

    The unstable voltage phenomena of power systems are suffering increasing concerns nowadays .

  5. 当电网中电压不稳定时,各台机组受负载变化的影响,输出电压也会变得不稳定。

    When the voltage of power grid is changing the output voltage of generators will be effected too .

  6. 由于火灾、水灾,地震、电网电压不稳定及其它自然灾害等非人为原因造成的设备损坏;

    Damages caused by fire , water flood , earthquakes , unsteady of power and other natural disasters ;

  7. 电压不稳定/崩溃事故将成为威胁电网安全运行的一个突出问题,而负荷特性的研究是电压稳定研究的关键。

    Voltage instability and voltage collapse will become more dangerous to the security of power system , and load character research is the key .

  8. 与弱交流系统相连的高压直流系统被认为是引起电压不稳定的一个因素,评价交直流系统电压稳定性的方法相当复杂。

    The high voltage direct current ( HVDC ) system connected with weak AC system is considered to be one of the causes for voltage instability .

  9. 电压不稳定之所以能成为一个独立的研究课题的原因之一是已出现了许多电压不稳定的事故,其中全然没有功角不稳定即将来临的迹象。

    The reason of the voltage stability becoming an independent research subject is that many voltage instability events came forth without any evidence of rotor angle unstability .

  10. 通过对概率指标的灵敏度分析,可以给出对系统不安全概率贡献大的故障和对系统静态电压不稳定概率影响大的节点等信息。

    By sensitivity analysis , the information , such as faults making the most contribution to the system insecurity probability and nodes influencing static voltage insecurity probability outstandingly , can be obtained .

  11. 针对链式有源电力滤波器直流侧电压不稳定以及各阀组单元直流侧电压不平衡现象,本文提出了一种直流侧电压均衡控制方法,很有效地解决了这一问题。

    Against the cascade APF DC side voltage instability as well as the various manifolds unit DC voltage imbalance , this paper presents a DC voltage balance control method , a very effective way to solve this problem .

  12. 针对世界上不同电力系统中报告的电压不稳定事故,详细介绍了利用电压不稳定指示器来预防与校正控制电力系统中的电压不稳定性问题。

    Aim at the voltage instability accidents of different electric power systems in the world , introduces how to prevent and emendation control the voltage instability program of electric power system using the indicator of voltage instability in detail .

  13. 近些年来,国内外的停电事故曾造成了巨大的经济损失和社会影响,因此深入研究电压不稳定或电压崩溃的机理和电压稳定的安全指标,对于避免电压崩溃等事故的发生具有重要的意义。

    In recent years , the black-out catastrophes led to huge economic losses and impact upon the whole society . As a result , it is meaningful to study voltage instability , voltage collapse and safety indicators of voltage stability , in order to avoid voltage collapse .

  14. 电网发生故障,尤其是出现不对称故障时,会导致并网电流的不平衡和直流侧电压不稳定,造成馈入电网的功率发生振荡,甚至危及逆变器,影响光伏并网发电系统和电网的安全运行。

    A fault takes place in a network , especially asymmetric fault , lead to the grid current imbalanced and DC side voltage instability , and feed into the grid power causing oscillation , even burned PV inverter , influence safe operation of grid-connected PV system and the grid .

  15. 当电流控制的delta调制控制策略应用于UPS逆变器控制时,存在负载变动引起逆变器输出电压幅值不稳定、负载为非线性时逆变器输出电压波形畸变严重等问题。

    When current-controlled delta modulated control scheme is applied to UPS inverter , the output voltage amplitude is unstable in case of load variation and the output voltage waveform is heavily distorted by nonlinear load . To overcome the .

  16. 电网电压的不稳定也会严重干扰精密工控设备的正常运行,由此而造成的经济损失是不可估量的。

    Voltage instability will seriously interfere with the normal operation of industrial equipment and the economic loss is incalculable .

  17. 补偿效果从69%到99%,很好的解决了温度漂移所带来的场效应管栅极电压下的不稳定输出。

    The result of compensation attains 69 % ~ 99 % . The unstable output under the grid voltage of JFET Which produced by temperature drift was finish well .

  18. 模拟试验和分析表明,弱系统运行会带来过电压、电压不稳定、频率变化、低频电压振荡、低次谐波和直流解列等方面的问题。

    The problems pertaining to the weak system operation such as overvoltage , voltage instability , frequency variation , low frequency voltage oscillation , low harmonics and dc outage are revealed by means of test and analysis .

  19. 特别注意:由于本机对电压的稳定要求极高,只能单线接电源,对电压不稳定的地区可能不太适用。

    Special attention : As the machine to a high-voltage requirements , then the power can only be one-way , it may not be applicable to the local of voltage instability .