
qiān fó yá
  • Thousand-Buddha Cliffside Sculptures
  1. 本文主要研究了千佛崖组的地震响应及其异常分布特征,这为寻找千佛崖组中的高储高产部位提供了方法和依据。

    Based on this , a method and foundation is offered for finding high reserve and high prodution layer in Qianfuya Formation .

  2. 汽车单次在四川广元千佛崖石窟附近通过不会对完整石窟造成破坏性影响,但可能诱发处在临界稳定状态的文物或岩块失稳而破坏。

    The results show that single vehicle through the caves in the vicinity not effect to integrity grotto , but may induce instability and destruction of artifacts or rock of the critical steady-state .