
  • 网络North Lantau Highway
  1. 在北大屿山公路增设8部闭路电视摄影机的工程,则在进行中,并订于一九九八年底完成。

    Works to add eight CCTV cameras for the North Lantau Highway are also being carried out and scheduled for completion in late 1998 .

  2. 这些工程包括:西区海底隧道、西九龙公路、青葵公路、蓝巴勒海峡桥、长青隧道、青屿干线及北大屿山公路。

    The projects include the Western Harbour crossing , the West Kowloon highway , the Tsing Kwai highway , the Rambler channel bridge , the Cheung Tsing tunnel , the Lantau link and the North Lantau highway .

  3. 沿大屿山北岸兴建的北大屿山快速公路,把青屿干线、东涌新市镇及新机场连接起来,全长12.5公里。

    The North Lantau Expressway is a12.5-kilometre highway along the northern coast of Lantau , joining the Lantau Link to Tung Chung new town and the new airport .