
Everything else might come and go , but if the tree structure stays in place , the site spatial structure will basically hold together .
Perhaps he isn 't coming .
The party machinery was relentlessly settling accounts with the opponents of years of political struggles .
He twisted my words to make me look guilty . And the guilt I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found .
In the darkness of the night , if he sharpened it , it had the light of fire like fireworks displaying down into the water .
Enjoy life today ; yesterday has gone and tomorrow may never come .
It takes many years to train its craftsmen .
And when the time of the promise drew near , which God had promised to Abraham , the people increased , and were multiplied in Egypt .
I 've seen him pull the wool over the eyes of the voters with lots of promises , but he never carries them out once he gets into office .
Compared to so many young people in our country college students are really lucky .
Has brother Hsu been here ?
President George W.Bush says the United States is watching very carefully to see whether Beijing will allow its currency to strengthen to help address the US trade deficit with China .
In the capitalist countries a lawyer might find a hundred ways to get round the law . It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules .
But in launching calculation , the hull is assumed a rigid body and is simplified into a simple girder with elastic support . After checking with permissible bending stress from class rules , a satisfaction result has been reached .
In addition , owing to the side column structure being subjected to the action of alternate stress of unsymmetrical cycle , it is recommended that the strength of side column should be evaluated by the allowable stress under the condition of alternate stress .