
  • 网络modulation index;OMI
  1. 一种基于FPGA的调制指数可调的数字化调频方案

    A Method of Digitized FM with Controllable Modulation Index Based on FPGA

  2. 一种适合于CPM信号的盲均衡与调制指数盲估计的联合算法

    Joint Algorithm for Simultaneous Blind Equalization and Modulation Index Estimation of CPM Signals

  3. 结合仿真分析了它们的开关特性、适用的负载类型以及输出谐波随调制指数的变化情况.经对比认为连续空间矢量PWM适合于低调制指数运行;

    The switch performance , matched load type and output harmonic changing with modulation index in different schemes are compared with each other .

  4. 其特征在于采用多进制CPM技术,进制数M、调制指数h及收发天线数可以在合理范围内自由选择。

    The system is characterized by multi-CPM-band technology , a number of M-ary , modulation index h and a reasonable number of antennas can be chosen easily .

  5. 用光谱仪测量M-Z电光调制器大调制指数

    Measurement of the modulation index of a M-Z electro-optical modulator using an optical spectrum analyzer

  6. 大调制指数调相信号锁相解调器的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Large Modulation Index PhaseModulation Signal Phase-locked Demodulator

  7. 多调制指数连续相位调制体制&军用遥测体制的新发展

    Multi-h Continuous Phase Modulation System & A New Progress for Range Telemetry

  8. 基于贝塞尔函数的某型号卫星调频信号调制指数测量方法

    Modulation Measurement by Spectrum Analyzer for the Satellite Based on the Bessel Function

  9. 外调制器光调制指数的设计

    Design of the Optical Modulation Index for External Modulator

  10. 调制指数为整数和半整数的连续相位调制信号的盲检测

    Blind Detection of Continuous Phase Modulation Signals with Integer and Half Integer Modulation Index

  11. 因此介绍了一种在线性调频源工作时动态测量其非线性度的方法,证明了当调角信号的调制指数很小时可以用一个调幅信号作近似。

    A technique for dynamically measuring the linearity of a 8 mm linear FM source is presented in this paper .

  12. 通过在A/D转换值后补零的方法,可控制调频波的调制指数。

    ( Also ,) we could change the FM index by adding zero behind the result of A / D converter .

  13. 式中,表示同相信号,表示正交信号,为调制指数,为副载波频率。

    In the formula of ( 2 ), represents the in-phase signal , represents the orthogonal signal , is the modulation index and is the subcarrier frequency .

  14. 一定的传输距离和发射光功率情况下,不同的子载波数存在一个最佳的光调制指数,使得系统载噪比最大;

    Under a certain deliver distance and the light power , the different sub-carries number to exist a best optical modulation index , making the system 's carrier-to-noise ratio biggest .

  15. 仿真结果表明,通过实施波长控制技术和增加光调制指数等措施,可以有效提高系统载噪比。

    The analytic results on system CNR ( Carrier-Noise-Rate ) and the computer simulation show that the system CNR can be improved greatly by utilizing the wavelength controlling and increasing the optical modulation index .

  16. 在通信原理中,关于角度调制中调制指数β和带宽W与调制信号参数的关系是一个重要的问题。

    In the communication principle , the corelation modulation coefficient , bandwidth and modulation signal parameters in angle modulation is a complicated prob ~ lem .

  17. 提出了一种未知调制侧音频率和调制指数时FFT频率引导的算法,推导出了其性能指标的计算公式,并与当前实现方式进行了比较。

    The algorithm is proposed for the situation with unknown side-tone frequency and modulation parameters , which performance expression is also given out . At the same time , it is compared with the current implement forms .

  18. 这一方法改进了传统方案中参考腔的调制方式,具有易实现、调制指数高等优点。

    The new method modified the traditional modulation method in the reference cell , and has advantages including easy implementation , high modulation index , and low cost , etc.

  19. 我们首先介绍了Turbo码的编码方式,以及采用的BCJR迭代译码方法,然后分析了关于连续相位调制CPM的调制以及常用的两种解调方法,给出了不同调制指数和不同进制数下的仿真曲线。

    First we introduce the encoding and iterative decoding principles of Turbo codes , and then we present the modulation and two demodulation methods for CPM , Simulation results are provided for different modulation parameters ( including different modulation levels ) .

  20. 部分调制参数如载波频率、符号速率在识别之前获得,在识别完成之后可以进一步估计调制指数、调制频偏、信号带宽等其余参数。

    Some modulation parameters , such as the carrier frequency and the symbol rate , can be estimated prior to the recognition of modulation types . Such other parameters as the modulation index , the modulation frequency deviation , and the signal broadband can be further estimated after recognition .