
biān fáng
  • frontier defence;border defence
边防 [biān fáng]
  • [frontier defence] 边境地区布置的防务

边防[biān fáng]
  1. 3G技术4D集成在云南边防信息系统中的应用

    Application of 3G technologies and 4D products to Yunnan frontier defence information system

  2. 讨论了4D集成的空间数学框架、空间与非空间数据库组织方式、数据模型设计以及3G技术结合的可能性与可行性,并介绍了其在云南边防信息系统中的集成及应用情况。

    This paper discusses the spatial mathematical framework , spatial and non-spatial database organization and data models for 4D data integration . It also discusses the possibility and feasibility of 3G technologies integration . Lastly , it introduces the application of these topics to the Yunnan frontier defence information system .

  3. 边界上已部署了边防岗哨。

    Guards have been posted along the border .

  4. 他从未能够通过边防哨兵的检查。

    He was never able to get past the border guards .

  5. 他企图勒死一名边防警察并偷走他的枪。

    He tried to strangle a border policeman and steal his gun

  6. 想要进入赞比亚应该经由奇龙杜边防哨所。

    The point of entry into Zambia would be the Chirundu border post

  7. 文工团常年在边防部队流动。

    The art troupe is always on the move in frontier guards .

  8. 那个包裹通过边防警察的检查了吗?

    Has the parcel been cleared with the border police yet ?

  9. 边防部队常备不懈地守卫着祖国边疆。

    The frontier guards , ever on the alert , stand watch over the borders of our country .

  10. 他一边当边防看守,一边养羊赚钱养家。

    He worked as a border keeper while keeping some sheep to support his family .

  11. 1964年,部队战士魏某到新疆保卫边防安全。

    In 1964 , Wei , a soldier in the army , went to Xinjiang to keep the border safe .

  12. 边防警察要求旅客打开行李。

    The border police required the traveler to unlock his luggage .

  13. 第二十四条有下列情形之一的外国人,边防检查机关有权阻止出境,并依法处理:

    Article 24 Frontier inspection offices shall have the power to stop aliens belonging to any of the following categories from leaving the country and to deal with them according to law :

  14. 基于WiMAX技术的边防路口自动监控系统研究

    Automatic Monitoring System for Border Posts Based on WiMAX Technology

  15. 巴基斯坦士兵今早8点5分在我们W哨所无缘无故开火。印度边防安保部队准军事部队发言人说。

    " Pakistani soldiers opened unprovoked firing on our Umra Wali post at8.05 ( local time ) this morning ," said the spokesman for the paramilitary Indian Border Security Force .

  16. 然而据北京出入境边防检查总站(BeijingGeneralStationofExitandEntryFrontierInspection)称,只有14000名旅客办理了过境免签手续,远低于官方此前预计的20000人。

    But only 14,000 tourists took advantage of the visa-free stopover , according to the Beijing General Station of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection , well short of the 20,000 target officials had previously predicted .

  17. 据俄罗斯联邦边防局(BorderGuardService)透露,周一被查扣的这艘渔船当时位于俄罗斯专属经济区内,这艘渔船试图撞击一艘俄罗斯船只。随后在俄方人员试图登船时又进行抵抗。

    According to Russia 's Border Guard Service , the vessel captured on Monday was inside the country 's exclusive economic zone , tried to ram a Russian vessel , and then resisted when Russian personnel tried to board .

  18. SDPB型喷水推进泵适用于装备各种救生艇、渔政工作艇、港务工作艇、边防巡逻艇、豪华游艇、交通艇、双体客船等作喷水推进使用。

    The SDPB Type Jet Propulsion Pump is suitable for installation of rescue boats , fishery administration boat , harbor work boat , coastguard patrol boat , luxury yacht and traffic boat , etc.

  19. 但这一地区的边防危机并没有得到解决。

    But the border crisis of the area wasn 't solved .

  20. 在军事思想和边防策略上,他们也有一定建树。

    They also made contribution to military thoughts and frontier tactics .

  21. 第三部分,论述动荡中的新疆边防。

    The third part , during elaboration turbulence Xinjiang border defense .

  22. 铁路筹建与清末广西边防

    Railway Construction and Border Defense in Guangxi in Late Qing Dynasty

  23. 谈依法治国与边防检查

    On Ruling the State according to Law and the Frontier Inspection

  24. 战士甲:边防中运用数字技术了吗?

    Soldier A : Is digital technology used in border defense ?

  25. 云南边防部队产酸克雷伯菌生化特性与致病性研究

    Biochemical features and pathogenicity of Klebsiella oxytoca in Yunan Frontier army

  26. 在此基础上,以京军为后盾的分地防御的边防格局初步形成。

    Then a new system of the frontier defence was formed .

  27. 洋务运动在巩固中国近代西北边防中的作用

    On the Westernization Movement and Modern China 's Northwestern Frontier Defense

  28. 边防的空军证明了这件事。

    And the Air Force in Fort Worth confirmed the story .

  29. 高原边防军人婚姻质量调查与分析

    Investigation of matrimonial quality in frontier guard at high altitude

  30. 其次,对边防团宣传工作指挥控制过程进行分析。

    Second , it analyses the process of the commanding and controlling .