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  1. 其它的东西或许来来去去,但只要树木架构仍然留存,基地的空间架构基本上将能被整合起来。

    Everything else might come and go , but if the tree structure stays in place , the site spatial structure will basically hold together .

  2. 他许不来了。

    Perhaps he isn 't coming .

  3. 党的机器在无情地同许多年来政治斗争的宿敌算总帐。

    The party machinery was relentlessly settling accounts with the opponents of years of political struggles .

  4. 他歪曲我的语意,使我看来负有罪责。这许多年来我的负罪感已经消失无踪。

    He twisted my words to make me look guilty . And the guilt I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found .

  5. 在黑黑的夜里,要是他在擦它,就迸出几许火星来,礼花般散落在水中。

    In the darkness of the night , if he sharpened it , it had the light of fire like fireworks displaying down into the water .

  6. 享受今天的生活;昨天已逝而明天也许永不会来。

    Enjoy life today ; yesterday has gone and tomorrow may never come .

  7. 它花许多年时间来训练自己的工匠。

    It takes many years to train its craftsmen .

  8. 天主向亚巴郎所应承的恩许的时期来近了,这民族在埃及就逐渐繁殖增多起来。

    And when the time of the promise drew near , which God had promised to Abraham , the people increased , and were multiplied in Egypt .

  9. 我已经看到他向选民们许好多愿来蒙蔽他们。但是,一旦当选,他所作的保证一个也没有兑现过。

    I 've seen him pull the wool over the eyes of the voters with lots of promises , but he never carries them out once he gets into office .

  10. 比起我国的许许多多青年来,大学生实在是够幸运的了。

    Compared to so many young people in our country college students are really lucky .

  11. 请问许大哥有没有来过?

    Has brother Hsu been here ?

  12. 整句话的意思总统乔治布什说美国将非常关注北京是否充许它们的汇率来帮助美国解决贸易逆差。

    President George W.Bush says the United States is watching very carefully to see whether Beijing will allow its currency to strengthen to help address the US trade deficit with China .

  13. 在资本主义国家里,一个律师可以找到许许多多办法来规避法律。它也许是经过特许或者受到其它法律保护。

    In the capitalist countries a lawyer might find a hundred ways to get round the law . It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules .

  14. 然而,在下水计算中将船体假定为刚性体,简化为弹性支点的简支梁,采用船规法定的弯曲许用应力来校核,可得出满意的结果,从而简化了计算手续。

    But in launching calculation , the hull is assumed a rigid body and is simplified into a simple girder with elastic support . After checking with permissible bending stress from class rules , a satisfaction result has been reached .

  15. 此外,由于侧柱结构承受非对称循环交变应力的作用,故建议按交变应力下的许用应力来评价侧柱结构的强度。

    In addition , owing to the side column structure being subjected to the action of alternate stress of unsymmetrical cycle , it is recommended that the strength of side column should be evaluated by the allowable stress under the condition of alternate stress .