
dà pái
  • major suit;important card ;famous or influential person
  1. 好莱坞的大牌影星们出席了那个舞会。

    The Ball was attended by the cream of Hollywood society .

  2. 大牌俱乐部对缓慢的进展越来越不耐烦了。

    The big clubs are becoming increasingly impatient at the rate of progress .

  3. 大牌珠宝商竞相邀约名人佩戴其名贵首饰。

    Big-name jewellers are battling it out to get celebrities to wear their bling .

  4. 在法国,大牌政客非社会精英阶层出身的几乎闻所未闻。

    It 's almost unheard of in France for a top politician not to come from the social elite .

  5. 整个夏天都有大牌演出!电话:232-6220。

    Big name shows all summer long ! Phone : 232-6220 .

  6. 由于中国顾客消费能力很强,中国人所消费的Burberry、LV、Gucci等大牌奢侈品占整个奢侈品行业销售额的三分之一。

    Due to strong purchasing power , products of luxury brands like Burberry , LV and Gucci bought by Chinese consumers account for one third of the total sales volume in the industry .

  7. 蓝色牛仔裤越来越步出时代的潮流,即使是李维斯(Levi's)和GAP这样的业界大牌也注意到了这一趋势。

    Blue jeans are increasingly going out of style , and even industry heavyweights like Levi 's and Gap are taking notice .

  8. 不少大牌媒体转载了博客Goode-Reader上的这则报道。

    A bunch of big media outlets picked up the report from the blog good e-reader .

  9. 《华盛顿邮报》(theWashingtonPost)、《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)、《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)等大牌报刊也会隔三岔五发几篇软文。

    Storied news organizations such as the Washington Post , Wall Street Journal and New York Times NYT have since taken the native plunge .

  10. 谁是当前NBA最大牌的球星呢?

    Who is the biggest star in the NBA ?

  11. 麦迪首战只得4分,全场出战15分钟5投1中,但NBA的大牌球星在季前赛都是这副德性。

    TM had4 points in15m , 1 of5.Most superstars are like this in preseason .

  12. C罗,这位毫无疑问的皇马头牌巨星,在去年夏天的间歇期中国巡回之旅的过程中,成为了聚光灯的焦点,风头完全盖过了众星云集的银河战舰中的其他大牌。

    Ronaldo , undoubtedly the face of Real Madrid , grabbed the spotlight during the team 's off-season promotion tour to China last summer , eclipsing other big names of the star-studded Los Blancos .

  13. 虽然高级管理层中拥有一名大牌CEO看似不错,可一旦CEO表现糟糕,后果就是伤不起。

    But having a big guy at the top is scant price to pay when you consider the wreckage that a bad CEO can inflict .

  14. 这位收藏家补充称:“如今,对于像汤姆克鲁斯(tomcruise)这样的大牌明星应如何出现在海报上,还有很多限制。”

    The collector adds : " there are also many restrictions on how big stars , like Tom Cruise , should appear on a poster . "

  15. 但豪泽博士担忧,只有硅谷大牌企业才能获取创建实用AI所需的那种水平的信息。

    But Dr Hauser was concerned that only Silicon Valley 's largest companies could access the level of information necessary to create functioning AI .

  16. 斯坦福大学、哥伦比亚大学(columbia)和耶鲁大学(yale)等大牌名校最近都重新设计了它们的课程,把这些积极元素注入其中。

    Big name schools such as Stanford , Columbia and Yale have all recently redrawn their curriculum to incorporate these pro-active elements .

  17. 在遭遇包括一系列好莱坞大牌公司在内的多家美国企业的压力后,美国佐治亚州州长内森•迪尔(NathanDeal)否决了一项有争议的宗教自由法案。

    Georgia 's governor has vetoed a contentious religious freedom bill viewed as anti-gay following pressure from US companies , including a host of Hollywood 's biggest names .

