
  • 网络space vector;spatial vector
  1. 基于Hilbert空间向量范数的网络选择算法

    A Network Selection Scheme Based on Hilbert Space Vector Norms

  2. 产生第一个Lanczos向量的空间向量来自于屋盖风压场的本征正交分解(POD)。

    The space vector used to generate the first Lanczos vector or block lanczos is obtained from the proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) of the wind pressure field of roof .

  3. 曲线描绘由B样条形状空间向量来表达,能够捕捉全局和局部变形。

    A vector within B-spline shape space that can accommodate global or local deformation is adopted to represent a curve .

  4. 电流追踪型PWM逆变器的空间向量控制策略

    Research of Space Vector Control Strategy for Current - Tracing PWM Inverter

  5. 逆变器空间向量对称PWM信号微机实时调制方法

    Microcomputer bused Real time Modulation Method of Inverter Space Vector Symmetric PWM Signal

  6. Banach空间向量序列B-正交及推广

    An Extension of Vector Sequence 's B-orthogonality in Banach Space

  7. 你可以用它来定义,一个没有z分量的空间向量场。

    But , you can also use it to define a vector field in space just with no z component .

  8. 支持向量机(SVM)是一种崭新的机器学习方法,建立在结构风险最小化原理基础上,寻找一个最优分类超平面,引进核函数将低维空间向量映射到高维空间。

    Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) is based on Structure Risk Minimization principle ( SRM ) is a kind of machine learning method .

  9. 一种基于空间向量模型的主题PageRank算法

    A Vector Space Model Based Topic PageRank Algorithm

  10. Banach空间向量值Bochner积分型的广义Jensen不等式

    On the Vector Valued Generalized Jensen 's Inequality of Bochner integral in the Banach Spaces

  11. 答案提取的MRR值达到了0.47,明显优于空间向量模型。

    The MRR value with LSA is 0.47 , which is better than VSM obviously .

  12. 然后分析了HITS算法的一个变种:空间向量投影法。空间向量投影法的主要理论基础是充分信任根集的权威性。

    Then we analyze the variation of HITS algorithm : Spatial Vector Projection . The theory base of Space Vector Projection HITS is that full trust the authoritativeness of root collection .

  13. 在分析了层次分析法(AHP)、模糊评判法等评价方法的基础上,笔者提出了基于希尔伯特空间向量范数的铁路机务安全评价模型。

    On the basis of the defect analysis of evaluation methods such as AHP and fuzzy judgment method , a new safety evaluation model for locomotive safety base on the vector norms in Hilbert space is put forward .

  14. CwMtx中的矩阵包括向量和方阵,其中向量包括空间向量和四元数。

    The matrices in CwMtx include vectors and square matrices , where vectors include space vectors and quaternions .

  15. 与HITS算法只计算主特征向量不同,空间向量投影法计算每个特征向量,然后将所有的特征向量对根集空间投影,并对投影后的向量进行比较。

    Unlike HITS only calculates the host characteristic vector , the Spatial Vector Projection algorithm calculates each characteristic vector . It projects all characteristics vectors to the root collection space , and revises the algorithm by comparing with each one .

  16. 在基于码分多址(CDMA)和空分多址(SDMA)技术的联合多址系统中,扩频码的分配应根据移动用户空间向量的正交性来进行。

    In the joint multiple access systems , which are based on the CDMA and SDMA techniques , the assignment of spreading codes should be based on the orthogonality of the spatial vector of the mobile users .

  17. 为提高RNAV(区域导航)精度,采用空间向量分析,导出了FANS(国际民航组织倡导的新航行系统)航线的初始航线角和航线距离计算公式;

    To improve the precision of area navigation , the formulas of calculating the initial course and route distance of an FANS ( the future air navigation system ) route was derived through spatial vector analyses .

  18. 在虚拟企业系统DLA数学模型基础上,通过将四维空间向量投影到通用维的降阶方法,实现了制造型虚拟企业系统总体数据映射分析。

    On the basis of DLA mathematic model of virtual enterprise system and through the degree reduction method , which let the four dimensional spatial vectors be projected to the general dimension , thus realized the overall data mapping analysis of the manufacturing typed virtual enterprise system .

  19. 发现基于信息检索模型的空间向量模型相似性度量方法具有较高的识别率。最后,使用MIMIC-II数据库提供的ICU病人生理信息建立了一个小型的ICU病人生理状态样本库。

    Then it is known that space vector model base on information retrieval model similarity measurement has higher recognition rate . Lastly , a small physical state sample database is set up , where the physiological information in ICU patients was accessed by using MIMIC - ⅱ database .

  20. 改进空间向量模型及其在文档自动分类系统中的应用

    Improved Vector Space Model and Its Application to Document Classification System

  21. 空间向量脉宽调制原理及实现

    The Principle and Implementation of the Space vector Pulse Width Modulation Technique

  22. 空间向量理论在三相脉冲变流器中的应用

    Application of Space Vector Theory in Three Phase Pulse Converter

  23. 关于取值于局部凸空间向量测度的进一步研究

    Further Study for Vector Measures Valued in Locally Convex Space

  24. 基于希尔伯特空间向量范数的铁路机务安全评价模型研究

    Study on Locomotive Safety Evaluation Model Based on Vector Norms in Hilbert Space

  25. 空间向量法求解坐标变换

    A Coordinate Transformation Method by Means of Space Vector

  26. 组合变流器载波相移空间向量调制(CPS-SVM)技术

    Multi-modular Converter with Carrier Phase - shifted SVM Technique

  27. 利用空间向量方法分析有源补偿器的电流可控性

    An analysis of the current controllability for an active power compensator with space vectors method

  28. 通过这些改进,使空间向量能够更好的表示微博文本内容。

    With these improvements , we can represent microblog text better than using the space vector model .

  29. 它不再像传统的空间向量模型那样,只单纯的考虑文档在词典空间上的维度。

    It is not like the traditional space vector model , considering dimension on dictionary space merely .

  30. 本文在前人研究的基础上进一步设计了一些简单的空间向量安全计算协议。

    Formerly of research works foundation up to further design some secure protocols for computing spatial vectors .