
  • 网络principal tantra
  1. MG系列采煤机牵引部主油泵的故障树分析

    Fault Tree Analyses of Main Pump in Haulage Unit of MG Series Shearers

  2. 一部主营产品有手机、电纸书、MID和平板电脑等个人手持移动终端;

    Our first department engages in develop the most of handsets , such as mobile phone , ebook reader , MID , tablet computer * etc.

  3. 纵轴式掘进机截割部主轴承的选型分析

    Choice of Main Bearing of Cutting Part for Longitudinal Roadheader

  4. 一部主刚,一部至柔,可以说象征着中国古典小说中最具性别意识的两座高峰。

    These two stories symbolize the two peaks of the Chinese classical stories in gender consciousness .

  5. 针对展开型定向战斗部主装药的展开过程进行了研究。

    A special research was done on spread process of main charge of the evolvable aimed warhead ( EAW ) .

  6. 由于现行行政事业单位资产管理模式方面的研究,大都集中在宏观管理模式,即财政部主竹部门行政事业单位三层管理机制上。

    Since current researches concentrate mostly on the macro management pattern , namely the Treasury-the department in charge-administrative institutions three layers management mechanism .

  7. 实验性附睾淤积症引起家犬附睾起始部主细胞超微结构异常改变,但较附睾体部所见为轻;

    The experimental epididymal retentive symptom resulted in the ultrastructure unusual changes of the principal cells of the initial segment of the dog 's epididymis , but these changes were slighter than those observed in corpus segment of the epididymidis .

  8. 由于区域地壳深部主断裂和大震活动的牵动作用,是造成本区地震活动的重要原因,因而从区域地壳块体活动背景上探讨了本区及邻近地区地震活动趋势。

    In view of influence of deep faults and large seismicity in regional crustal on the seismicity in this region , the seismicity trend in this region and its neighbouring areas is studied on the background of block body activity in regional crustal .

  9. 结果:TGFα主要位于正常粘膜增殖带细胞的胞质内,同时在胃腺基底部、主细胞及壁细胞上亦有表达,其表达部位较广泛;

    TGF α was expressed mainly in the regenerative zone of cytoplasm and weaker expression were found at the basal portions of the gastric glands .

  10. 而在GHM南部靠近主中央冲断裂(MCT)北侧发育具有挤压转换性质的韧性走滑-逆冲断层。

    Whereas near the north side of the Main Central Thrust ( MCT ) in the southern part of the GHM subterrane there occur ductile strike slip-thrust faults of transpressional nature .

  11. 对于产出差异,与制造部和主生产计划及时沟通。

    Communicate with MFG and Master Scheduler for the yield discrepancy in time .

  12. 串联装药战斗部的主装药起爆延时计算模型

    A computational model for the time delay of main charge igniton in a tandem warhead

  13. 论内战前美国南部奴隶主群体的社会位置与社会控制力

    On the Social Position of the Slaveholders in Antebellum Southern America and Their Social Control Ability

  14. 奏鸣曲式呈示部中主-属的调性区域不仅来自于二段式,而且还受到了利都奈罗曲式的影响;

    The tonic-dominant tonal area in the exposition of sonata form shows an influence of ritornelle .

  15. 沁水盆地中南部上主煤层超压史数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation research on the overpressure history of upper main coal seam in Central-South Qinshui Basin

  16. 南部奴隶主挑起了内战,恰恰也成为这场战争的最大受害者。

    Southern slaveholders was the maker of the Civil War , ironically , they became the greatest victims of this war disaster .

  17. 去五年来,我用我的专业知识和技能-担任神奇厨具用品公司的外销部副主-任一职。

    For five years , I have utilized my skills and knowledge as the Assistant Director of Exports for Magic Kitchen Supplies .

  18. 明确加固梁具有两种不同破坏模式,其破坏是由钢板端部的主应力大小决定的。

    Two different kinds of failure patterns have been observed and the failure of strengthened beam is attributed to the principal stress at the end of steel plate .

  19. 该虫在晋城地区一年发生2代,以成虫、蛹、幼虫在树干基部和主、侧根皮层的取食坑道内越冬。

    This pest occurs 2 generations one year in Jincheng region , overwintering by adult , pupa , or larva in stem base and trophic galleries in root cortex .

  20. 内战以前,南部奴隶主是奴隶制的直接受益者,他们在经济上处于顺境,但在政治上处于逆境。

    In the prewar time , southern slaveholders were the direct beneficiary of slavery . They had a favorable economic environment , but they met with more and more serious political challenges from the north .

  21. 为研究煤层气地质演化历程中的超压现象,建立了煤层气地质演化史模型并对沁水盆地中南部上主煤层进行了模拟计算。

    In order to investigate the overpressure phenomenon in the course of coalbed methane geological evolution , a relevant model was set up , by which a simulation calculation was carried out for the upper main coal seam in central-south Qinshui Basin .

  22. 青藏高原岩石圈热状态及其东西部差异主孔深变质岩自然伽马测量的系统研究对主孔岩心深度归位、探讨岩石成因和区域岩石圈热状态和大地构造演化具有重要的作用。

    The systematic measurements of the natural gamma values of high-grade metamorphic rocks in the main hole are helpful to homing the depth and orientation of cores and studying the genesis of rocks , thermal state of the lithosphere and tectonic evolution .

  23. 建立了对付反应装甲的串联聚能装药战斗部的主装药起爆延时计算模型,其中一个用于配备近炸引信串联战斗部,另一个用于配备触发引信的串联战斗部。

    Two time-delay computation models for the main charge of the two shaped-charges in a tandem warhead aimed against reactive armour , of which one is for the tandem warhead with a proximity fuze and the other is for the warhead with a trigger fuze .

  24. 司法部在布什主政时期准备的备忘录称,水刑等手段是合法的,这使得CIA能够宣称它只不过是在遵循指南。

    Memos prepared by the justice department during the Bush administration argued that techniques such as waterboarding were legal , allowing the CIA to claim it was just following guidelines .

  25. 压板松动时大型发电机端部绕组的主共振与分岔

    Fundamental Resonance and Bifurcation of Large Generator End Winding When Its Clamping Plates Are Loose

  26. 采煤机牵引部液压系统主油路的瞬态特性分析

    Dynamic specific property analysis of the main oil line within the hydraulic system in the haulage unit of Shearer

  27. 京津唐渤地区,深部最大水平主压应力方向为北东东向或近东西向。

    For the Beijing-Tianjing-Tangshan-Bohai area , the maximal principal compressive stress in depth is of ENE or nearly EW direction .

  28. 深部开采通风主风机变频调速与网路匹配研究及节能技术的应用

    The Frequency Conversion and Timing of Main Fan and Network Matching Research and Application of Economize Energy Technical on Deep Exploitation Ventilation

  29. 结果头颅不同结构的应力改变不同,由额、顶及枕部硬膜节点主应力计算出的颅内压时间曲线与尸体实验测定的颅内压曲线吻合。

    Results It demonstrated that the calculated intracranial pressure-time curves in the frontal , parietal and occipital areas were similar to those of cadaver experiment .

  30. 但是他有太多的敌人&南部的奴隶主和大城市里的靠奴隶劳动而致富的富人。

    But he had many enemies & slave owners in the South and rich people in big cities who had grown rich on the work of slaves .