
  • 网络Blue Velvet;BlueVelvets
  1. 《蓝丝绒》应该蛮有意思的。

    Blue velvet is supposed to be quite interesting .

  2. 这名帅气的英国演员在霍比特电影里扮演史矛革,当他身穿蓝丝绒西装外套和黑色西裤,面容清秀地闪亮登场后立刻引起了粉丝的尖叫。

    The handsome British actor , who plays Smaug in the Hobbit movies , garnered loud screams from the fans , while looking clean-cut in in his blue velvet suit jacket and black trousers .

  3. 她把栗色长发梳得发亮,然后穿上她最好的蓝丝绒礼服。

    She had brushed out her long auburn hair until it shone , and picked her nicest blue silks .