
suǒ zài duō yǒu
  • be found almost everywhere
  1. 然该书在具体细节上却失之检核,诸如日期、人名、书(报、篇)名之误以及著录不规范等所在多有,实属白圭之玷。

    But the book has some mistakes of details such as dates , names , and titles of the books , newspapers and articles .

  2. 这种统一在封建时代只存在于国家的理想中,其隙地所在多有、封国相对独立、世族权力分享的现状却总是侵蚀着国家观念的统一向度。

    But during the feudal era , such unification remained idealistic when the pursuit of a universal state had been disrupted by geographical and political boundaries .