
  • 网络Bluestar;Blue star;Lansing;Altec Lansing;Star Blue
  1. 黑石集团还在帮助一家消费者公司中国蓝星(chinanationalbluestar)进行海外投资。

    Blackstone is also helping China National Bluestar , a consumer company in which it has a stake , make overseas investments .

  2. 百仕通最近同意投资至多6亿美元,收购一家化工生产商&中国蓝星集团公司(ChinaNationalBlueStar)20%的股份,这是它在中国内地的首笔投资。

    Blackstone on Monday agreed to pay up to $ 600m for 20 per cent of China National BlueStar , a chemical maker , in its first mainland investment .

  3. 曼联被分在B组,同组的有瑞士的巴塞尔,蓝星,巴西的弗拉门戈和土耳其的费内巴切。

    United were drawn in Group B with Swiss sides FC Basel , FC Blue Stars , Brazilians Flamengo , and Turkish outfit Fenerbahce .

  4. 目前由中国化工(ChemChina)的子公司蓝星集团(BluestarGroup)所有的挪威埃肯公司(Elkem),即便以当前的价格生产多晶硅尚能盈利。

    Norway 's Elkem , now owned by Bluestar Group , a subsidiary of ChemChina , can make polysilicon profitably even at current prices .

  5. 蓝星德育网的Web发布服务器采用RedhatLinux9.0操作系统,不仅能够降低项目成本,而且能够最大限度的发挥硬件系统的性能。

    In Bluestar moral Network Web publishing server , RedHat Linux 9.0 operating system is employed not only to reduce project costs , but also maximize the performance of hardware systems .

  6. 过去一年里,包机飞往夏令营营地的家庭也明显增多。私人飞机公司&蓝星航空公司(BlueStarJets)表示,与宿营旅游业务相关的利润增长了30%。

    The number of families chartering aircraft to fly to summer camps has also dramatically increased over the past year , with one private jet company , Blue Star Jets , reporting a 30 per cent rise in camp-travel related profits .

  7. Nufarm并未透露报价方的名字。不过,知情人士确认,百仕通和蓝星就是有意收购方。

    It did not name the suitor , though people close to the situation confirmed that Blackstone and BlueStar were the interested parties .

  8. 第三笔类似模式的收购发生在3年前,当时中国大型国有化工企业中国蓝星(ChinaNationalBlue-star)收购了格里姆斯比的一家工厂,该工厂原本是化工企业Courtaulds旗下的业务。

    A third acquisition which follows a similar pattern took place three years ago when China National Blue-star , a large Chinese , state-owned chemicals business bought a factory in Grimsby that was formerly part of Courtaulds , the chemicals business .

  9. Pig清管技术是中国蓝星化学清洗总公司由日本、英国引进的先进管道清洗技术,经过多年的开发应用表明:在管道清洗方面,比其它物理及化学清洗技术有着更大的优势。

    As an advanced cleaning technology for pipeline , Pig cleaning technology was imported from Japan and England by China National Blue Star Chemical Cleaning Corp. , The exploration and application for years show that the technology is incomparably superior in cleaning pipeline respect to chemical and physical cleaning .

  10. 蓝星还收购了一家原Courtaulds旗下的英国工厂,该工厂掌握着核心的碳纤维技术。

    Blue-star has also bought a former Courtaulds factory in the UK , which is a centre of expertise in carbon fibre technology .

  11. 此举似乎已经产生了回报。百仕通上月宣布,它以5亿美元成功收购了规模庞大的中国国有企业集团蓝星(Bluestar)18%的股权。

    The move appears to have paid off with the announcement last month of Blackstone 's successful $ 500m purchase of an 18 per cent stake in Bluestar , a sprawling state-owned Chinese conglomerate .

  12. 如果蓝星和百仕通完成对nufarm的收购,这将是全球私人股本公司首次与中国内地企业合作达成一笔大宗海外收购。

    If Bluestar and Blackstone complete a takeover of Nufarm , it will represent the first time a global private equity firm had teamed up with a mainland Chinese company to clinch a large overseas buy-out .

  13. 蓝星大庆公司化工销售管理信息系统

    Chemical Products Sales Management Information System of Bluestar Daqing Company

  14. 我们认为蓝星是一家市场领军企业,具有巨大的增长潜力。

    We identified BlueStar as a market leader with tremendous growth potential .

  15. 蓝星已经提供了附加的图片显示一些数字。

    Bluestar has already provided the attached pictures which show some numbers .

  16. 我去年夏季在蓝星电子公司任管理实习生。

    I was an administrative intern with the b.s.e.last summer .

  17. 我是蓝星电脑公司的霍伯特。吴。

    My name is Herbert Wood of Lanxing Computer Company .

  18. 蓝星少女的下颚是活动的,有完美的牙齿。

    The Jaw of the Blue Star Maiden is movable and has perfect teeth .

  19. 而此前世界上最大的蓝星宝石重达1395克拉,这颗蓝星宝石重达1404.49克拉,打破了此前的世界记录。

    The previous record holder weighed 1395 carats .

  20. 蓝星软件公司正致力于开发国际通行的俄罗斯方块以争取进入奥运会。

    Blue Planet is working on international Tetris Games along the lines of an Olympics .

  21. 蓝星宝石,因宝石中心处带有独特的星星标志而得名。

    Blue star sapphires are so named because of the distinctive mark found at their centre .

  22. 蓝星诗社主编,《现代文学》编委等。

    He is editor-in-chief of " Blue Star Poets'Club ", and editor of " Modern Literature " .

  23. 也别梦那蓝星的幽光在滴露中低徊:

    Or the flame of the blue star that lingers hung low in the fall of the dew :

  24. 天边低悬,晨光里那颗蓝星的幽光

    And the flame of the blue star of twilight , hung low on the rim of the sky

  25. 这个新版本里有许多蓝星人更喜欢的功能,以及配合蓝星美感而做的许多外观修正。

    The release contains a number of new features , as well as some enhancements to look and feel .

  26. 周一以蓝星新材、江苏阳光为代表的有机硅、多晶硅概念股异军突起。

    Monday to Bluestar new material , as represented by Jiangsu Sunshine Organic silicon , polysilicon concept stocks rise .

  27. 去年创立蓝星航运公司的帕尔默不愿夸下这样的海口。

    Palmer , who created the company Blue Star Line last year , declined to make a similar boast .

  28. 中国蓝星(集团)总公司是中央管理的国有重点骨干企业。

    China National Bluestar ( Group ) Corporation is one of the key state-owned enterprises administrated by the central government .

  29. 蓝星热衷于利用来自欧洲企业的一些技术诀窍,该公司正将一些技术转移到中国的工厂。

    Bluestar is keen to use some of the know-how from the European businesses by transferring technology to Chinese plants .

  30. 蓝星航运表示,这艘邮轮共9层,有835个客舱,可容纳2435名乘客。

    Blue Star Line says the nine-decked ship will be home to 835 cabins , set to accommodate 2435 passengers .