
  • 网络ownership theory;theory of ownership
  1. 论马克思主义所有制理论的创新体系

    The Innovation System of Marxist Theory of Ownership

  2. 以马克思主义所有制理论为立论基础,我国所有制结构调整的方向是主体多元化和整体优化。

    On the argument basis of Marxism theory of ownership , the orientation for adjusting the ownership system in China is pluralization and overall optimization .

  3. 社会主义所有制理论在中国的新发展

    The new development of the theory of socialism ownership in China

  4. 马克思主义所有制理论产生于19世纪40年代的西欧。

    The Marxism ownership theory produces in 1840s in Western Europe .

  5. 马克思个人所有制理论对我国所有制改革的启示

    Revelation of Marxian individual property theory to the property reformation of China

  6. 马克思的所有制理论与公有制实现形式探索

    Probe into Marxist Property Theory and the Realization Forms of Communal Property

  7. 我国所有制理论的三大突破与创新

    The three breakthroughs and innovation of our country 's ownership

  8. 这在所有制理论认识上又有了一个实质性突破;

    The break through for the understanding of ownership theory ;

  9. 马克思恩格斯的国家所有制理论与现实

    Marx and Engels ' State Ownership Theory and Practice

  10. 马克思所有制理论的发展逻辑

    The Developmental Pattern in Marx 's Theory of Ownership

  11. 十五大以来所有制理论研究述论

    The Review of the Research of Ownership after CPC 's Fifteenth National Congress

  12. 第二部分:马克思主义经典作家关于社会主义所有制理论的研究。

    Part II : On the theory of socialist ownership with Marxist classical writers .

  13. 十五大在社会主义所有制理论上的重大突破和发展

    TX Developments and innovations of socialist ownership theory

  14. 论马克思、恩格斯所有制理论在中国的创新和发展

    Marx and Engels ′ theory of ownership : its innovation and development in China

  15. 所有制理论认识的系统创新

    The system creation of ownership theoretical knowledge

  16. 马克思的所有制理论

    Marx 's theory of ownership

  17. 这个改革过程同时形成所有制理论认识的重大突破和系统性创新。

    This reform course at the same time forms systematicness innovation and the significant breakthrough of ownership theoretical knowledge .

  18. 马克思所有制理论若干范畴译名与释义考辨

    A Critical Examination of the Translated Terms and Relevant Explanations of Several Categories of Marx 's Theory of Ownership

  19. 在庞大的思想体系中,马克思不仅建立了自己完整的所有制理论,同时也建立了内容丰富的产权理论。

    In the massive ideology , Karl Marx not only established complete theory of ownership , but also a rich property rights theory .

  20. 马克思主义所有制理论创立后对现代和当代历史的发展产生了巨大的作用和广泛的影响。

    After the Marxism ownership theory established , it has had the huge function and the widespread influence to modern and the contemporary history development .

  21. 马克思主义经济理论在当代中国发展的主要内容有:社会主义初级阶段理论、社会主义生产资料所有制理论、社会主义市场经济理论、社会主义个人消费品分配理论。

    Its main contents include theories of primary socialist stage , productive resource ownership , socialist market economy and socialist distribution of personal consumer goods .

  22. 马克思所有制理论存在三条发展逻辑:1.小生产个人所有制资本主义私有制重新建立个人所有制;

    Three types of developmental patterns exist in his theory of ownership : 1 . private ownership of small producers capitalist private ownership reestablished private ownership ;

  23. 与时俱进,实现所有制理论的创新&浅谈三个代表重要思想在所有制理论上的新发展及其重要意义

    Realizing the Innovation of the Ownership Theory to Keep up with the Times-On the New Development and Significance of the Ownership Theory Brought Forward by the Important Thought of the " three Represents "

  24. 正确理解马克思的所有制理论对判断所有制的性质、设计社会主义社会的所有制结构和公有制的实现形式有重要意义。

    To correctly understand the ownership theory of Marx 's has important significance for us to judge the nature of ownership and to design the ownership struction of socialist society and the realization form of public ownership .

  25. 同时,十六大还突破传统所有制理论,充分肯定了非公有制经济及新兴社会阶层在现阶段的重要地位和作用。

    At the same time , the congress surpassed the traditional theory about the public sectors and confirmed the important role of the non-public sector of self-employed , private and other forms of ownership of the economy .

  26. 本文通过对该过程的历史考察,揭示马克思所有制理论的一个基本内涵&所有制实现形式最终决定于生产力发展水平,所有制实现形式可以而且应当多样化。

    Though historical investigation of this process , my essay discloses a fundamental connotation of Marxist ownership system that forms of which are finally determined by level of development of productive forces and forms of which should be diversified .

  27. 通过对理论界在上述问题上论争的梳理和分析,指出所有制理论研究中存在的主要分歧、分歧的缘由及其对所有制改革的影响,并具体回答我们在这些问题上的基本观点。

    Through analyzing the above debate , we point out the main divergence in theory circles , the cause of the divergence and its influence on the ownership 's reform , and we shall give our standpoints at these particular problems .

  28. 十五大以来,我国所有制理论研究主要集中在所有制改革的标准问题、如何对待非公有制经济问题、公有制经济以及公有制的实现形式等几个重大问题上。

    After CPC 's fifteenth national congress , the research of ownership focus on several important problems of the criterion of ownership , how to treat with non-public ownership economy , how to treat with public ownership economy and the realization form of public ownership etc.

  29. 马克思主义所有制形式理论在我国的实践与发展

    Marxist Theory of Forms of Ownership : Practice and Development in China

  30. 关于所有制经济理论的几点思考

    Several Points about the System of Ownership Economy Theory