
  1. 化工电气自动化专业实训室建设探讨

    Discussion on the Construction of Training Rooms about Chemical Electric Automation

  2. 船舶电气自动化专业工学结合人才培养模式研究与实践

    On Talent-training Program Combining Working and Studying of Marine Automation Engineering Specialty

  3. 工业电气自动化专业的改革和建设

    Reform and construction of industrial electrification and Automation Speciality

  4. 虚拟技术在高职电气自动化专业教学中的应用研究

    How to Use Well Virtual Technology in Higher Vocational Teaching of Electric Automation Professional Courses

  5. 新型电气自动化专业职教师资培养模式的构建

    The Construction of Vocational Education Teacher Training Model in the Specialty of New Electric Automation

  6. 电气自动化专业电子技术综合实践环节的实施及探索

    The Fulfillment and Research on the Synthetic Practice of Electronic Technology in Electrification and Automation Speciality

  7. 依托行业建设强弱电结合的电气自动化专业

    Relying on Electric Power Industry to Build Electrical Automation Technology Major Which of Weak-current Combined with Heavy-current

  8. 高职教育电气自动化专业建设的实践化工电气自动化专业实训室建设探讨

    Practice of Establishment of Electric Automation in Vocational Education ; Discussion on the Construction of Training Rooms about Chemical Electric Automation

  9. 第四章是将本研究的理论用于实践:对电气自动化专业的高职学生实施职业能力测评研究。

    The fourth part devotes to put the theories into practice-evaluating the higher vocational students ' vocational competence of Electrical Automation majors .

  10. 电气自动化专业综合实验改革与探索电子信息工程专业综合实验初探

    Exploration and Reform of the Comprehensive Experiment on Electric Automation A Preliminary Probe on a Comprehensive Lab for Electronic and Information Engineering

  11. 利用网络资源与计算机仿真技术突出创新能力的培养&电气自动化专业毕业设计教学改革的实践

    Utilizing the Network Resources and Computer Simulation , Emphasizing the Training of Creative Ability & The Practice of Teaching Reform about Graduation Project of Electrical Automation Major

  12. 基于虚实一体化理念培养高职生职业技能素质虚拟技术在高职电气自动化专业教学中的应用研究

    To Cultivate Professional Skill Quality of Higher Vocational College Students Based on the Concept of Virtual-Actual Integration How to Use Well Virtual Technology in Higher Vocational Teaching of Electric Automation Professional Courses

  13. 工业电气自动化专业十年来在理论教学和实践教学环节的建设和改革中,突出以技术应用能力培养为主线组织教学,初步形成了专业特色。

    In the past ten years , the industrial electrification and automation speciality , in theory teaching and practicality-teaching , stressed ability-training of applied techniques , and has formed preliminarily its own characteristics .

  14. 研究者从河南理工大学电气自动化专业的新生中选取120人,并把这些学生分成两个组,一个是控制组,另一个是实验组。

    The researcher has chosen 120 freshmen majoring Electrical Automation of Henan Polytechnic University , and divided the students into two groups , one as control group , and the other one as experimental group .

  15. 针对电气自动化专业学生的培养目标,提出了建立电气自动化技术工程实训中心,指出了实训中心设备装置的选择原则,介绍了我院建立电气自动化技术工程实训中心的方法及实施效果。

    In view of the training aim for electrical automation profession , this article proposes founding engineering drilling center , points out selecting principle on device of the drilling center , and introduces the method of founding engineering drilling center in electrical automation techniques and its practical result .

  16. 电气自动化技术专业人才培养模式改革与实践

    Reform and Practice of Curriculum and Training for Electrical Automation Major

  17. 电气自动化工程专业教学改革研究

    The Teaching Reform Study on the Major of Electric Automatization Engineering

  18. 以就业为导向电气自动化技术专业教学模式改革的思考

    The Reform of the Employment-oriented Teaching Mode of Electric Automatization

  19. 对二年制高职电气自动化技术专业建设过程中存在的问题进行了探讨。

    It discuses the problems in the process of building the program .

  20. 电气自动化技术专业建设的实践

    Practice on the Construction of Electric Automation Technique Major

  21. 工业电气自动化技术专业教学改革探索

    Research for the teaching reformation of Electronics Engineering

  22. 二年制高职电气自动化技术专业建设与改革的探讨

    Exploring on Reform and Building of Two-year Program of Electric Automatization in Higher Vocational Education

  23. 高职高专电气自动化技术专业课程体系构建与整合大学本科,工业自动化或相关电气专业。

    On Integration & Construction of Curriculum System for Electrical Automation Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges ;

  24. 构建高职电气自动化技术专业实践教学新体系

    Forming a New Professional Teaching System for the Electrical Automation Specialty in the Vocational & Technical College

  25. 目前我国高职院校电气自动化技术专业课程设置还存在诸多问题。

    At present , China 's vocational schools Curriculum electrical automation technology , there are still many problems .

  26. 详细介绍了电气工程自动化专业自动控制理论实验所涉及的主要内容。

    The main contents involved in automatic control theory experiment of electric engineering and automation major are introduced in details .

  27. 阐述了构建高职电气自动化技术专业实践教学新体系的基本思路。

    This paper elaborates in detail the fundamental thinking on forming a new professional teaching system for the Electrical Automation Specialty in the vocational & Technical College .

  28. 针对工业电气自动化技术专业考试存在的问题,围绕专业培养目标,提出了考试改革思路和实施措施;

    In regard to the problem existing in the examination of industry electricity automation technology specialty , the paper puts forward reforming ideas , resolving methods and measures beneficial to specialty cultivating target .

  29. 电机学是电气工程及其自动化专业的一门必修课程。

    Electromechanics is a compulsory course for electrical engineering and automation .

  30. 长期从事电气自动化类的专业英语教学和翻译工作。

    Engaged in professional English teaching and translation work of electrical automation .