
qiān zhào
  • kilomega;giga;gillion
千兆[qiān zhào]
  1. 千兆网支持下的城市公众GIS

    Discussing the urban public GIS supported by kilomega ethernet network

  2. 面向电视后期制作的多CPU千兆非编网

    Multi CPU Kilomega Bits Non-linear Editing Net on Aftermath Production of TV Programmes

  3. 这个系统内存256兆字节,可扩充到2千兆字节。

    The system has 256 MB RAM , expandable to 2GB .

  4. 基于FPGA的实时数据处理及数据千兆传输的研究

    Research Real Time Data Transaction and Gigabit Transmission Based on FPGA

  5. 基于FPGA的千兆以太网光纤转换器的设计

    Design of optical fiber converter of Gigabit Ethernet based on FPGA

  6. 基于fpga的十端口千兆以太网接口的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Ten ports giga Ethernet interface Based FPGA

  7. 下面是ExtremeNetworksSummit400-48t48口千兆以太网交换机的配置步骤。

    Here are the configuration steps for an Extreme Networks Summit 400-48t 48-port Gigabit Ethernet switch .

  8. 基于FPGA的千兆以太网分布式数据传输技术

    Gigabit Ethernet Distributed Data Transmission Technology Based on FPGA

  9. 基于FPGA的千兆硬件防火墙高速数据缓冲设计

    Study on high-speed data buffer design on gigabit hardware firewall based on FPGA

  10. 一种基于FPGA的千兆网络入侵检测方法与实现

    A Methodology and an Implementation of Gigabit Network Instruction Detection System Based on FPGA

  11. IPQOS技术在千兆位以太网中的实现

    Implementing IP QoS in the Gigabit Ethernet

  12. 对校园网中千兆位以太网的QoS分析

    The QoS Analysis of Gigabit Ethernet in Campus Network

  13. 基于高性能FPGA芯片的千兆网IPSec协议模块

    Gigabit Net IPSec Protocol Module Research Based on High Performance FPGA

  14. 基于千兆以太网中支持QoS的几种协议

    Several agreement of supporting QoS in Gigabit Ethernet

  15. 0.25μMCMOS千兆以太网发送器设计

    Design of a Gigabit Ethernet Transmitter using 0.25 μ m CMOS Technology

  16. 基于0.18μMCMOS工艺的千兆以太网数据判决电路芯片

    18 μ m CMOS Data Decision IC for Gigabit Ethernet

  17. 千兆以太网加ATM网技术在校园网设计方案中的应用

    The Application of Gigabit Ethernet and ATM Among Campus Network Design Project

  18. 基于千兆位以太网技术的Intranet的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Intranet Based on Gigabit Ethernet Technology

  19. 校园主干网中的ATM与千兆以太网之争

    ATM and Gigabit Ethernet in Backbone of Campus Network

  20. 现在可以在千兆以太网适配器上使用target软件驱动程序,这可以提高该类环境中的性能。

    The target software driver can now be used over a gigabyte Ethernet adapter , which should clearly improve performance in this type of environment .

  21. 千兆以太网中的8B/10B编解码的CPLD实现技术

    CPLD Implementation of 8B / 10B Encoder / Decoder for Gigabit Ethernet

  22. 介绍了多DSP系统硬件结构框架,并重点介绍了系统的PCI模块和千兆以太网模块。

    And then the multi-DSP architecture is introduced , especially the PCI module and EMAC module .

  23. 基于安全处理器的千兆线速IPSECVPN的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Gigabit IPSec VPN Based on Security Processor

  24. 在FPGA最小电路系统的基础上,设计了千兆以太网硬件接口电路。

    Based on minimum circuit system of FPGA , the hardware circuit of Gigabit Ethernet interface is designed .

  25. CPU由几兆主频的8086发展到现在千兆的奔腾四代,主流操作系统也历经四代,功能日趋强大。

    CPU became from 8086 to PIX and the operating system also experienced from 4 generations .

  26. 千兆位以太网QoS的实现

    QoS implementation by Gigabit Ethernet

  27. 设计并实现了用于光纤用户网和千兆以太网光接收机的CMOS前置放大器。

    A CMOS preamplifier for optical access network systems and gigabit Ethernet systems is realized .

  28. 基于NP的千兆电子商务应用系统安全防火墙设计

    Design of gigabit E-business application system firewall based on NP

  29. ATM和千兆以太网的比较

    Comparison of ATM and Gigabit Ethernet

  30. 千兆位以太网PAUSE流量控制机制研究

    The Study of PAUSE Flow Control in Gigabit Ethernet