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  • 网络blue water;Bluewater;green water;water blue
  1. 他们去蓝水水族馆玩了一天。

    They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day .

  2. 出于这个原因,许多现代厕所现在不再用“化学厕所蓝水再循环电动冲水”的各种。

    For this reason many modern lavatories are now no longer of the " chemical toilet blue water recirculated electric flush " variety .

  3. 详细研究了不同pH值的水溶液对介孔氧化硅SBA-15脱附亚甲基蓝水溶液的影响规律。

    In addition , the influence of different pH values on the adsorption of methylene blue from it aqueous solution to mesoporous silica were studied in details .

  4. 液相微波等离子体水处理技术能够有效地对亚甲基蓝水溶液进行降解,微波输入功率为100W时,处理时间为6min,亚甲基蓝的去除率达到92.5%。

    The technology of water treatment by liquid microwave plasma is effective to the degradation of methylene blue in aqueous solution . Applying 100 W of microwave input power , after processing time for 6 min , the removal rate of methylene blue is 92.5 % .

  5. 次氯酸钠氧化降解亚甲基蓝水溶液的研究

    Study in Oxidative Degradation of Methylene Blue Solution by Sodium Hypochloride

  6. 中国海军已朝着蓝水海军的目标迈进了好几步。

    The Chinese navy has already taken several steps towards this goal .

  7. 日本官员几乎全都对中国神经过敏,特别是中国蓝水海军的发展。

    Japanese officials are almost unanimously jittery about China , particularly its development of a blue-water navy .

  8. 要使我们城市的天更蓝水更清,我们还的做大量的工作。

    We should make a lot of work before we can make the sky bluer and the water cleaner in our city .

  9. 我们需要建立自己的蓝水海军,依靠海外军事基地降低补给成本。

      We need to set up our own blue-water navy and to rely on overseas military bases to cut supply costs .

  10. 但中国每年以15%至20%的比例增加军费支出,美国和日本相信,中国正在发展蓝水海军。

    But the country is increasing military spending at 15-20 per cent a year and the US and Japan believe it is developing a blue-water navy .

  11. 蓝水是指储存在地下蓄水层、湖泊、水坝中的水,而绿水是土壤中储存的水分,后者通常被忽视了。

    Blue water refers to water stored in aquifers , lakes and dams , and green water is the moisture stored in soil , which is conventionally ignored .

  12. 驻北京的军事专家彭光谦表示,中国需要蓝水海军的一个原因是,为其出口和能源进口保护海上航道的安全。

    Peng Guangqian , a military expert in Beijing , said one reason China needed a blue-water navy was to safeguard sea lanes for its exports and energy imports .

  13. 但在这些礼遇之外,对于中国构建一支蓝水海军的努力,美国已表示焦虑。至少在理论上,这样的蓝水海军将有能力在远离中国海岸线的地方投射实力。

    Such niceties aside , the US has expressed anxiety over China 's efforts to build a blue-water navy capable at least theoretically of projecting power far beyond Chinese shores .

  14. 刘清华第一次尝试将中国海军建成一支“绿水”舰队,并最终发展成一支成熟的“蓝水”海军军队,能够远距离投射。

    From the harbor at Dalian naval shipyard in northeast China , the first aircraft carrier of the People 's Liberation Army Navy ( PLAN ) will soon set sail for the first time .

  15. 中国正试图建设一支能够在远海执行任务的蓝水海军,从而在美国占据霸主地位几十年的太平洋上改变力量平衡。

    China is trying to tilt the balance of power in the Pacific where the US has been dominant for decades by developing a blue water navy that can operate further from its shores .

  16. 在国家大力发展蓝水海军的在背景下,在水文科学领域,水声遥控得到了系统的研究并取得了丰硕的成果,使得水声遥控系统得到了广泛的应用。

    In the background of the country to develop blue-water navy , in the hydrological sciences , water-sound remote control system has been studied and achieved fruitful results , making underwater acoustic remote control system has been widely used .

  17. 天很蓝,水也很蓝。

    Sky is blue , water also very blue .

  18. 采用急性毒性实验方法测定了亚甲基蓝对水丝蚓的急性毒性。

    We use acute poisoning method to determine how the methylene blue affecting the Limnodilus hoffineisteri .

  19. 一些有效的措施必须被政府采取,让北京的天更蓝,水更清。

    Some effective measures must be taken by the government to let Beijing 's sky bluer and the water cleaner .

  20. 看点八、美丽的清溪古镇-清溪湖畔的天是那么蓝,水是那么的清!

    Eight things , beautiful Qingxi Town-the stream of the sky is so blue , the water is so clear !

  21. 用复相光催化剂WO3/CeO2对含溴酚蓝的水溶液处理进行了研究。

    The treatment of waste water containing bromphenol blue over WO3 / CeO2 is studied . Reaction mechanism of photocatalysis is probed .

  22. 为了我们共同的家园,让我们大家积极行动起来,让山变得更绿,天变得更蓝,水变得更清。

    To our common homeland , let us all take positive action , so that Hill become more green , more blue days , water has become clearer .

  23. 美好的幻想可以让孩子们心中的天更蓝、水更清,可以让孩子们的内心世界更加丰富多彩。

    The illusion of a beautiful mind you can let the kids the sky bluer , the water clearer , allowing the children 's inner world more colorful .

  24. 我们以为一切的快乐和欣喜都是应该的,以为山的蓝和水的绿都不足为奇,以为,若是肯真心相爱,就永远不会分离。

    We think that all the happiness and joy are to be that the mountain of blue and green water is not surprising that , if willing to truly love , we will never be separated .

  25. 这样明亮的眼睛,这两潭海一般蓝的水,这深不可及的平静的水4,里面甚么力量没有!年轻人感到了这一点,他牢牢地坐在这深深的海底里。——

    What power seemed to lie in the depths of those dark eyes ! The young man felt the truth of the proverb , " Still waters run deep : " and his heart had sunk into their depths .

  26. 本文研究了两种常用阳离子染料&半菁类的阳离子桃红FG和二氮半菁类的阳离子艳蓝RL在水溶液和染色废水中的O3氧化特性。

    This paper studies the ozonization characteristics of two categories of cation dyes-the cation peach-colour FG and the cation beauty-blue RL .

  27. 钼(Ⅵ)和钼(Ⅴ)与硫氰酸盐及维多利亚蓝4R在水溶液中显色反应及其应用

    Colour Reactions of Molybdenum (ⅵ) and Molybdenum (ⅴ) with Thiocyanate and Victoria Blue 4R in Aqueous Solution and Their Application

  28. 优化了处理工艺条件,实验在固液质量比为1∶10(50mL雅格素蓝BFBR水溶液中投加50g改性氧化铝)、微波功率为400W的条件下微波辐照处理5min。

    Under the optimum condition that the solid / liquid ratio was 1 ∶ 10 ( 5.0 ? g modified Al_2O_3 mixed with 50 ? mL BF-BR 150 % solution ), microwave power was 400 ? W , and the time of the irradiation was 5 ?

  29. 亚甲蓝油包水微乳的制备及其淋巴示踪特性的考察

    Preparation and lymphatic tracing study of methylene blue water-in-oil microemulsion

  30. 蒙脱石红移、蓝移及水化特征的谱学分析

    Analysis on red-shift , blue-shift and hydration characteristics of Montmorillonite