
  • 网络boundary layer flow
  1. 用Morgan的双参数变换群理论,对磁场作用下的伸展垂直薄片的不可压缩非定常层流自然对流边界层流动进行相似性分析,得到了三种情况下的相似性解方程组。

    In this paper applying Morgan 's two parameter transformation groups theory , we analyzed the similarity solution for incompressible unsteady laminar natural convective boundary layer flow on a vertical stretching sheet .

  2. 边界层流动中湍斑的直接数值模拟

    Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Spots in the Boundary Layer Flow

  3. 用格子Boltzmann方法模拟平板层流边界层流动

    Lattice Boltzmann simulation of laminar boundary layer flows

  4. 用Navierstokes方程直接数值模拟平板边界层流动中湍斑的形成和演化过程。

    The generation and evolution of the turbulent spots are simulated by using Navier-Stokes equations in flat-plate boundary layer .

  5. 用法福尔质量加权平均N-S方程及两方程湍流模型求解三维超声速平板湍流边界层流动;

    The mass-weight averaging N-S equations are adopted as the governing equations of flow , and a two-equation turbulent model is employed .

  6. 实验中使用了恒温式IFA300智能型热线风速仪对3种不同尺寸的对称V型脊状表面湍流边界层流动参数进行了测试。

    In the experiment three symmetrical Vriblet surfaces which are different in scale have been tested by using of IFA300 constant temperature hotwire anemometer .

  7. 冲击射流近壁处存在着回流现象,由于边界层流动和近壁回流引起距离固壁2D内的速度梯度变化较大。

    From the distribution of velocity , a great velocity gradient can be seen in the zone with 2 D distance to the wall . The phenomenon was due to the boundary flow and reverse flow near the wall .

  8. 按非边界层流动来处理断路器灭弧室内的吹弧气流,建立了新型的喷口电弧二维数学模型.并应用其进行了SF6/N2混合气体开断特性分析。

    Based on the idea that the gas flow for arc-quenching in arc extinguishing chamber is a nonboundary-layer-type flow , a new 2-dimensional mathematical model of nozzle arc is presented in this paper and is used to analyze the arc-quenching properties of SF_6 / N_2 gas mixtures .

  9. 并研究了局部平行假设下的Blasius边界层流动,分别给出对稳定性研究至关重要的中性稳定性曲线。

    Furthermore , the Blasius flow which is considered locally parallel has been studied , and the neutral stability curves , which are very important for the stability study , are given .

  10. 本文给出了与Mangler变换类似的变换,它将平行球面间进口段内层流轴对称边界层流动转换成二维平面层流边界层流动,使问题得到简化。

    The transformatons , which are similar to Mangler 's transformations , are given in this paper , change the entrance region flow of axially symmetrical laminar boundary layer between two parallel spherical surfaces into the flow of two-dimensional boundary layer , and simplify the problems .

  11. 热边界层流动中管道的热损失

    The Heat Losses on Temperature Boundary Layer in Flow of Pipeline

  12. 传热对水边界层流动的影响

    Effects of Heat Transfer on the Boundary Layer s Flow in Water

  13. 含灰气体激波管侧壁层流边界层流动特征

    The characteristics of laminar sidewall boundary-layer flows in a Dusty-Gas shock tube

  14. 层流边界层流动数值计算的伪谱方法

    A Numerical Method for Laminar Boundary Layer Flow-pseudo-spectral Matrix Method

  15. 对称翼型近场尾流及后缘边界层流动特性的试验研究

    Experimental investigation of trailing-edge and near wake flow of a symmetric airfoil

  16. 计算实际机翼湍流边界层流动的积分法

    An integral method for calculating turbulent boundary layer flow on practical wings

  17. 常气压辉光放电等离子体对边界层流动的影响

    Boundary Layer Flows with One Atmosphere Uniform Glow Discharge Plasma

  18. 边界层流动噪声述评交通事故导致的交通堵塞等等。

    A Review on Flow Noises Generated by Boundary Layers in traffic flow .

  19. 特隆勃墙通道内自然对流边界层流动

    Natural convection boundary-layer flow in a Trombe wall channel

  20. 二维层流边界层流动方程解的一个数值探讨

    A Numerical Approach to the Solution of Two Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layer Equations

  21. 圆柱面上再附边界层流动的级数分析

    A series solution of the reattachment boundary layer flow over a circular cylinder

  22. 边界层流动噪声述评

    A Review on Flow Noises Generated by Boundary Layers

  23. 含灰气体激波沿平壁传播时诱导的边界层流动

    Flat-Plate Boundary-Layer Flows Induced by Dusty Shock Wave

  24. 高超声速边界层流动转捩研究

    Stability and Transition of Hypersonic Boundary Layer Flow

  25. 在第五章,考察了纳米边界层流动。

    In Section 5 , the nano boundary-layer ?

  26. 超声速边界层流动数值模拟的边界条件研究

    A study of the boundary condition in the DNS of the supersonic boundary layer flow

  27. 叶片力亏损与端壁边界层流动关联的数值研究

    Numerical study of the relationship between endwall boundary layer flow and its blade force defect

  28. 关于二平行流束之间层流边界层流动方程式的解

    On the solution of the Boundary Layer Equation for the Laminar Boundary Layer Between Two Parallel Streams

  29. 分离涡、两侧边界层流动以及侧向力均对于雷诺数不敏感。

    The vortices , boundary layer state and side force are all insensitive to the Reynolds number .

  30. 低速翼型近场尾流及其后缘边界层流动特性之热线测量结果

    How wire measurements of trailing edge boundary layer and near wake flow characteristics of a low speed airfoil