
  1. 它不仅应该受到今人的高度重视,也迫使我们重新评价明代散曲的地位。

    This achievement should be highly valued and it also makes us reevaluate the position of the non-dramatic songs in Ming Dynasty .

  2. 冯惟敏(1511&1578)被视为明代散曲最具成就的作家,有曲中辛稼轩之称。

    Feng Weimin ( 1511 - 1578 ) is considered as the writer to have most achievement of non-dramatic song in the Ming Dynasty .

  3. 他的散曲艺术与思想成就,远远超过了同时代的曲作家,使明代散曲达到了一个新的创作高峰。

    His art and thought achievement have gone far beyond the same time composer , and pushed the Ming Dynasty Qu to achieve a new creation peak .