
  • 网络Rafael Hui
  1. 郭氏兄弟周五获准保释,一同获释的还有港府前高官许仕仁(rafaelhui)。

    The Kwoks were released on bail on Friday along with Rafael Hui , a former top government official .

  2. 执掌这家香港蓝筹股企业的郭氏兄弟昨日凌晨获准保释,一同获释的还有香港前第二高官前政务司司长许仕仁(rafaelhui)。

    The brothers , who run the Hong Kong blue-chip , were released on bail early yesterday morning , together with Rafael Hui , formerly the second-most senior official in the government of the territory .

  3. 香港廉政公署(IndependentCommissionAgainstCorruption)拒绝评论当地媒体的猜测,即相关指控涉及在许仕仁担任公职期间该公司据信给予他的财务好处。

    The Independent Commission Against Corruption refused to comment on local media speculation that the allegations were related to financial favours the company was said to have bestowed on Mr Hui when he was a public servant .

  4. 郭氏兄弟、许仕仁和其他两人均不认罪。

    The Kwok brothers both pleaded not guilty as did Mr Hui and the other two men .

  5. 许仕仁保释后未公开发表任何言论,郭氏家族也未对案件细节置评。

    Mr Hui has not publicly made any statements since his release on bail and the Kwoks have not commented on the details of the case .

  6. 郭氏兄弟、许仕仁和另两位被告昨日抵达法庭参加首日庭审,庭审预计将持续超过两个月。

    The Kwok brothers , Mr Hui and two other co-defendants arrived in court yesterday for the first day of a trial that is expected to last more than two months .

  7. 许仕仁被控接受3400万港元(合440万美元)的贿赂,面临8项指控,包括公职人员行为不当和提供虚假信息。

    Mr Hui , who is accused of accepting HK $ 34m ( $ 4.4m ) in financial inducements , faces eight charges including misconduct in public office and providing false information .

  8. 周一,香港媒体报道,郭氏兄弟和许仕仁在当天上午前往廉署总部报到,三人的保释期限又被延长了一个月。

    On Monday , local media reported that the Kwoks ' bail and that of Mr Hui had been extended for another month when they visited the ICAC offices in the morning .

  9. 香港政府一名曾与许仕仁密切共事多年的退休高官说:许仕仁告诉我,郭家老太太希望他为郭氏兄弟提供建议。

    One retired senior government official , with whom Mr Hui worked closely for a number of years , says : Rafael told me that the Kwoks ' mother looked to him to give the brothers advice .

  10. 据香港中文媒体报道,许仕仁据说享有金额巨大的无抵押贷款,免费租住新鸿基所有、位于高尚社区的一套公寓。

    Mr Hui was allegedly the beneficiary of large unsecured loans and the rent-free use of a flat in a luxury development owned by Sun Hung Kai , according to reports published in the Chinese language press in Hong Kong .