
dà jià ɡuānɡ lín
  • 熟语gracious presence
  1. 很高兴看到你已决定大驾光临!

    I 'm glad to see that you 've decided to honour us with your presence !

  2. 很高兴董事会能大驾光临。

    Always a pleasure to have our board of directors visit .

  3. 苏菲,你的大驾光临真是始料未及啊

    Sophie , I 'm surprised to see you in here .

  4. 她父亲常会冷不防大驾光临,让人大吃一惊。

    Her father would make a sudden , startling entrance .

  5. 我们期待着您今晚大驾光临。

    We look forward to having you with us tonight .

  6. 今晚您大驾光临使我万分荣幸。

    It is a great pleasure to welcome your lordship this evening .

  7. 你大驾光临能帮助不少。

    Lf you could attend , it would give us such a boost .

  8. 天目湖乡俱乐部热忱地恭候您的大驾光临!

    Tianmu Lake Country Club awaits respectively your presence !

  9. 我该准备奶酪盘,恭候国税局大驾光临了吗

    Should I just put the cheese plate out for the IRS now ?

  10. 她经常坐着轻便小马车大驾光临我的寒含

    to drive by my humble dwelling in her little phaeton and ponies .

  11. 女士们先生们,欢迎各位大驾光临。

    Ladies and gentlemen , I 'd like to welcome you all here today .

  12. 我打开门,原来是汤姆大驾光临。

    I opened the door , and there was Tom as big as life .

  13. 您大驾光临使场面生辉。

    To grace the occasion with your presence .

  14. 一年一度的圣诞节刚刚大驾光临了

    Christmas comes but once a year , and I think it just did .

  15. 卡洛琳,感谢您大驾光临

    Caroline , thank you for coming .

  16. 这两款中国的新年时菜寓意“所有的好事双双大驾光临”。

    These two favorites in Chinese cuisine show that good things really do come in pairs .

  17. 女王陛下主人正在客厅等候您的大驾光临我这就去为您通报

    Majesty ! My lord is expecting you in the parlor . Shall I announce you ?

  18. 但她还是精心地准备了另一桌饭菜,期待着上帝的大驾光临。

    Nonetheless , she lovingly prepared another meal and sat to await the arrival of the Almighty .

  19. 贝丝:十点钟可以。我期待他周五大驾光临。

    Ryan : He was hoping to get together at the end of this week , if possible .

  20. 当董事长大驾光临我们办公室时,他期望全体职员向他献媚。

    The Chairman expects the entire staff to dance attendance on him when he designs to visit our office .

  21. 感谢您大驾光临,当我还是亿万富翁的时候,别人常对我说

    Thank me for coming , that 's what people did all the time when I was a billionaire .

  22. 由布里特尔斯带头,在场的女士先生们大都低声咕哝了几句,对凯尔司先生大驾光临表示领情。

    Brittles headed a low murmur , by which the ladies and gentlemen generally were understood to express the gratification they derived from Mr.

  23. 如此严阵以待,是因为孤儿院的董事大人们在这一天会大驾光临。

    All of this preparation was to get ready for the visit of the Trustees of the orphanage which always fell on this day .

  24. 肯尼迪家族、艾森豪威尔家族、杜鲁门?卡波特、萨默塞特?毛姆和“几乎每一位著名的欧洲王室成员及女性王位继承人”在大驾光临曼谷时,无一例外都前往吉姆的住所与他共进晚餐。

    The Kennedys , the Eisenhowers , Truman Capote , Somerset Maugham and " nearly every prominent royal or heiress in Europe " ; they all came to dinner chez Jim when they graced Bangkok .