
  • 网络Air conditioning and ventilation system;hvac;hvac system
  1. 采用计算流体动力学(CFD)手段来优化空调通风系统的设计是一个新的课题和尝试。

    It is a new challenge to use CFD to optimize HVAC system .

  2. 船舶空调通风系统设计中的CFD应用

    Application of CFD in Marine HVAC System Design

  3. 空调通风系统CFD仿真及在摆式客车二等座车中的应用

    CFD Simulation of Air Condition Ventilation System and Its Application in Second Class Pendulum Passenger Train

  4. 集中空调通风系统空气净化消毒装置PM(10)净化效果评价方法

    Method of Evaluation for PM_ ( 10 ) Removal Efficiency of Air-cleaning Devices in the Central Air-conditioning Ventilation Systems

  5. BOPP薄膜项目的空调通风系统设计

    AC System Design for BOPP Membrane Production Workshop

  6. 评价了不同形式空调通风系统在SARS医院中应用的优缺点和适用条件;

    Evaluates the pros and cons of various air conditioning and ventilation systems possibly used in the hospital and accommodates their applicable conditions ;

  7. 依据两所收治SARS患者医院的设计实践,提出了空调通风系统针对SARS医院病区的设计理念;

    Based on the practice of designing two SARS hospitals , presents the principles In the system design for the isolation ward units ;

  8. 基于该平台,那些不太熟悉CFD软件的工程师们就可以快速进行空调通风系统的数值仿真计算,从而提高方案对比效率。

    The platform is used to aid engineers who are not familiar with the CFD software , to complete numerical simulated calculation better and improve working efficiency in comparing among all new designs .

  9. 通过FPSO上的电气设备舱室空调通风系统的设计,对这些特殊处所作些介绍并提出了一些应注意的问题以及设计参数的选择,供设计人员参考。

    With example of an air conditioning & ventilation system of electric equipment cabin on FPSO , the author introduces the problems that should be paid attention to . Parameter selection considerations are presented for design reference .

  10. 随着社会的发展,人们对室内环境舒适性和IAQ问题的关注使得小型空调通风系统得以应用,并为独立式住宅或小型办公区域提供健康舒适的室内环境。

    With the development of society , people 's concern over indoor thermal environment and indoor air quality ( IAQ ) has led to the emergence of mini-type ventilation system , which brings healthy and comfortable environment to freestanding residential buildings and small offices .

  11. 上海国际航运大厦空调通风系统设计

    Air conditioning and ventilation design of the Shanghai international shipping building

  12. 大连市14家公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生学调查

    Hygienic Situation of HVAC Systems in 14 Public Places of Dalian

  13. 氨纶工程空调通风系统设计

    Air conditioning and ventilation system design for a spandex fiber plant

  14. 深圳市医院集中空调通风系统卫生状况分析

    Hygiene situation of centralized air-conditioning ventilation systems in hospitals in Shenzhen

  15. 改进粘胶长丝车间空调通风系统设计探讨

    Discussion on Improvement of Air-Conditioning Ventilation System in Viscose Filament Workshop

  16. 地铁空调通风系统双工况分析

    Analyzing separated status in the subway ventilation and air conditioning system

  17. 公共场所集中空调通风系统应加强卫生管理。

    Sanitary control should be strengthened to the centralized air ventilation system .

  18. 沈阳地铁站空调通风系统设计

    Design of Ventilating and Air-conditioning System in Metro Station of Shenyang City

  19. 公共场所集中空调通风系统污染与卫生学评价

    Pollution of ventilated system in air condition and hygienic assessment

  20. 介绍了西直门综合交通枢纽工程空调通风系统的优化设计。

    Presents the optimized air conditioning and ventilation system design .

  21. 某综合医院集中空调通风系统微生物污染现状

    Status of Microbial Contamination of Centralized Air Ventilation System in General Hospital

  22. 商场空调通风系统污染控制方法的分析

    Analysis on Controlling Pollution of a Air Conditioning and Ventilation in Supermarket

  23. 关于集中式空调通风系统清洗若干问题的思考

    Thinkings About Some Issues in Air Duct Cleaning of Central Air-conditioning Systems

  24. 中央空调通风系统空气净化装置的研究

    Study on Air - Purification Device in Central Ventilation System

  25. 空调通风系统清洗研究的进展与评述

    Evolution and Evaluation of Research in Air Conditioning Ventilation Duct System Cleaning

  26. 湖南省医院集中空调通风系统卫生现况与管理对策探讨

    Sanitary Condition and Management of Nosocomial Centralized Air Ventilation System in Hunan

  27. 上海某历史性建筑空调通风系统设计

    Design of the air-conditioning and ventilation system for a historic building in Shanghai

  28. 某通信设备厂房空调通风系统设计

    Air conditioning and ventilating system design for workshops of a communication equipment company

  29. 华南地区会所类建筑空调通风系统设计

    Air conditioning and ventilation system design of the club building in south China

  30. 水面舰艇空调通风系统技术现状及展望

    Technical Status and Prospects of Air-conditioning and Ventilation Systems on Surface Naval Ships