
  • 网络E-mail
  1. exchange管理员启用并正确地配置了安全列表聚合之后,内容筛选器代理会将安全电子邮件传递到企业邮箱,不进行任何额外的处理。

    When an exchange administrator enables and correctly configures safelist aggregation , the content filter agent passes safe e-mail messages to the enterprise mailbox without additional processing .

  2. 编制索引极大地改善了查询性能,同时减少了exchange展开通讯组并将电子邮件传递给预期收件人所需的时间。

    Indexing greatly improves the performance of the query , and it reduces the time that exchange requires to expand the distribution group and deliver the e-mail message to the intended recipients .

  3. 可以指定报表服务器电子邮件传递、文件共享传递、用于预加载缓存的null传递提供程序或自定义传递扩展插件。

    You can specify report server e-mail delivery , file share delivery , the null delivery provider used for preloading the cache , or a custom delivery extension .

  4. 总部设在加拿大的RIM生产的“黑莓”产品是世界上最受欢迎的智能手机品牌之一,广泛应用于公司之间的电子邮件传递和交流。

    Canada-based RIM 's line of BlackBerry products is one of the world 's most popular smartphone brands , and is used widely among corporations as an email and communications device .

  5. 例如,CyrusIMAP服务器附带了Sieve系统(请参见参考资料),它可以在电子邮件传递到用户的邮箱时,对其进行自动过滤。

    For example , the Cyrus IMAP server comes with the Sieve system ( see Resources ) for automatically filtering e-mail when it 's delivered to the mailbox of the user .

  6. 添加或更改活动文档的电子邮件传递名单

    Adds or changes the electronic mail routing slip of the active document

  7. 这一教训是人们所熟知的:切忌用普通电子邮件传递敏感信息。

    One lesson is familiar : never put sensitive information in an ordinary e-mail .

  8. 对于电子邮件传递,报表服务器日志文件包括针对特定电子邮件帐户的处理和传递记录。

    For e-mail delivery , report server log files include a record of processing and deliveries to specific e-mail accounts .

  9. 如果使用的是电子邮件传递扩展插件,则查询应为每个订阅服务器返回一个有效的电子邮件别名。

    If you are using the e-mail delivery extension , the query should return a valid e-mail alias for each subscriber .

  10. 您可能还希望进一步自定义报表服务器电子邮件传递设置、对打开的连接数设置限制或调整内存限制。

    You might also want to customize report server e-mail delivery settings , set limits on the number of open connections , or adjust memory limits .

  11. 任何电子邮件传递给受助者有没有事先与寄件人或不同意直接向接触发送垃圾邮件。

    Any e-message sent to recipients that have had no prior association with the sender or did not DIRECTLY agree to be contacted by the sender is Spam .

  12. 如果要创建可提供实际报表的订阅,则使用报表服务器电子邮件传递扩展插件并设置选项以包括指向报表的链接。

    If you want to create a subscription that provides an actual report , use the report server e-mail delivery extension and set options to include a link to the report .

  13. 最后,本文针对电子邮件传递过程中可能出现的安全问题做了一些有益的探索和尝试,提出将椭圆曲线数字签名技术引入电子邮件传输过程中来增强安全性的构想。

    Finally , did some useful explore and try according to the security problems in the process of E-mail delivery , proposed the idea of applying the elliptic curve digital signature technology to E-mail delivery in order to enhance the security .

  14. 另外,syslog通常还用于记录电子邮件消息传递、文件系统问题,甚至DHCP租期、DNS问题和NFS问题。

    In addition , syslog is often used to record e-mail messages delivery , filesystem issues , and even DHCP leases , DNS issues , and NFS problems .

  15. 在典型的电子邮件消息传递系统中不能发送电子邮件时生成一个NDR传递状态通知邮件。

    In a typical e-mail messaging system , an NDR delivery status notification message is generated when an e-mail message cannot be delivered .

  16. 然而,电子邮件在传递信息方面被人们广泛使用的同时,也带来了一系列的安全问题。

    However , e-mail was widely used by people in transmission of information , but also brings about a series of security problems .

  17. 发送给多个收件人的电子邮件的传递路径分支,以便不同的收件人可以接收同一封邮件的不同副本。

    A split in the delivery path of an e-mail message , which is sent to multiple recipients , so that the different recipients receive different copies of the same message .

  18. web信号还可以包含有害代码并用于避开电子邮件筛选器以传递垃圾邮件。

    Web beacons can also contain harmful code and be used to circumvent e-mail filters to deliver a spammer 's message .

  19. 在这种情况下发送UCE的人试图利用电子邮件服务器的传递状态通知功能。

    In this scenario , the people who send UCE try to take advantage of the delivery status notification functionality in the e-mail server .

  20. 该数据可能是电子邮件、文件传递等的一部分。

    This data could be part of an e-mail , file transfer , etc.

  21. 您的电子邮件服务器不能传递此邮件,因为收件人不存在。

    Your e-mail server cannot deliver this message because the recipient does not exist .

  22. 然而儿子的医生也告诉我那样做会好一些,他可以用电子邮件向我传递治疗报告,我只好忍痛离开了。

    Yet when my son 's doctor told me he thought it would be fine , that he could E - mail his assessments , I tore myself away .

  23. 电子香烟是把烟草香烟像电子邮件一样缓慢发出传递的。

    E-cigarettes are to tobacco cigarettes ase-mail is to snail mail .

  24. 默认传递扩展插件包括报表服务器电子邮件和文件共享传递。

    The default delivery extensions include report server e-mail and file share delivery .

  25. 电子邮件和即时消息传递是对于执行日常业务很重要的两种应用程序。

    It is no secret that email and instant messaging are two of the applications that have become critical to achieving everyday business results .

  26. 这非常类似于企业在使用其它协作工具时的体验,如最初引入电子邮件或即时消息传递时。

    This may be very similar to the experiences businesses had with the adoption of other collaborative tools , such as the initial introduction of email or instant messaging .

  27. 这类用户需要基本的办公功能(如电子邮件、即时消息传递、公司门户、浏览器以及对文件和打印系统的访问)来完成日常工作。

    These users require basic office functionality , such as email , instant messaging , company portals , browsers , and access to file and print systems , to do their daily jobs .

  28. 若要限制电子邮件分发,可以设置配置选项来限制将电子邮件传递到特定邮件服务器主机。

    To limit e-mail distribution , you can set configuration options that restrict delivery to certain mail server hosts .

  29. 向电子邮件的收件人发送UCE的人已发现一个方法来解决许多电子邮件消息传递系统内置的电子邮件筛选器。

    People who send UCE to e-mail recipients have discovered a method to work around the e-mail filters that are built into many e-mail messaging systems .