
qiān fú
  • kilovolt
千伏 [qiān fú]
  • [kilovolt] 电位差(电压)的单位,等于1000伏特(符号kV)

千伏[qiān fú]
  1. 固体材料中随穿透距离变化的千伏电子能量耗散的测定

    Determination of Kilovolt Electron Energy Dissipation vs Penetration Distance in Solid Materials

  2. 220千伏新建女儿河输变电工程设计与管理

    220 Kilovolt Newly Built Nu'er River Power Transformer Engineering Design and Management

  3. 尘肺胸部高千伏平片与CT的对比研究

    The comparative study of chest high kilovoltage plain film and CT of pneumoconiosis

  4. 尘肺的CT诊断与X线普通胸片及高千伏胸片比较

    Comparison CT Scan , Ordinary Chest Radiograph and High Kilovoltage Chest Radiograph in the Diagnosis of Pneumoconiosis

  5. 千伏锥形束CT测量脑转移瘤放疗计划靶区外放研究

    Measuring planning target volume margin in kV cone beam CT guided three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy of brain metastases carcinoma

  6. 千伏级锥形束CT在肺癌适形放疗精度保证中的临床研究

    The Clinical Study of Kilovoltage Cone-Beam CT on the Geometric Accuracy in Conformal Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer Patients

  7. 高千伏X线与螺旋CT、高分比率CT在煤工尘肺诊断中的应用

    Application of High-kilovolt X-ray , Spiral CT and High Resolution CT in Diagnosis of Pneumoconiosis among Coal Workers

  8. DR与传统高千伏胸部摄影对比分析

    Comparative Analysis Between DR and in High kV Chest Radiographs

  9. 尘肺病是我国职业病中发病例数最多危害最严重的疾病,从业者胸部高千伏X射线摄片是尘肺职业病体检必检项目之一。

    Dust pulmonary disease is the most serious disease with the highest incidence in occupational diseases and the high-KV X-ray shoot is an indispensable medical examination for it .

  10. 在激光技术领域,为了得到峰值功率高,脉冲宽度窄的激光脉冲,通常采用调Q激光模式工作,这样就需要在调Q晶体上加数千伏的高压脉冲。

    In order to obtain high peak and narrow width laser pulse , the method of Q-Switching is used constantly . High-voltage of kV is added on the Q-switched crystal .

  11. 主要根据X线检查(胸腹平片、肺门断层片、高千伏胸片、超高速CT)、超声心动图、心导管检查明确诊断。

    Definite diagnoses of dextrocardia ( DC ) were derived from X-ray examination , including thoracic-abdominal plain X-ray film , hilar computed tomography , high kV chest plain film or ultrafast CT , echocardiogram and angiography .

  12. 在触发时刻,间隙电场中最大场强值E-max的范围是188&380〔千伏/厘米·工作电压〕;

    As the working voltage is applied , the maximum field-strength in FDG at the triggering moment ( E-max ) is ranged from 188 to 380 [ KV / cm ] ;

  13. 不同千伏设置对缺血性脑血管病头颈联合CTA图像质量的影响

    Effect of multi-slice spiral CT angiography at different kilovoltage settings on image quality of head and cervical arteries in ischemic cerebrovascular disease

  14. 用EMTP程序对西北系统作了大量频率特性的计算,得出了关于西北330千伏主网高串补下次同步谐振可能性的判断。

    The judgement on SSR possibility of 330 kV Northwest network with high series-capacitor compensation is available .

  15. 阐述了以MCS-51系列80C31八位单片机为核心构成的千伏级隔爆型磁力起动器实时监测控制系统。

    Realtime monitoring and control system for thousand volts class ALP magnetic starter which core is MCS-51 series80C318-bit single chip microcontroller is described here .

  16. 术前常规行高千伏胸部X线摄片和CT检查以了解气道狭窄的部位、形态和范围。狭窄段位于气管10例、右侧主支气管1例、左主支气管2例。

    Materials Thirteen patients with severe tracheal stenosis of various causes underwent high kilovoltage radiography and computed tomography for evaluating the site , form and extent of the stenosis including 10 at the trachea , 1 at the right main bronchus and 2 at left main bronchus .

  17. 方法选择玻璃纤维粉尘作业130名男性工人为研究对象,并以某化妆品厂130名男性工人作为对照组,进行鼻、咽喉、高千伏胸部X射线影像学检查和肺功能测定。

    Methods Examination on nose , pharynx , larynx , chest X-ray and test on pulmonary function were carried out in 130 male workers exposed to glass fiber dust and the result was compared with those found in 130 male controls working in a cosmetic factory .

  18. 研究可动部件(千伏级射线探测板和源方向球管支臂)的伸缩对XVI图像匹配结果的影响;

    And the influence of the moveable parts , including the KV panel and the source arm , on the accuracy of the XVI image registration was analyzed .

  19. 利用PSPICE软件对电路进行了仿真,结果显示,利用所设计的电路可产生千伏级的纳秒脉冲控制信号,能较好的满足电控全息光开关的控制需求。

    The circuit is simulated with PSPICE program , and the results indicate that the designed circuit could generate kilo-voltage nanosecond pulse control signal that can match the applications requirement of electro - holographic optical switch well .

  20. 谈谈改进后的6&10千伏配电网的运行

    On the operation of optimized 6 - 10 kV distribution network

  21. 另一个85千伏总线的例子如图2所示。

    Another example is shown in Fig.2 for an85 kV bus .

  22. 220千伏环网线路中的零序电流分支系数

    Distribution Factor of Zero-Sequence Current in a 220 KV Ring System

  23. 一种新型千伏级磁力起动器保护系统的设计

    Design of a New protection System of KV Magnetic Force Starter

  24. 煤矿井下千伏级供电系统研究

    Study of power supply system of Kilo-volt level in underground mines

  25. 千伏增高,对比度降低。

    With the increasing of KV , image contrast is decreased ;

  26. 对10千伏电网过电压限制方法的研究

    Research on the overvoltage regulation in 10 kV power network

  27. 高千伏后前位胸片对扁平胸综合征的诊断价值

    The diagnostic value of High-kV posteroanterior chest radiograph in flat chest syndrome

  28. 排粪造影对直肠前突的诊断价值胸部高千伏阈值摄影

    The diagnostic values of defecography to rectocele High voltage threshold chest radiography

  29. 利用光电变换测量300千伏电位上的电参数

    Measurement of electrical parameters at ambient voltage of 300 kV by photo-electric conversion

  30. 煤矿采用6、10千伏混合供电方式的探讨

    On Feasibility of 6 / 10 KV Mixed Power Supply in Coal Mines