
  • 网络power converter;VSC
  1. 论文第一章首先介绍了电动汽车的发展背景以及车载电源变换器的研究现状,并对同步整流技术和移相控制ZVS全桥变换器等作了简要介绍。

    The development background of electric vehicles and research status of vehicle mounted power converters are introduced firstly in chapter one . Synchronous rectification technology and phase shifted ZVS full bridge converter are introduced briefly too .

  2. 开关电源变换器传导干扰分析及建模方法

    Method for analysis and modeling of conducted EMI in switching power converters

  3. VRM(VoltageRegulatorModule)就是为解决CPU供电问题提出的新型DC-DC电源变换器结构。

    VRM ( Voltage Regulator Module ) is the newly developed DC-DC converting technique for powering CPU .

  4. 高电压小功率DC-DC电源变换器工程分析

    Engineering Analysis of High Voltage Low Power Converter

  5. DC电源变换器是能将一种直流电压变换成另外一种或几种直流电压的高效供电装置。

    The DC / DC power converter is a high effective source device that can convert the DC voltage from one type to other type or several types .

  6. 电源变换器采用降压型Buck结构,并且根据负载电流的大小分别工作在PWM和PFM两种模式以提高转换效率。

    The power convertor employs buck structure and can operate in PWM and PFM mode according to the load current level .

  7. 对AC/DC(开关型)电源变换器APFC技术的研究与开发

    The Study and Development of APFC Technique on AC / DC ( Swith Type ) Supply Convertor

  8. 本文以大功率电子组件DC/DC电源变换器为例,提出了基于通用的大型有限元分析软件ANSYS进行热模拟分析方法,并利用实验结果对模拟结果进行了验证。

    In the paper , a thermal simulation method has been described using ANSYS software based DC / DC power module . Experiment has been done to verify the result of the thermal simulation .

  9. 其它模块电路也都完成了相应的功能,整个设计符合PWM型DC-DC变换器的理论。为今后设计更优越的开关电源变换器提供了参考。

    Other modules also completed their function . The whole design meets the design theory of PWM type DC-DC converter , providing a reference for the future design of superior Switching Power Converter .

  10. 电池供电的手持设备中电源变换器的效率倍受重视,使用多个LED的彩色LCD背光源中,亮度匹配是背光源质量的决定因素。

    The efficiency of the DC-DC converter is regarded as the important part in battery-powered handled devices . In the backlight for full-color LCD treated with many LED , brightness matching is the determinant factor in quality of backlight .

  11. 本文设计了一种基于以太网接口的15WDC/DC电源变换器模块电路。

    A kind of circuit about the module of15 W DC / DC PoE is designed in this paper .

  12. ZDB型直流电源变换器是工作在直流600V供电系统的变流装置。该装置以新颖电力器件IGBT作为开、关器件并采用PWM控制技术。

    Working in a 600V DC power supply system , the type ZDB battery charger uses new power electronic insulated-gate bipolar transistors ( IGBT ) as switching device and adopts PWM control technics .

  13. 第二章为42V/14V直流电源变换器的设计,主电路选用同步整流Buck变换器,分析了主电路的工作原理,完成了控制电路的设计、主电路元器件参数选择以及损耗计算。

    Chapter two is the design of42V / 14V converter whose main circuit uses synchronous rectifier Buck converter , analyzing the operating principle of main circuit and finishing the design of control circuit and the choice of parameters and loss calculation of main circuit component .

  14. 完成了10W电源变换器的设计,并通过试验给出了旋转因素、变压器空隙和偏心对电源变换器性能的影响,为设计参数的修正提供了依据。

    A 10 watt power converter was designed based on the flyback switching power supply , and effects on the converter from the rotary status , gap between magnetic cores and eccentricity was analyzed through examinations .

  15. 本文针对目前软开关逆变弧焊电源变换器的应用,分析了FB-ZVS-PWM变换器滞后臂较难实现零电压开通的原因,并采用副边辅助电感的方法来克服。

    As for the soft-switching converter in arc welding power supply , the lagging leg is hard to achieve ZVS under low load condition in FB-ZVS-PWM converter . The reason is analyzed and the secondly side auxiliary inductor is proposed to overcome the defect .

  16. 直流电源变换器线路滤波器的设计

    The design on LINE-FILTER for DC - DC power converters

  17. 基于以太网接口的电源变换器电路设计

    The Circuit Design of Power Converter Based on Ethernet Interface

  18. 研究了电源变换器的电荷控制方式。

    A power converter control method , charge control , is studied .

  19. 国内外电源变换器的新发展

    New development of power converter at home and abroad

  20. 电动汽车电源变换器的柔性安全设计

    Flexible Safety Design of Power Converter in Electric Vehicle

  21. 开关型电源变换器调制方式比较

    Comparison of the Modulation Methods of the Converter for Switching Mode Power Supply

  22. 开关式电源变换器的小型化主要是通过高频化和高密度化来实现的。

    Small size of switch mode converter is achieved by increasing frequency and density .

  23. 一种电源变换器散热的研究

    Research on Heat Dissipation of a Supply Converter

  24. 一种保护式脉冲电源变换器的设计

    Design of a Protective Pulsed Power Converter

  25. 高集成度是未来开关电源变换器发展的一大趋势。

    High integration is one of the main trends of the future on chip SMPS converters .

  26. 该文针对应用广泛的开关电源变换器提出一种传导干扰分析和建模预测方法。

    This paper proposes an analysis and modeling approach for describing the conducted EMI in switching power converter .

  27. 首先对芯片的工作原理和系统构成进行了研究和分析,包括开关电源变换器的整个主回路和控制回路。

    And its principles and system architecture were studied and analyzed , which includes its main loop and control loop .

  28. 由于分别采用了同步整流技术和软开关技术,两台电源变换器均能实现较高的转换效率。

    Due to adopting soft switching technology and synchronous rectification technology , two power converters can achieve a high conversion efficiency .

  29. 文中首先介绍了功率因数校正的基本理论以及有源功率因数校正技术中广泛使用的几种开关电源变换器。

    It firstly introduces some basic theory of power factor correction and several switching power supply converters which are widely used in the active power factor correction .

  30. 最后联合切割机水路、气路系统现场切割工件,试用效果表明该电源变换器能满足切割工艺要求。

    After combining water and gas system of cutting machine to cut workpieces , the result indicates that the power converter can satisfy the requirements of cutting technic .