
  1. 透过解答人所问的问题,消除人对福音的误解。

    As we answer questions apologetics removes misunderstanding of the gospel .

  2. 任何语言都不能表达那母亲所问的“那东西?”这句话里的意思。

    No expression can reproduce the significance of the mother 's words .

  3. 听录音,写出在每个会话中游客所问的问题。

    Listen and write what the tourists ask about in each conversation .

  4. 我所问的是为什么继续活下去?

    All I 'm asking is why go on living ?

  5. 这是你所问的最好的问题。

    Best question you 've asked all night .

  6. 你所问的正是时下很关注的问题。

    The question you ask is very topical .

  7. 我所问的就是要证明钱不能使我幸福。

    All I ask is to prove that money can 't make me happy .

  8. 但是只有通过像他所问的问题

    But it 's only through questions like his

  9. 我不能告诉你这些,而你所问的,你绝不会经历。

    I can not tell you these , and you ask , you will never experience .

  10. 老实跟你说吧!你所问的那些都是人间才会发生的问题。

    Tell you the truth , what you asked happens only in the human 's world .

  11. 在人类所问过神的问题里,这一个是最常被问到的。

    Of all the questions man has asked of God , this is the one asked most often .

  12. 我想这也是所有科学家所问的问题。

    And it 's also one that , I think , many of our scientists have been asking .

  13. 善于理财地人和小打小闹的人在投资机会面前,所问出的问题是不一样的。

    People who do well financially ask different questions as they look at investments than people who produce meager rewards .

  14. 民调显示,至少70%的日本人现在反对核电,具体比例取决于所问问题的不同。

    Depending on how the question is put , polls show 70 per cent or more Japanese now oppose nuclear power .

  15. 你弄明白我们所问的关于死亡的坏处的,这类问题,不管是什么。

    You get clear about the kinds of questions we 've just been asking about the badness of death , whatever that is .

  16. 所罗门王将她所问的都答上了,没有一句不明白,不能答的。

    And Solomon gave her answers to all her questions ; there was no secret which the king did not make clear to her .

  17. 这儿有来自纽约的人生导师苏茜摩尔指导她的客户时所问的五个问题,来帮助他们审阅自己的生活。

    Here are five questions that Susie Moore ( Life Coach , New York City ) asks her coaching clients to help them examine their lives .

  18. 存在问题最本己的意义中就包含有发问活动同发问之所问的本质相关性。

    Here what is asked about has an essential pertinence to the inquiry itself , and this belongs to the ownmost meaning of the question of being .

  19. 他所问到的每一个人都有自己的一套故事。不过大家都觉得那是很美的。

    And what strange things people did say , to be sure ! every one whom he questioned had a different tale to tell , though they all thought it very beautiful .

  20. 在我们的电子公告牌,论坛,你们不仅可以浏览其他人的讨论,你的同学们所问的问题,你们当然也可以问你们自己的问题。

    Our bulletin boards of sorts , discussion forums , where you can not only browse discussions , questions that your classmates have asked , you can certainly ask questions of your own .

  21. 到撰写这篇文章之前,神奇宝贝游戏里总共有721种神奇宝贝,其中151种技能强大,就看你所问之人手法多强悍了。

    At the time of writing this article , there are currently 721 Pokemon , about 151 of which are actually any good depending on how much of a tool the person you ask is .

  22. 这场争论重复了罗纳德·里根在1980年总统竞选击败总统吉米·卡特时所问的问题:“你现在比四年前更好吗?”

    The argument echoes a question Ronald Reagan asked during his 1980 presidential campaign that defeated then-President Jimmy Carter when he asked , " Are you better off today than you were four years ago ? "

  23. 但以理在王面前回答说,王所问的那奥秘事,哲士,用法术的,术士,观兆的都不能告诉王。

    Daniel answered in the presence of the king , and said , The secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men , the astrologers , the magicians , the soothsayers , shew unto the king ;

  24. 但他们只有一个回答:“世上没有人能将王所问的事说出来,因为没有君王、大臣、掌权的,向术士、或用法术的、问过这样的事。”

    But they had only one answer they could give : " There is not a man upon the earth that can show the king 's dream , and there is also no king , lord nor ruler who has ever asked such a thing of his magicians and astrologers ! "

  25. 相反,你所问的应该表达出你想长期留在公司的愿望,你想要寻找的不仅仅是现在与你相契合的公司,更是在你成长、发展之后依旧彼此相契合的公司。

    Rather , your question should deliver the message that you want to be at this organization for a long time , that you are looking for a company that is a good fit now , and that will still be a good fit for you in the future as you grow and develop .

  26. 想进一步了解情况,就到当地税务所去问清楚。

    For further information , check with your local tax office .

  27. 然后写下史太弗在第二天的审判中所要问的问题。

    and he wrote down the questions which Stryver should ask at the next day 's trial .

  28. 音乐家、最新图文书《不法之徒皮特》(OutlawPete)的作者喜欢读宇宙学方面的书籍:我发现男人和女人都在努力回答我们所能自由问出的最为深刻的问题。

    The musician and author of the new picture book Outlaw Pete likes reading about cosmology : I find men and women struggling to answer the deepest questions we can ask freeing .

  29. 音乐家、最新图文书《不法之徒皮特》(OutlawPete)的作者喜欢读宇宙学方面的书籍:“我发现男人和女人都在努力回答我们所能自由问出的最为深刻的问题。”

    The musician and author of the new picture book " Outlaw Pete " likes reading about cosmology : " I find men and women struggling to answer the deepest questions we can ask freeing . "

  30. 让一个临时朋友或职业介绍所帮你问清楚原因。

    Ask a friendly temp or employment agency to check that out for you .