
míng kuài
  • sprightly;lucid and lively;luminous;forthright
明快 [míng kuài]
  • (1) [lucid and lively]∶明白流畅

  • 明快的笔调

  • (2) [forthright]∶爽朗活泼,办事麻利果断

  • 我羡慕你思想明快,思路广阔

  • (3) [luminous] 〈方〉∶ 光明灿烂,明亮

  • 明快的效果

明快[míng kuài]
  1. 分析方法则有表达简洁、明快的特点。

    However , the analytical method is concise , lucid and lively in expression .

  2. 笔调很明快。

    The style is lucid and lively .

  3. 这张专辑音乐轻松明快,趣味十足。

    This album is bright , breezy and playful .

  4. 蓝色和灰色的柔和色调营造出明快、亮丽的视觉感观。

    Soft tones of blue and grey create a clean , bright look .

  5. 每部影片都配有简洁明快的双行内容提要。

    Each film gets a snappy two-line summary .

  6. 这本书节奏明快,另外还穿插了一些趣味盎然的文史掌故。

    The pace of the book is leisurely , with enjoyable literary and historical asides .

  7. 他作品的文笔很明快。

    His writings are bright in style .

  8. 她喜欢随节奏明快的曲子跳舞。

    She loves to dance to fast music .

  9. 此项技术对明快、热闹的音乐,如摇滚乐的n琶音最适合。

    The technology works best for bright , loud music such as rock ' n ' roll .

  10. Lisp编译器或解释器能够将特定形式的递归翻译为迭代,从而允许以一种更为简单明快的方式来使用递归数据结构(如树结构)。

    The Lisp compiler or interpreter can translate certain forms of recursion to iteration , allowing a simpler , cleaner way to work with recursive data structures , such as trees .

  11. 多年来,用户已习惯应用简洁明快的windows系统查询和管理数据,而Unix/Solaris系统平台以它的安全性和稳定性等特点,在关键性业务中被采用。

    For the past years , users have been accustomed to the application of simple windows system to operate data , query data and manage data , but the UNIX / Solaris system platform , for its security and stability characteristics , is used by key business .

  12. 《内布拉斯加》(Nebraska)以明快的黑白片形式拍摄,通过一次穿越蒙大拿和内布拉斯加的旅行揭示了由布鲁斯•邓恩(BruceDern)扮演的易怒老头伍迪•格兰特(WoodyGrant)的内心世界。

    ' Nebraska ' gets to the heart of Bruce Dern 's prickly old geezer , Woody Grant , by way of a road trip across Montana and Nebraska , shot in radiant black-and-white .

  13. Thanasoulis-Cerrachio与另一位职业专家SusanAdams很赞同的一点就是:简介明快的演讲很重要。而且整个演讲花费的时间不能超过乘坐一层电梯所需的时间——也就是30秒之内。

    Thanasoulis-Cerrachio and the other career experts Susan Adams spoke with agreed that the short , snappy pitch is important , and said that the whole spiel shouldn 't take more than the time it takes to ride an elevator -- 30 seconds or less , in other words .

  14. 我厌恨这些提醒丛林生活的明快的东西。

    I hated those bright reminders of life in the forest .

  15. 真理用简单明快的语言说话。

    Truth speaks in a language that is simple and direct .

  16. 她一切动作都明快,果断而有力。

    All her movements were sharp , decided , and energetic .

  17. 二是咏物自然明快。

    Two , the chanting nature sprightly is heavy is reposing .

  18. 在那面色彩明快的墙壁映村下,这幅画看上去很漂亮。

    Seen against that light wall , the picture looks good .

  19. 火光明亮地照耀着。月亮照得院子里挺明快。

    The fire shines bright . The moon lightened the courtyard .

  20. 他致力于简洁明快的手法,而几乎不画什么细节。

    He aimed for simplicity and painted almost no detail .

  21. 它节奏明快,表演诙谐。

    It is characterized with fast beat and humorous performance .

  22. 紧缩句结构简洁明快,然内容却很丰富。

    Its condensed sentence has concise structure but rich content .

  23. 我非常喜欢这种简约明快的文字风格。

    And I particularly liked his concise and straightforward style .

  24. 我想给它包上色调明快的纸。

    I want to wrap it in bright colored paper .

  25. 明快又自由,她希望你成为。

    Clearly and free , she wants to you be .

  26. 明快的杏黄色又会创造出青春的奔放意境。

    Bright apricot yellow would have created a mood of unrestrained youth .

  27. 色调明快协调,有很强的艺术感染力。

    The tone is bright and harmony , very impressive .

  28. 根据订单的要求,很多打印物品还会染上明快的色彩。

    Depending on the order , many are also dyed in bright hues .

  29. 使增强使或变得更加明快或更有力量。

    To make or become brighter or more vigorous .

  30. 以明快的橙黄色调给人以健康、尚视觉感受!

    Healthy people to wait for the Orange colors , fashionable visual experience !