
  • 网络Voltage loss
  1. Yd(曲折延边)型联结平衡变压器的电压损失分析

    Voltage Loss Analysis of Yd ( Zigzag Extended Line ) Connection Balancing Transformer

  2. 线路的线损率与工程设计中电压损失的关系

    Relation between line loss rate and voltage loss of power lines

  3. 水泵电控全压启动电压损失计算

    Loss Calculation of Electric Control Full-voltage Startup Voltage of Water Pump

  4. 大容量蓄电池电压损失原因分析及对策

    The Causes of Voltage Loss in High Capacity Battery and Its Solution

  5. 采区低压电网电压损失计算

    Voltage loss calculation of the low voltage electrified wire netting at mining ared

  6. 给出了便于工程应用的电压损失近似计算公式。

    An approximate formula of voltage loss for application of engineering is given .

  7. 配电变压器电压损失的简便计算

    Simplified Calculation for Voltage Loss on Distribution Transformer

  8. 路灯电压损失的简化计算

    Simplified calculation of voltage loss of road lamp

  9. 输电线路电压损失的一种估算方法

    The Evaluation of Lost Voltage in Transmission Line

  10. 市区超高压线下深孔石方控制爆破及安全技术输电线路电压损失的一种估算方法

    Stone Deep-hole Controlled Blasting and Safety Techniques Under Superhigh Voltage Transmission Line in City

  11. 井下低压电网分类及其电压损失计算

    Classification of Low Tension Network Down Below the Mine-well and Calculation of Its Voltage Loss

  12. 十字交叉接线牵引变压器的运行特性(Ⅱ)&电压损失计算与实测验证

    Operational Performance of the Cross-Connected Traction Transformer (ⅱ) & Calculation of Voltage Losses and Measurement Verification

  13. 从电压损失的角度探讨高层住宅的配电方式

    Discussion on the Power Distribution Methods of High-rise Residential Buildings from the Perspective of Voltage Loss

  14. 介绍了煤矿井下采区低压电网电压损失的计算方法。

    The voltage loss calculating method of the low voltage electrified wire netting at ground mining area is introduced .

  15. 文章根据负荷矩与电压损失的关系分析了接线方式对电压质量的影响。

    The effect of the wiring ways on voltage qual-ity is analyzed according to the relations between load moment and voltage loss .

  16. 对常用的几种电梯列表给出电源开关、供电线路规格和在规定的电压损失下的供电距离。

    The paper lists power switches , specifications of power supply line and power supply distance under specified voltage loss for commonly-used elevators .

  17. 分别就防止牵引供电系统电压损失和电能质量综合治理问题提出了相应的对策和建议。

    Counter measures and suggestions are forwarded specifically for prevention from voltage loss of power supply system and for the synthetic control of power energy quality .

  18. 考虑绕组漏阻抗,应用多绕组变压器理论导出了非阻抗匹配平衡牵引变压器的输出特性;给出了便于工程应用的电压损失近似计算公式。

    The output characteristic of non impedance matching balance traction transformer is deduced by employing the theory of multiwinding transformer and with considering the leakage impedance of windings .

  19. 由于全并联AT供电方式输送功率大、接触网电压损失低,因而特别适用于高速铁路电力牵引供电。

    The all-parallel AT traction system is the most suitable system to supply the power of high-speed railway because of its characters of higher transport power , lower voltage drop .

  20. 与现行供电系统相比,它具有剩余负序低、电压损失小、功率损失小、通信干扰能自行削弱、多机牵引的重载(组合)列车在全线可不降弓通过等优点。

    Less voltage and power losses ; 3 . weakening the disturbance to communication ; 4 . no longer necessary to lower the bows when the trains are in movement , etc.

  21. 文章介绍了装置的设计思想和部件设计原理,对产品的安全载流、电压损失、滑接性能、灭弧性能进行了分析。

    This article describes the design principle of the device and its parts , analyses the safe current-carrying capacity , voltage drop , sliding contact and are extinction performances of the device .

  22. 限流电抗器电抗值选择时既要将短路电流限制到规定值,又不能使电压损失过大。

    When the reactance value of current limiting reactor is selected , the short circuit current should be limited within the specified value and the voltage loss should not be too much .

  23. 在满足供电要求的情况下,计算分析了牵引变压器容量与各部分电压损失、电力系统短路容量的关系。

    Under the condition of meeting the power supply requirement , the relationship is analyzed between the traction transformer capacity and voltage loss of variant parts as well as the short-circuit capacity of the power system .

  24. 随着功率因数的提高,定子电流明显的减小,减小幅度在20%左右,从而有效地减少电动机供电线路的电压损失及电力损耗。

    With the elevation of the power factor , stator electric current decrease obviously and its range is about 20 % . So voltage loss and electric power wastage decrease effectively on electromotor power supply circuitry consequently .

  25. 此外电感模型的计算误差是由电感对电流的微分响应造成电压损失产生的。

    Besides , it is pointed out that in the lightning performance computation the calculation error of inductance model is caused by the voltage loss that is brought about by the differential response of inductance to current .

  26. 通过建立上下行AT所全并联的供电网络,根据网络中的机车分布,分析得出牵引网最远处机车的电压损失。

    By building the power supply network with AT stations parallel connected , the voltage loss of the train at the end of the traction electric network was gained with the distribution of trains in the network .

  27. 最后,对农村配电网无功补偿实例进行分析,比较补偿前后的功率因数、线路输送的无功功率、线路电压损失、年线损电量。

    It analyzes at length an example of reactive power compensation for rural distribution network , comparing the power factor , transmitted reactive power , line voltage loss , annual line loss of electric energy before and after compensation .

  28. 从分析主变压器电压损失问题入手,讨论主变压器电压损失与无功补偿配置的关系,对于实现牵引供电的经济运行有着重要的意义。

    The article discusses the relation between the voltage loss of the main transformer and the reactive compensation adaptation through analysis of the voltage loss , which is very important to achieve economical operation of the traction power supply system .

  29. 系统运行中大量的无功功率将降低系统的功率因数,增大线路电压损失和电能损失,严重影响着电力企业的经济效益。

    A large number of reactive power load in system running will reduce the power factor , increase the loss of line voltage and power loss , and it will have a serious impact on the economic benefits of power enterprises .

  30. 在输电线路中串入串联电容器,可以补偿线路阻抗,减少电压损失,提高电力系统的稳定性,并能优化并联回路之间的电力分配。

    When series capacitors are connected in series with the transmission line , they can compensate the impedance of the transmission line , reduce the voltage loss , improve the stability of the transmission system , and optimize power sharing between parallel circuits .