
  • 网络resistor
  1. 利用此系统在300-1000°C范围内测试了电阻带(Cr25Al5)的半球全发射率;最后计算出测量误差不大于2%。

    The hemisphere integrated radiant emittance of the heating wire ( Cr 25 Al 5 ) ranging from 300 ° C to 1000 ° C was measured by this system and the error of measurement by calculation was less than 2 % .

  2. 渗铝辐射管及电阻带材料

    Aluminizing radiant tubes and electroheat belts

  3. 无电阻带隙基准电压源

    A Bandgap Reference Without Resistors

  4. 在环境温度小于玻璃化转变温度时,涂层抗介质渗透能力强.红外涂料对通电电阻带工况的影响

    When the medium temperature is lower than T g , Epoxy powder coating resistance to corrosion medium is better . Effects of IR Coating on the Resistance

  5. 本文在拓展生带技术应用领域做了探索性研究,包括制备曲面金属/微晶玻璃层状复合材料、用超细银粉与玻璃粉的混合物制备电阻生带以在LTCC技术中替代电阻浆料等。

    Some work which can expand the application field is attempted in this paper . This work includes the preparing of curve surface metal / glass-ceramics composites and the Ag / glass resistance green tape that can substitute the resistance paste in LTCC technics .

  6. 设计了一种高准确度无电阻的带隙基准电压源。

    A high accuracy band-gap reference voltage without resistor is designed .

  7. 分析了ZnO晶粒半导特性、ZnO压敏电阻晶界能带结构及晶界能带导电的机理。

    Semi conducting properties of ZnO varistor , structure of its energy band and conductive mechanism of grain bounder energy band were analyzed .

  8. 组件包括SLED管芯、半导体致冷器(TEC)、热敏电阻,可带背光探测器。

    The module consists of a superluminescent LED , a thermistor , a Peltier cooler ( TEC ) and a PIN photodetector .

  9. 本文设计的电压&电流转换电路使用片外可调电阻,将带隙基准电压源产生的输出参考电压转换成稳定的电流。

    The circuit converts the output reference voltage from the bandgap voltage reference , to a stable current .

  10. 高频电阻加热轧制复合带过程的简化模型

    Simplified Model of High-frequency Resistance Heating Rolling Compound Strip

  11. 该继电器具有保护弧光电阻及适用于带串联补偿电容线路的正、反向动态特性曲线。

    The dynamic characteristic of the relay increases its tolerance to fault arcing resistance and it can be used on transmission lines with capacitance compensation .

  12. 该系统解决了武广线良太间长大隧道低道碴电阻区段的红光带问题,确保了行车安全,提高了运输效率。

    This system resolved the red light strip problem within the low ballast impedance district of a long tunnel on Wuhan-Guangzhou line , ensuring train operation safety and enhancing the efficiency of transport .

  13. 对机车制动电阻通风和电阻带温升进行定量计算,从而判断通风机和制动电阻通风系统匹配的合理性和电阻带工作的可靠性,对制动电阻优化设计具有一定的指导意义。

    With quantitative calculation of ventilation and temperature-rise for locomotive brake resistance , this paper estimates the rationality of matching of ventilator and ventilation system of locomotive brake resistance , and the reliability of brake resistance ribbon , to optimize the design of locomotive brake resistance .