
  • 网络Angel of Light;AngelsofLight
  1. 撒但既然能以披着荣光的圣天使的样子出现在基督面前,在旷野中试探他,那么他就照样能以光明天使的形象,以那最动人的姿态,出现在人的面前。

    He who could appear clothed with the brightness of the heavenly seraphs before Christ in the wilderness of temptation , comes to men in the most attractive manner as an angel of light .

  2. 撒旦也装作光明的天使。

    Even Satan is transformed into an angel of light .

  3. 不用说,撒旦自己伪装成光明的天使

    And no wonder , for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light

  4. 或者,是那光明的天使,将自己伪装成黑暗的恶魔?

    Or , is it for the angel of light , masquerades itself as the demon of darkness ?

  5. 魔鬼一贯的做法,就是掩饰它的真面目并装作光明的天使。

    Yet the devil 's typical way of operating is to disguise himself and pretend he 's an angel of light .

  6. 撒旦会在其它的伪装下出现:光明的天使、吼叫的狮子、盗贼、控告弟兄的。

    Satan also comes in other guises : as an angel of light , as a roaring lion , a thief , and an accuser of the brethren .

  7. 昔年欢乐夜,景星放光明,众天使赞美不停。

    The stars glittered bright Throughout that glad night , And angels praised God in heaven .