  18. 它也是开放手机联盟的代表系统,而这个开放手机联盟的成员则包括HTC、三星(Samsung)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等大牌厂商。

    It was the OS supporting the Open Handset Alliance , whose members included manufacturers like HTC , Samsung , and Motorola .

  19. 一些大牌公司在Azul设备上部署Web展现应用,因为我们能够提供高负载下的出色(平稳)响应时间。

    Some big name companies run their web-presence on Azul gear because we can give good ( flat ) response times on heavy loads .

  20. 根据瑞信(creditsuisse)的研究,该板块大牌公司的股价相对每股资产净值平均存在大约四分之一的折让,而长期的平均折让幅度为五分之二。

    Bigger names in the sector trade at an average discount to net asset value of about a quarter , compared with a two-fifths long-term average , according to Credit Suisse .

  21. 本周汇聚瑞士阿尔卑斯山的一些大牌经济学家悲观得令人瞩目,他们认为,本次调整的难度将大于IMF核心预测的预期。

    Some of the big name economists in the Swiss Alps this week are notably pessimistic , thinking this adjustment will be more difficult than the IMF central forecast expects .

  22. 今天,使用亚马逊网络服务的公司已有数十万家,其中不乏流媒体视频巨头Netflix、照片分享网站Instagram等大牌科技公司,甚至连美国国家航空航天局(NASA)也是亚马逊网络服务的客户。

    AWS powers hundreds of thousands of companies , including Netflix ( NFlx ) , instagram ( FB ) , and even NASA .

  23. 由于经纪与其大牌明星客户关系密切,因此与其它经纪公司一样,留住员工在icm也是一个关键问题。

    As in other agencies , staff retention is crucial at ICM because of the close relationships between agents and their superstar clients .

  24. 许许多多的初创企业都在专攻住宅自动化和住宅安全,同时谷歌(刚刚收购了Nest)等大牌企业也在悄悄地布局。

    So many startups are focusing on home automation and security , while big guns like Google ( which just bought Nest ) are quietly preparing their moves as well .

  25. 二公子罗密欧曾为时尚大牌巴宝莉(Burberry)拍摄圣诞节广告片,使该品牌营业额增长了15%。

    Younger brother Romeo meanwhile has fronted a Burberry Christmas campaign and was credited with driving a 15 % sales boost .

  26. 美国mba学生观点的急速变化,表明他们日益意识到,欧洲有一些世界一流的商学院,它们可以与美国的大牌美国商学院一争长短。

    This rapid change of view among American MBA students bore out their growing realisation that a handful of world-class business schools in Europe could compete with the big brand-name US schools .

  27. 除了为香奈儿,Fendi,巴宝莉等大牌站台以外,这位伦敦女性还参演了电影《X特遣队》和《镇纸》。

    In addition to fronting campaigns for the likes of Chanel , Fendi and Burberry , the Londoner has starred in films including Suicide Squad and Paper Towns .

  28. 中国曾希望这部电影能获得奥斯卡奖(Oscar)。该片由知名导演张艺谋执导,是首部请来好莱坞大牌明星出演主角的、中国国内出资拍摄的电影。

    China had been hoping for an Oscar for the film , directed by the celebrated Zhang Yimou and the first domestically-funded movie with a Hollywood star in the lead role .

  29. 1970年至1971年,英国拯救了濒临倒闭的罗尔斯罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce),并创造条件,使其成为飞机发动机制造领域的国际大牌企业。

    The UK rescued a failing Rolls-Royce in 1970-71 , creating the conditions for it to become an international champion in aircraft engine manufacture .

  30. 去年,贾斯汀•比伯(JustinBieber)、凯蒂•佩里(KatyPerry)和凯莉•米洛(KylieMinogue)等大牌明星都曾在印尼顺利举办演出。

    In the past year , top names such as Justin Bieber , Katy Perry and Kylie Minogue have performed in Indonesia without incident .