
  • 网络lafayette;Raffaele
  1. 鲍伊会乘电梯从他的顶层公寓下来,离开大楼,横穿拉法叶特街,再穿过一条叫做泽西街(Jersey)的小胡同,顺着鹅卵石铺就的街道,一直走到工作室那没有标记的金属门前。

    Mr. Bowie would have ridden the elevator down from his penthouse , exited his building , crossed Lafayette Street , slipped through the little alley called Jersey Street and walked on cobblestones until he came to the studio 's unmarked metal doors .

  2. 泰雷兹(thales)公司和法国政府因在1991年向台湾出售6艘拉法叶级巡防舰时的佣金问题遭受处罚,它们违背了合约中不得使用中间代理商的约定。

    Thales and the French state were fined over commissions linked to a sale of six Lafayette class frigates to Taiwan in 1991 , in breach of the contract banning the use of intermediaries .

  3. 位于拉法叶街的公寓,杰。奈特的枪所击发的。

    By Jay knight 's gun from the Lafayette street apartment .

  4. 那你的车为什么会在拉法叶街?

    Then what was your car doing on Lafayette street ?

  5. 我们接到拉法叶饭店发生枪战。

    We have reports of gunfire at Lafayette hotel .

  6. 我老妹的小孩,来自拉法叶区她有一段不寻常的关系。

    My sister 's child . From Lafayette . She had an unfortunate adventure .

  7. 他的作品多写自己的家乡密西西比州拉法叶特郡的牛津镇。

    Faulkner wrote mostly about his hometown of Oxford , in Lafayette County . Miss .

  8. 位于印第安纳州的普渡大学西拉法叶校区的写作中心的老师们和学生一起学习提高写作水平。

    Teachers at the writing center at Purdue University in West Lafayette , Indiana work with students to improve their writing .

  9. 参加竞标这项庞大合同的其他机型是俄罗斯的米格35、法国的拉法叶、瑞典的“鹰狮”和欧洲战机“台风”。

    Others competing for the lucrative contract are Russia 's MiG 35 , France 's Rafale , Sweden 's Gripen and the Eurofighter Typhoon .

  10. 1999年,他们用400万美元,在苏豪区拉法叶特街(Lafayetter)买下了一套上下两层的顶层公寓,一直在那里住到现在。

    In 1999 , they paid $ 4 million for two penthouses ( an upstairs-downstairs ) on Lafayette Street in SoHo , where they remained .

  11. 前五名中的另外两所是普渡大学西拉法叶校区以及加州大学洛杉矶分校,哈佛大学则位列第六。

    Purdue University , in West Lafayette , Ind. , and the University of California , Los Angeles round out the top five , with Harvard coming in sixth .

  12. 普渡大学西拉法叶校区:根据普渡大学的一项最新研究,如果不是父母偏爱的子女,成年子女帮助母亲更容易使对方感受压力,而且母亲年纪越大,就越容易感到压力。

    WEST LAFAYETTE , Ind. - Older mothers are more likely to be stressed when they receive help from an adult child who is not their preferred caretaker , according to new research from Purdue University .