
tiáo yǎng
  • take good care of oneself;build up one's health by rest and by taking nourishing food;be nursed back to health;recuperate;nurse
调养 [tiáo yǎng]
  • [take good care of oneself;nurse] 调治保养,使身体健康

调养[tiáo yǎng]
  1. 我们打算回家调养感冒。

    We 're going to go home and nurse our colds .

  2. 我正在调养身体,最多两三周以后就可以了。

    I 'm working on my fitness and I will be ready in a couple of weeks , if not sooner

  3. 今年早些时候,贾斯汀暂停了自己的世界巡回演唱会Purposetour,贾斯汀的经纪人说,贾斯汀在调养身体。

    Bieber canceled his Purpose tour early this year to take care of himself , his manager said .

  4. 我们是被新观念调养出来的新时代女性,我们相信美丽是深藏在皮肤之下的。obsessedwith为…而困扰不已

    We were the generation raised to believe that beauty is skin deep .

  5. 七宜粥调养:冬季饮食忌粘硬生冷。

    Seven suitable gruel recuperations : the winter drinks sticks hardly .

  6. 如果她手术后活下来,将需要昂贵的病后调养费用。

    If she survives the operation , she will need expensive aftercare .

  7. 在她调养扭伤的肌肉期间我接任了队长一职。

    I took iver as caotain while she nursed a strained muscle .

  8. 从体质因素探讨糖尿病患者的饮食调养

    A discussion of the diet therapy for diabetes in the view of constitutions

  9. 饮食调养包括葛根、鳝鱼、海马、甲鱼。

    Diet recuperation included kudzuvine root , eel , seahorse and green turtle .

  10. 经过悉心调养,他病已痊愈。

    After taking good care of himself , he recovered from his illness .

  11. 如果它反复无常,就调养好它。

    If it is unstable , improve it .

  12. 我母亲已去巴斯休息调养一段时间。

    My mother has gone to bath for a period of rest and recuperation .

  13. 过去我对她们这一行为总是迷惑不解,现在我才意识到,这是必须的自我调养。

    It used to mystify me , but now I realize it was necessary self-care .

  14. 但通过运动调养加上生活方式的轻微改变,这种失调是可以得到有效治疗的。

    Such disorders can be effectively treated through regimens of exercise and subtle changes in lifestyle .

  15. 结论功血汤能调养先天肾之气阴不足、后天脾失所养造成的青春期功能失调性子宫出血不止。

    Conclusion This Decoction is quite effective for adolescent dysfunctional uterine bleeding due to kidney and spleen dysfunction .

  16. 本品是针对赛季期间对鸽的身体调养剂。

    This product is for the pigeon 's body during the season , nursed back to health agents .

  17. 补充营养、调养气血、改善睡眠;增强免疫功效。

    Supplement nutrition , take good care of blood cycle , improve sleep quality ; and improve the immunity .

  18. 经过治疗调养她很快恢复健康,事故过后不久就重返工作了。

    She fought her way back to health so quickly after the accident that she was soon back at work .

  19. 气候变化大,防寒保暖应付多变天气。补充水分,注意精神调养和体育锻炼。

    Thunder appears and insects awaken , warm clothing and exercises help to cope with changeable weather , drink more water

  20. 我们可以用药物来治疗身体上的病恙,但孤独、失望、无助这些心灵的创伤却只能用爱来调养。

    We can cure physical disease with medicine , but the only cure for loneliness , despair and hopelessness is love .

  21. 既不兴奋,也不抑制,是调养身心的鼓佳节奏。

    Is also not excited , also does not suppress , is recuperates the body and mind the drum good rhythm .

  22. 所以我们采取益精填髓,调养先天,填髓益脑之法必有良好收效。

    So we take pure filling pulp , aftercare PE , fill pulp congenital law of brain will be good work .

  23. 现代研究也表明,它具有增强免疫力、延缓衰老、抗癌等作用,常被当作滋补调养的食物。

    Modern research also shows that it can strengthen the immunity , anti-aging , anti-tumor effect , often regarded as nutritious food .

  24. 我们是被新观念调养出来的新时代女性,我们相信美丽是深藏在皮肤之下的。

    ' I looked at the reflection and thought : " Is that fat , middle-aged woman really me ?" 'she confessed .

  25. 气温回升,降水增多,冰雪消融。注意调养脾胃,增加运动以缓解春困。

    Rain more and temperature higher , nurse and harmonize Liver and Spleen , more outdoor activities to prevent being spring sleepy .

  26. 通过一套部分参考科比的调养方案,拜纳姆在过去几年稳步增加了出场数:35,50和65。

    With a better conditioning regimen partly mirroring that of Kobe Bryant , Bynum has steadily increased the games he 's played in the past few years : 35,50 and65 .

  27. 售后办事系统承担着苏宁电器各类电器产物的安装维修调养办事使命,致力于为泛博消费者供给“亲热、快捷、殷勤”的优质办事。

    This system is in charged of all installation and maintenance works of Suning Appliance 's products and its intended to provide kind , fast and considerate services for vast customers .

  28. 功效:新护肤体验,持续维护肌肤弹力,滋润调养干性肌肤,使肌肤呈现水润健康,越来越年轻,让肌肤在熟睡中完美回复珍皙珠白。

    Function : give skin new experience and maintain skin'elasticity , moisten and nurse dry skin , let skin be aqua-healthy and look more young and resume pearl white perfectly in the sleeping .

  29. 但不要担心:虽说现代生活似乎是焦虑滋生的温床,但通过运动调养加上生活方式的轻微改变,这种失调是可以得到有效治疗的。

    But don 't worry : Though modern life seems to be the perfect breeding ground for anxiety , such disorders can be effectively treated through regimens of exercise and subtle changes in lifestyle .

  30. 许多中国人认为剧烈运动对女性不好——这基于“相较于男性,女性体质更为虚弱,需要特殊调养”这一理念。

    Many in China believe that strenuous exercise is actually bad for women - based on the idea that a woman 's body is intrinsically weaker than a man 's and requires special nurturing .