
  1. 明代佛教信仰的变迁述略

    The View of The Ming Dynasty Buddhism Faith How to Change

  2. 第二章略述了大师生活的时代背景。其中分为中晚明的政治经济以及风气,明代佛教政策,晚明丛林问题三方面。

    The second chapter background of Ou-Yi , which consists of three areas : the political and economic of late-Ming Dynasty , Buddhist policy of Ming Dynasty , Buddhist issues .

  3. 明代藏传佛教绘画艺术的理论、绘画技法较为成熟,佛经的翻译和研究在此时也得到了极大发展,女性神佛造像的象征来源有明晰的文本记载。

    It is that the translation of Buddhist scriptures and study has been a great development in Ming Dynasty , and the symbol of female statues is clearly depicted .

  4. 明代宦官与佛教寺院

    Eunuchs and Buddhist Temples in Ming Dynasty

  5. 明代西北的佛教李商隐与佛教

    The Relationship Between Li Shangyin and Buddhism

  6. 他们是僧尼形象中最具普遍性、性格最丰富的一类,凡俗僧尼形象的大量出现源于明代适俗化的佛教政策、世俗社会的宗教需求对佛教世俗化的影响。

    The emergence of a large number of profane monastic images derives from the influence of the secular Buddhism policy and the religious needs from the secular society in the Ming dynasty to the secularization of Buddhism .