
fó jiào wén xué
  • Buddhist literature
  1. 这个删节本提供了简明介绍佛教文学的杰作。

    This abridgment provides a concise presentation of this masterpiece of Buddhist literature .

  2. 梵语佛教文学概述

    Sanskrit Buddhist Literature : A Brief Survey

  3. 第八章是对长安佛教文学的代表文士王维的研究。

    Chapter VIII is the study on behalf of scribes & Wang Wei .

  4. 第二章分析了唐代长安佛教文学的时代及地域特征。

    Chapter II focuses on the geographical and times characteristics of Chang ' an Buddhist literature in Tang Dynasty .

  5. 而它的文学成就又有着佛教文学、敦煌文学和我国叙事文学发展史上的意义。

    Accordingly , its outstanding literature accomplishment has big significance in Buddhism literature , Dunhuang literature , and the history of Chinese narrating literature .

  6. 佛教文学是相对新兴的一个研究领域,诗僧研究是其中的重要部分,涉及到佛教文化与古代文学两个领域。

    The research on Buddhism literature is an emerging discipline , the studies on poem-monks is an important part of it , which involves to two domains-the Buddhism culture and the classical literature .

  7. 在文学史著述中,胡适的《白话文学史》出于时代要求与个人兴趣,对佛教文学予以了更多关注;

    Among the works on literary history , Hu shi 's The History of Vernacular Chinese Literature pays much attention on Buddhist literature out of the needs of that era and personal interest ;

  8. 它具有勇于反映涉海生活的现实主义精神和艺术创新特质,体现了我国海岛海洋文化的典型特征,形成了中国海洋文学创作的地域性特点,并有着突出的佛教文学色彩。

    It reflects the spirit of realism of coast life and artistic creation characters and embodies the specific traits of ocean culture . They contribute to the formation of the regional features of China 's ocean literature and displays distinct features of Buddhist literature .

  9. 佛教与文学的再度联姻&论新时期作家对佛教的接受形态

    Reunion of Buddhism and literature & On the Acceptance of Buddhism by Writers in the New Period

  10. 通过进一步比较,探讨佛解脱与审美在深层意义上的相通与相异,有助于进而理解宗教与艺术,佛教与文学的异同之处。

    Through the comparison , this paper interlinked Buddha and aesthetic in the deep meaning , conduce to understanding of religion and art .

  11. 最后,分析齐己诗歌内容和诗歌风格,意在了解他的诗禅观和佛教对文学的影响,从而进一步了解唐末五代诗僧创作面貌。

    In the final analysis Qiji poetry content and poetic style , with the intent to understand his poem zen concept and Buddhism culture , and thus to further understanding sect-one monk creation appearance .

  12. 东晋佛教思想与文学研究

    The Study of Eastern Jin Dynasty Buddhist Thought and Literature

  13. 佛教与中国文学&孙昌武佛教文学研究述评

    Buddhism and Chinese Literature

  14. 佛教与白族文学的关系主要表现在:佛教的经典教义影响了白族民间文学创作的内容;

    Classic couture Buddhism and Dali Bai Literature letation : Buddhism influenced the writing of Bai folk literature content ;

  15. 许地山的学术成就与印度文化的关系主要体现在佛教和印度文学两个方面。

    Xu Dishan 's academic achievements and their relation with Indian culture are mainly embodied in two aspects ; Buddhism and Indian literature .

  16. 第四章是长安佛教文化在文学中的体现,分析了佛教音乐、绘画、建筑及义理对文学的影响。

    Chapter IV was mainly study on Chang ' an Buddhist culture reflected in the literature . Except this , the Buddhist music , painting , construction and argumentation on the literary impact were also analysis .

  17. 论佛教对日本物语文学思维图式的影响

    Influence of Buddhism on Japanese mode of thinking of legendary literature

  18. 论韩愈的佛教观及其对文学创作的影响

    The Influence of Literature View by Han Yu Buddhism Thought

  19. 佛教审美理念与文学

    The Ideas of Buddhism Aesthetic Appreciation and the Literature

  20. 佛教与日本语言文学关系的研究述评

    Review on the Research of the Relationship between Buddhism and Japanese Language Literature

  21. 佛教与大理白族文学

    Buddhism and Dali Bai literature

  22. 唐代佛教发展为佛经文学的传播营造了广阔的社会空间。

    The development of Buddhist in Tang Dynasty provided a broad social space for the transmission of the literature of Buddhist scripture .

  23. 这种影响在文学创作的内容和形式上都得到充分、鲜明的体现,佛教遂成为推动文学发展的重要力量之一。

    The influence was fully manifested both in the content and form of literary creation . Buddhism became an important force to promote the development of literature .

  24. 佛教对唐代山水文学的影响

    On the Impact of Buddhism on the Landscape Literature in the Tang Dynasty Characteristics between Weian ′ s Prose of the natural world and the Taoist school ′ s landscape Literature

  25. 佛教与中国古代文学始终保持着密切联系.一方面,佛教逐渐演变为中国传统文化的一部分,特别是从文学上对人们的生活产生影响;

    Buddhism has gradually merged into and become part of Chinese traditional culture . exercising influence over people 's life through literature . On the other hand , literature has helped Buddhism in its spreading and merging into Chinese culture .

  26. 总之,透过当时佛学、文学之互融互摄的状况,我们可以看到佛教思想对中国文学乃至文化的影响层面,可谓既深且广。

    In conclusion , through the mutual influence and absorption of both Buddhist works and literary works , we can see that the extent of the influence of Buddhist thought can be said to be both deep and far reaching .

  27. 佛教精神影响了中国文学的题材及思维方式,在此基础上形成了带有佛教思维模式的文学样式或以宣扬佛教精神为目的的佛教文学。

    On the basic of the Buddhist spirit having affected the topic and plot mode of Chinese literature , it has formed the Buddhist thinking mode literary style or missionary literature .

  28. 佛教文化在唐代长安获得了广泛传播,作为全国文学发展重心的长安地区,文学作品从形式到内容都受到佛教思想的重要影响,产生了一大批富有佛教色彩的文学作品。

    In Chang ' an , Buddhist culture was widely disseminated in the Tang Dynasty , as a centre of national literature development , Chang ' an , where literary works from form to content were influenced significantly by Buddhist thinking .

  29. 至汉代佛教传入,境界一词的抽象含义也广泛使用,且由佛教领域转移到文学理论领域。

    By the time of Han dynasty , the abstract meaning of Realm Theory was extensive used with buddhism introduction , and the applying field became more and more widely from buddhism field to literary field .

  30. 自佛教传入我国以来便不断的与中华文化相融合,在这样&个佛教发展的高峰阶段,佛教思想必然与词相融合,融合之后产生的佛理词在佛教文学发展上具有举足轻重的地位。

    Since the introduction of Buddhism in China and has since been integrated with Chinese culture , in such a peak stage of development of Buddhism , Buddhism inevitably compared with the word fusion , generated after the Buddhist term development in the Buddhist literature plays a decisive role .