
  1. 结果表明,皮革黑LR-N渗透性好,所染皮革黑度好,耐干/湿摩擦牢度高,适于正面革及轻涂饰革的染色,本文还制定了单独用皮革黑LN-R染黑色革的工艺。

    The results showed that Leather Black LR-N was acceptable for leather dyeing with good penetrability , color depth and fastness to dry / wet rubbing . The dyeing technology of Leather Black LR-N was outlined .

  2. 一个人如果不被恶习所染,幸福近矣。

    If a man does not be bad habits , happiness is a stain near .

  3. 她一生的历史,完全被罪恶所染黑了;在种种罪恶之中,杀人是她的家常便饭。

    All her history was black with crime ; and among her crimes murder was common .

  4. (指细菌)指在使用革兰氏方法时能保持所染的紫色的细菌,或者与这样的细菌相关。

    ( of bacteria ) being or relating to a bacterium that retains the violet stain used in Gram 's method .

  5. 净他身上所染来的污垢;请你放心好了,他绝不会让彬格莱先生单独行动。”

    impurities , were he once to enter it ; and depend upon it , Mr. Bingley never stirs without him . "

  6. 洗完衣服后清洁洗涤槽。无论是衣服是皮子,被精所染,必不洁净到晚上,并要用水洗。

    Clean out laundry tub after use . and any clothing or skin on which the seed comes is to be washed with water and be unclean till evening .

  7. 目前,牛仔服由于其独特的风格受到了广大消费者的喜爱,人们通常将牛仔服中由靛蓝染料所染出的蓝色称为主色,而将其它的颜色称为杂色。

    Nowadays , jeans become more and more popular because of its unique style . People usually define indigo dyed blue as the main color , and others as parti-colored .

  8. 从掳到之地归回的以色列人、和一切除掉所染外邦人污秽归附他们、要寻求耶和华以色列神的人、都吃这羊羔。

    For the priests and the Levites were purified together , all of them were pure , and killed the passover for all the children of the captivity , and for their brethren the priests , and for themselves .

  9. 达西先生也许听到过天恩寺街这样一个地方,可是,如果他当真到那儿去一次,他会觉得花上一个月的工夫也洗不净他身上所染来的污垢;

    Darcy may perhaps have heard of such a place as Gracechurch Street , but he would hardly think a month ' ; s ablution enough to cleanse him from its impurities , were he once to enter it ;

  10. 结果表明QJ02可使直接染料所染的棉布干摩擦牢度为4级,湿摩擦牢度为3级,皂洗牢度为4级~5级,耐晒牢度为4级,且色光变化很小;

    QJ-02 could dye the cotton fabric directly , and the dry and wet color fastness to rubbing were level 4 and 3 respectively ; the color fastness to soaping was level 4 ~ 5 ; the light fastness was level 4 with a little effect on color shade .

  11. 目的在用免疫组化方法大量检测ICA基础上发现有弥漫型ICA和边缘型ICA两种迥然不同的形态学表现。为探明这两种ICA所着染的细胞类型及其临床意义,进行了以下实验。

    Objective To explore the changes of the two cellular types , the diffuse pattern and the peripheral pattern , in morphological distribution and their clinical significance .

  12. 所见到的染染色体畸变基本上是染色单体型,其中大多数畸变是染色单体裂隙和染色单体断裂。

    The majority of aberration is chromatid gaps and chromatid breaks .

  13. 阳离子染料可染丙纶所用可染剂的干燥工艺研究

    Study on the Drying Process of the Cationic Dyeable Agent for the Dyeable Polypropylene Fiber