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kǔ xínɡ zhě
  • ascetic;stylite;puritan
  1. 他在成年的大部分时间中都过着苦行者的日子。

    He has spent most of his adult life living as an ascetic .

  2. 我们通常会看见一个苦行者(萨胡)以瑜伽的姿势来冥想。

    We normally see an ascetic ( Sadhu ) meditating in a Yogic pose .

  3. 苦行者(Fakir,古的穆斯林和古印度教的苦行僧们)是不允许携带武器的,所以他们得随机应变以保护自己。

    Fakirs - ancient Muslim and Hindu ascetics and mendicants - were not permitted to carry weapons , so they had to improvise to protect themselves .

  4. “MaanKombu”(鹿角)以制作武器的材料而命名,但是苦行者们和silambam的武者们后来都开始使用其他动物的角做材料。

    Maan kombu ( " deer horns " ) is named after the weapon 's material , as fakirs and silambam artists eventually began using other kinds of animal horns .

  5. 由于羚羊角的两个尖刺被放置在相反的方向,Madu(也被称为“苦行者的角”)非常适合用以戳刺,尽管苦行者们认为它主要的功能室用来防卫。

    With the horn tips at opposite ends , the madu , or " Fakir 's horns , " was excellent for stabbing , though the fakirs considered it to be primarily for defense .

  6. 我将永不做一个苦行者,假如她不和我一同受戒。

    I shall never be an ascetic if she does not take the vow with me .

  7. 不,我的朋友,我永不会做一个苦行者,随便你怎么说。

    No , my friends , I shall never be an ascetic , whatever you may say .

  8. 这是我坚定的决心,如果我找不到一个荫凉的住处和一个忏悔的伴侣,我将永远不会变成一个苦行者。

    It is my firm resolve that if I cannot find a shady shelter and a companion for my penance , I shall never turn ascetic .

  9. 对我们来说,望德绝不是某种情绪化或世界观,也不是以苦行者的英雄主义,面对逆境。

    For us , then , hope is never an emotion , a particular stance towards the world , a stoic heroism in the face of adversity .

  10. 格林斯潘避开了蟹肉酱黑墨意大利面等较为考究的菜式,而点了更具苦行者风格的菜:烤箭鱼和烤有机蔬菜。

    Eschewing elaborate formulations such as black ink tagliatelle with crabmeat Ragu , Greenspan opts for a more ascetic dish : Grilled swordfish with roasted organic vegetables .

  11. 在太子觉悟并熄灭了苦恼焰火,而成为圆满证悟的佛陀之后,他用内在心眼观看以前的两位老师&苦行者阿拉罗和乌达卡。

    After the prince was Enlightened , and had extinguished the fire of suffering , being the fully Enlightened Buddha , He directed his inner eye to his former teachers : the ascetics Alara and Uddaka .