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  1. 八国集团(g8)在今、明两天的讨论中,必须从混乱中理出头绪,就气候变化的未来协定达成一个框架。

    In their discussions today and tomorrow , the group of eight must cut through the confusion and reach agreement on a framework for a future deal on climate change .

  2. 还有今明两晚的房吗?

    Is there a room available for two nights from today ?

  3. 我们将会在今、明两天细看这几节经文。

    We will spend two days looking at these verses .

  4. 今明两晚有表演吗?

    Are there any other performances tonight or tomorrow ?

  5. 今明两日的活动将更加丰富,以满足青少儿观众需求。

    Next two-day event will be richer , to meet the needs of young children 's audience .

  6. 从作品主题的变化可以看出元明两代价值观念与社会风尚的不同。

    From the change of themes we can see the differences of values and social customs of the two dynasties .

  7. 预计中兴董事会将于今明两日开会,披露2015年业绩并讨论管理层变动。

    ZTE 's board is expected to meet today and tomorrow to disclose 2015 financial results and discuss management changes .

  8. 元、明两代,市民社会崛起,戏剧代表了文学的最高成就。

    From Yuan Dynasty to Ming Dynasty , while the society of city residents rose , drama represented the highest achievement of literature .

  9. 在宋、明两代海上交通兴起以前,西域“丝绸之路”交通要道上的城镇居民,多从事农耕、畜牧。

    Before the sea transportation was developed in the song and Ming dynasties , residents along the Silk Road were engaged in farming and herding .

  10. 但这并不意味着,中国移动这两家规模较小的竞争对手,将构成截然不同的格局。中国电信和中国联通将分别在今明两日发布业绩。

    But that does not mean China Mobile 's two smaller rivals , set to report today and tomorrow , will present a drastically different picture .

  11. 在唐代羁縻政策基础上演化而来的土司制度,经过元、明两代的发展,到清代已日臻完善。

    Stemmed from pacifying policy of Tang Dynasty , and further developed in Yuan and Qing Dynasties , China chieftain system gradually matured in Qing Dynasty .

  12. 通过对两级压缩高温热泵干燥木材的理论和实验研究,提出了带中间换热器的两级压缩热泵干燥循环系统,并进行了热力学理论分析和比较,证实明两级压缩热泵的节能特性。

    The cycles system of heat pump drying with intermediate heat-exchanger and two-level compression was developed as well as the theoretical analysis of thermodynamics and comparison were conducted .

  13. 妈祖信仰从宋代开始传入上海,经过元明两代的发展,于清代达到鼎盛时期。

    The Mazu belief spread out to Shanghai from the Song Dynasty . Through the development in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties , it reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty .

  14. 同时对婢女这一阶层人物的深入研究,可以对对元明两代广泛的社会生活有更深的了解和认识。

    The same time , the maid character of this class in-depth study of the Yuan and Ming Dynasty can be a wide range of social life have a deeper understanding and awareness .

  15. 清代湖湘散曲的创作相对元明两代呈现逐渐衰落的态势,表现在作品总数的下降和作家人数的减少。

    The Qing dynasty to the creation of the genre , Hunan relative Yuan Ming dynasties present situation gradually declined , Performance of the total work in decline and a decrease in the number of writers .

  16. 宋、明两朝遗民的文学创作也历来是文学史研究上不可忽视的对象。尤其是他们在诗歌史上的贡献,后人评价甚高。

    In literature history , the literature produced by the adherents of Song and Ming Dynasty can never be neglected , especially their contribution to the history of poetry , which is sung highly by posterity .

  17. 交易员表示,今明两日将进行的美国国债拍卖,造成了回购市场的相关交易量远低于日常水平,因为各银行都在仔细审查自己的交易策略。

    Traders say an auction of US government bonds due to take place today and tomorrow have triggered a far lower level than usual of related activity in the repo market , as banks scrutinise their trading strategies .

  18. 在自己快餐经济的国家提出质量为重的观点不被赏识,而被迫出国寻求认可的约瑟夫朱兰和爱德华兹戴明两位美国人,成为了管理界的神话。

    He thus joined W. Edwards Deming in management mythology as one of the two Americans who , unappreciated in their own fast-food country for their ideas about quality , had been compelled to go abroad to find recognition .

  19. 然而历史上的青海地区,由于远离全国政治、经济和文化中心,历代统治者往往视之为蛮荒偏僻之地,这种局面在元明两代得以改观。

    In history , because of far away from the political , economical and cultural center of the country , governors of past dynasties always regarded Qinghai as barbaric and desolated area , and this situation changed from Yuan and Ming dynasties .

  20. 文章试图通过对元明两代工笔山水画的比较,探寻导致画风差异性的主要精神因素,不同写意精神的取向是其主要因素的重要核心和关键。

    Trying to compare with the two kinds of paintings between the two dynasties of Yuan and Ming , we explore the spirit of the major factors of lead style difference of the painting . Orientation of different painting spirit is an important core and key of the main factors .

  21. 实验采用EPM、明暗箱两个模型互参,从非条件反应模型角度观察环烯醚萜类成分对动物的抗焦虑作用,大大增加了药效学评价的可靠性。

    Experiments using EPM model and the mice light-dark box model to interaction parameters . Observation From the non-conditioned response model that stable antianxiety effect on animals of iridoids . Has greatly increased the pharmacodynamic evaluation of reliability .

  22. 我想明后两天的火车票都会卖完。

    I think tickets for the next two days will be sold out .

  23. 卫生间水平管道分为暗敷和明设两种。

    The horizontal pipes in toilets can be divided as concealed pipes and exposed pipes .

  24. 里德将于明后两天分别出席英国议会商业委员会和科学委员会的听证会。

    Mr Read will attend separate hearings of the parliamentary committees on business and science tomorrow and on Wednesday .

  25. 从辨析历来较有代表性的观点入手,本着以庄解庄的原则,试图提出正确理解以明的两个角度:一是与庄学的其他相关范畴联系在一起进行理解;

    This paper starts with the analysis of the representative viewpoints to put forward two angles for understanding the term , Yi Ming exactly .

  26. 在理论层面,根据明瑟尔两部门模型,把我国经济部门划分为最低工资的覆盖部门和非覆盖部门。

    According to Mincer ′ s two sector model , the economy can be divided into the minimum wage covered sector and the non-covered sector .

  27. 所得结表果明,两块体的面波频散和地壳、上地幔结构存在明显差异。

    The results of this work show considerable differences between the two blocks in surface wave dispersion and velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle .

  28. 美国国家飓风中心预言,这场等级为一的风暴将在明后两天登陆前减小势头。

    The National Hurricane Center says the category one storm is forecast to drift over the coast for the next day or two before heading inland .

  29. 我有一堆烦人无聊的事情要做。我对自己说:我明后两天把这些杂活都做掉。

    I had a bunch of dreaded , dull tasks to take care of . I told myself , I 'm going to clear away a lot of these chores in the next two days .

  30. 李:今天我们老板和同事将和您一起开个会,您可以参观我们的样品室,明后两天我会带您去看工厂。

    Lee : We are going to our company toda ~ you can have a meeting with our boss and colleagues , see the show room , then we ' 11 show you around the factories tomorrow and the day after tomorrow .