
  • 网络macroalgae;marine macroalgae;Kelp
  1. 大型海藻类光合无机碳利用研究进展

    Progress in Studies on Photosynthetic Inorganic Carbon Utilization in Marine Macroalgae

  2. 高CO2浓度对大型海藻光合作用及有关过程的影响

    Effects of Elevated CO_2 Concentration on the Photosynthesis and Related Physiological Processes in Marine Macroalgae

  3. 大型海藻类除能利用CO2作为光合作用外在无机碳源外,许多大型海藻还能利用HCO3-作为光合作用外在碳源。

    Many macroalgae can use bicarbonate , aside from the molecule CO2 , as external inorganic carbon resource for photosynthesis .

  4. 大型海藻体内TN和TP含量及其对近海环境修复的意义

    Contents of TN , TP in macroalgae and its significance for remediation of coastal environment

  5. 潮间带大型海藻对UV-B辐射的生理响应及其种间竞争机制的研究

    Physiological Response of Several Intertidal Marine Macroalgae to UV-B Irradiation and Its Preliminary Mechanism of Interspecific Competition

  6. UV-B辐射对大型海藻鼠尾藻抗氧化酶活性及同工酶谱的影响

    Effect of UV-B Irradiation on the Activity and Isoforms of Antioxidant Enzymes in the Brown Alga Sargassum thunbergii ( Mert . ) O.Kuntze

  7. 日本对大型海藻发酵制取乙醇的研究

    Study on Ethanol Production by Fermentation of Marine Macroalgae in Japan

  8. 一种评价重金属污染对大型海藻毒性效应的新方法

    New method for evaluating toxicity of heavy metals on Marine Macroalgae

  9. 大型海藻多糖的改性及其作为皮肤再生材料的研究

    Modification of Seaweed Polysaccharide and Its Application in Wound Skin Regeneration

  10. 组织培养保存大型海藻种质的研究

    Studies on Tissue Culture for Seed Stock and Seedling of Marine Macroalgae

  11. 因此,世界上许多国家都在大力发展大型海藻栽培业。

    Seaweed cultivation industry has developed in many countries in the world .

  12. 大型海藻化感物质对短裸甲藻的抑制作用

    Inhibition Effect of Allelochemicals from Large Seaweeds on Gymnodinium Breve

  13. 因此,大型海藻被称为海洋环境中的生物过滤器。

    Therefore , macroalgae is regarded as a bio-filter in marine ecosystem .

  14. 大型海藻栽培及其在近海环境的生态作用

    Seaweed cultivation and its ecological roles in coastal waters

  15. 象山港海域中定点漂浮物的大型海藻演变

    Change of Macroalgae in Fixed Floats in Xiangshan Bay

  16. 大型海藻与海洋微藻间竞争研究进展

    Progress on the competition between macroalgae and microalgae

  17. 概述了大型海藻类光合作用无机碳利用近年来的研究进展。

    The recent progresses in studies on photosynthetic inorganic carbon utilization in marine macroalgae are reviewed .

  18. 作为大型海藻多糖的一员,琼脂糖因其良好的生物相容性越来越受到人们的关注。

    As one of the seaweed polysaccharide , agarose has drawn considerable interest for its biocompatibility .

  19. 大型海藻与赤潮微藻以及赤潮微藻之间的相互作用研究

    Effects of Macroalgae on Growth of 2 Species of Bloom Microalgae and Interactions Between These Microalgae in Laboratory Culture

  20. 海洋生态系统中的某些大型海藻能够产生化感物质抑制赤潮藻类的生长。

    In ocean ecosystem , some large seaweed are known to produce chemicals to inhibit the growth of microalgae .

  21. 以α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂筛选模型为基础,以大型海藻为研究对象,旨在发现海藻中能够预防与治疗糖尿病以及抗艾滋病的活性物质。

    The aim of this research is to find anti-diabetes and anti-HIV substances from macroalgae with cL-glucosidase as target .

  22. 大型海藻是在海洋中栽培的,主要是简单地把它们固定成行漂浮生长即可。

    Macro-algae ( seaweeds ) are cultivated at sea , mainly by simply tying them to anchored floating lines .

  23. 大型海藻孔石莼抑制浮游微藻生长的原因初探&种群密度及磷浓度的作用

    A Preliminary Study of the Suppression of Phytoplankton by Ulva pertusa : The Effects of Algal Density and Phosphorus Concentration

  24. 还根据海带的这种生理特征,探讨了大型海藻的养殖对富营养化海水的生态调控。

    At the same time , the paper also discussed ecological regulation and control utilizing aquacultural macroalgae to nutrient stress and eutrophication .

  25. 大型海藻发酵生产甲烷属生物质能,是一种碳中性的清洁能源,是重要的海洋生物碳汇。

    Methane , which can be produced on a large scale by fermentation of algae , is a biomass energy source and a carbon-neutral clean energy source .

  26. 综述了近10年来光生物反应器培养大型海藻细胞或组织在培养条件以及生长动力学模型方面国内外的研究进展,并对该领域未来可能的研究方向作一展望。

    The progress in this field during the last decade with focus on bioreactor cultivation parameters and growth kinetic models , and the future development were summarized .

  27. 大型海藻构成近岸水域初级生产力的主要部分,其光合作用与生长受到多种环境因子的影响。

    Macroalgae compose the important parts of primary production near the sea , and the photosynthesis and growth of which are affected by many kinds of environmental factors .

  28. 国内外学者普遍认为,养殖大型海藻是吸收、利用营养物质、净化水质和延缓水域富营养化的有效措施之一。

    Domestic and foreign scholars generally believe that large-scale seaweeds aquaculture is one of effective measures to absorb and utilize nutrients , purify water and delay eutrophication in seawater .

  29. 大型海藻养殖具有碳含量高、可计量、养殖过程可控制等优点,可以作为一种新型的碳汇产业。

    Eucheuma sp. , seaweed cultivation can be regarded as a new kind of carbon sink industry for its high carbon content , being quantifiable and controllable in the breeding process .

  30. 本文采用快速灵敏的比色法,对青岛沿海20种常见大型海藻的脂溶性提取物的酶抑制活性进行了初步筛选。

    Rapid colorimetric assays were used to detect inhibitors of a-Glucosidase , the organic solvent extracts of 20 species of algae collected from Qingdao coast were screened for the presence of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors .