
  1. 你拥有佛的十种智力。

    You who are endowed with the ten transcendent powers .

  2. 第一节对蒙文《圣救度佛母二十一种礼赞经》进行了研究,概括出蒙文翻译的特点,分析辨别各种版本之间的关系。

    In the firs section , studies Mongolian translation of " In Praise of the twenty-one Tdrds ", sums up the feature and distinguishes the relations between different versions .

  3. 此外还体现了儒、佛、道三种文化互相融合的一种倾向,既入世,又出世。

    Also reflects the tendency of cultural integration between the three cultures , the Confucian , Buddhist and Taoist , both in this world , but also away from this word .

  4. 作为可眼见的分身应化佛,和作为你们真实体性的佛性的佛,这两种应该是一,他们恒为一。

    The Buddha manifested as a sight , and the Buddha as your true nature , they are one , they are always one .